
Prevention and treatment of corns

From wearing incorrectly picked up shoes or using any tool, if you talk about your hands, thickenings appear on the skin. They can look like hard, cornified areas called dry calluses, or, like lymph-containing corn bubbles, or wet calluses. In this or that case, this is not only an ugly cosmetic defect, but often a painful sensation when moving. Therefore, how to cure corn, and most importantly, how to do it right, you need to know everyone.

In the course of our vital activity, the corroded areas sweat and undergo mechanical action, as a result of which the upper shell of the callus ruptures. This leads to more serious consequences. An open wound forms, which can get dirt, causing inflammation and suppuration.

In serious situations, treatment of calluses should begin with a visit to a dermatologist. It will disinfect the damaged surface and impose a sterile bandage. If the situation does not cause fear, the treatment can be carried out at home.

How to cure corn if it is dry and hard? To begin with, it needs to be softened well. And for this, the bath with a warm broth from medicinal herbs is the best. You can use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, here add a few spoons of baking soda and olive oil. It is necessary to steam the corn for at least fifteen minutes. Then you can remove it with a scrub, and rub the coarser pumice.

Treatment of calluses must be combined with the use of a special, impregnated antiseptic compound, patch. He will protect the wound from getting dirt and dust, relieve pain and help soften the horny layer.

How to cure calluses, if they are rather rude and old? With such a skin built-up it's hard to cope on your own. In addition, it can be the effects of fungus or an enlarged cutaneous wart. In such cases, an appeal to a specialist will help to make an accurate diagnosis. There is a special apparatus with which to cut and drill corns, as well as treatment with liquid nitrogen. After these manipulations, corn disappears forever.

At home, treatment of corns can be carried out with massage with vegetable oil. Do it for ten minutes, and then put on a night cake of fat and propolis. Soon the corn will become noticeably softer, and after a while it will disappear altogether. Traditional healers are advised to apply a lemon crust, but only without pulp. Apply it to the corn after steaming and leave overnight. In the morning, having removed the crust, the leg should be again steamed and rubbed with a pumice stone. In three days it will disappear.

And that no longer had to think about how to cure calluses, it is necessary to observe a number of simple rules. Most often corn appears on damp skin, so choose socks made from natural, absorbent materials. Contrary to fashion, it is recommended to wear them seams outside, in order to avoid additional rubbing. Socks should fit snugly, without forming a crease. They need to be changed every day, and if the walks are quite long, even more often.

These recommendations apply to the choice of shoes. It should be comfortable, made only of natural materials and fit your leg well. If you are uncomfortable with the fitting in the store, you need to cancel the purchase without regret. After wearing such shoes, you will definitely need callus treatment. To prevent their appearance, you can drop a little petrolatum on the prone area of the calluses, and also taking a protective plaster with you for a walk. To protect your hands, always use gloves, and to reduce friction - talc.

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