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Without a cause, bruises on the legs appear, what should I do?

Bruises on the legs may appear unexpectedly. And not necessarily because of strokes, when the subcutaneous capillaries are damaged. Bruises sometimes appear on their feet, even if a person does not hurt himself. And most often on such cases women complain. And the age and composition of the role does not play. Bruises on the legs without a reason in women first appear on a thin and delicate skin.

Bruises on the legs - is it worth worrying?

Of course, most often bruises emerge from attacks on solid objects or as a result of a fall. For example, in ice. But what to do, when there are bruises on the legs without a reason , right down to the hematoma? If this phenomenon has become permanent - it is best to consult a doctor. Most of the bruises appear on the legs, because exactly in them the blood circulation is most slowed. But there are a number of diseases in which bruises appear. They can be determined only by doctors, so it is not worthwhile to delay visits to them.

Causes of bruises on legs

A bruise appears so simply, from nowhere, can not. There must be reasons for this. Only not external (for example, because of the impact), but internal. The body may lack the right substances, or vice versa, there is a large overabundance. When there are bruises on the legs, the cause may be due to a lack of blood in the selenium, calcium and cobalt. Sometimes cyanotic spots appear due to sepsis, asphyxia or when the tissues are undercooled.

Why do bruises appear on the legs after taking some medications? For example, aspirin. And the reason lies in the fact that it slows down the coagulability of the blood and promotes subcutaneous hemorrhages. And if the capillaries in the legs are weak, then this will speed up the appearance of bruises. The same action can have "Naproksen", "Ibuprofen" and other types of analgesics.

If there are bruises on the legs without a reason, then this is possible because of a lack of vitamin C in the body. It is he who is responsible for the strength of the capillaries. To replenish it enough daily, after dinner, to drink a little lemon juice diluted with water. Only half the fruit is enough. Lemon is squeezed into a glass and water is added there.

Also, the appearance of bruises leads to a deficiency of vitamin K. Thanks to him, the body maintains normal blood coagulability. If vitamin K is not enough, then subcutaneous hemorrhage (hypovitaminosis) is observed. Most vitamins are not enough after the winter, when the body is exhausted. To replenish them, you just need to add broccoli or Brussels sprouts to food. Or contact a doctor who prescribes vitamin complexes after the results of the tests.

Diseases in which bruises on the legs may appear

Bruises on the feet are often formed even with genetic diseases. In this case, a person begins to avoid injuries from childhood. And the sudden appearance of hematomas for him is already a familiar phenomenon. There are a number of diseases in which bruises on the legs can appear and without visible damage:

  • Bad coagulability of blood.
  • Varicose veins (a bruise on a vein on the leg appears most often in people working standing all day). Therefore, small sessile breaks are mandatory for them. The muscles relax, and the blood flow in the legs becomes active.
  • Various diseases of the blood. For example, hemophilia, tamocytopenia, etc.
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Manifestation of erythema nodosum.
  • Increased fragility of blood vessels.

The most common causes of bruising on the legs

Bruises can suddenly appear with abnormal or abnormal diet or vitamin deficiency. Often, with a sharp loss of weight, stress, overwork, that is, any negative effects on the nervous system.

Bruises on the legs without a cause in women, Breastfeeding appear if The body is greatly weakened. Often, the appearance of hematomas contributes to a violation of the hormonal background, a lack of calcium or a sick liver. If the bruises appear after the injections, the blame, most likely, the bad coagulability of the blood.

How to prevent the appearance of bruises on the legs?

When there are bruises on the legs without a reason, it can be a warning about a serious illness. Therefore, it is worthwhile to worry about your health in advance. To do this, you just need to play sports, use stairs instead of elevators, ride a bike, ski. Do foot massage.

In the diet must include apricots, carrots, kiwi and all citrus fruits. It is very good to take contrast baths. In this case, the vessels are markedly strengthened. The procedure is best done in the evenings. After dousing, you need to use ointments and take a complex of vitamins.

In pharmacies, you can buy special ointments containing vitamin K. They need to be rubbed twice a day to prevent the appearance of bruises, but if they already appeared, then three times.

"Bromelain" is taken between meals of 150 mg. This enzyme is extracted from pineapples and promotes the breakdown of proteins. "Arnica" is taken for the prevention of bruises - 1 dose each. The first three days you can drink it twice a day with breaks of 4 hours.

What kind of treatment is necessary, if there are bruises on the legs without a reason

Massage can help and already with the appearance of bruises on the legs. A day is enough for him to find only 15-20 minutes. A moisturizing cream is applied to the skin. Massage begins to do from the toes to the heel, then to the lower leg and thighs.

Heparin ointment is a very effective remedy for bruising. It includes a component that dilutes blood at the site of blueing. In pharmacies, you can also buy grass-badyag. Sold in the form of powder. How to take it - indicated in the instructions.

A good remedy against bruises - lead lotions. They perfectly help to resolve blue spots and bruises. Among the ointments, "Indovazin", "Troxevasin" and "Rescuer" have proved themselves well.

How to get rid of bruises on your feet folk ways

There are many folk methods for the treatment of bruises. One of the simplest is available to everyone. It will take salt and onions. It must first be rubbed on a large grater. Then it mixes with a tablespoon of salt. The mixture is spread in gauze and is applied to bruises. Keep it for 10 minutes. Enough 2-3 times a day.

Potato starch is mixed with water until thick and applied to bruises for half an hour. In a couple of days, blueing goes on. You can use salt and vinegar. This recipe is suitable for those who do not tolerate the smell of onions, or if there is no starch in the house. Take 250 g of vinegar and it is diluted 1 tsp salt. In the resulting solution, wet the cotton wool and apply to bruises for half an hour twice a day.

How to get rid of bruises on your legs quickly and effectively? Take alcohol tincture of propolis and castor oil. They are mixed and applied to the blue places in the form of a compress.

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