
What kind of doctors are there in 1 month? Newborn's physical examination in the first month of life

Immediately after the birth of the baby, he is examined by pediatricians, neurologists and neonatologists. This is necessary for all children. At this stage of life, doctors pay attention to the reflexes and skills of crumbs. After discharge from the maternity ward, all the documents for your child are transferred to the children's polyclinic. It is here during the next years and will be monitored for the baby. Many mothers are worried about the question of which doctors are given in 1 month of newborns. After all, it is at this age that the first campaign in a medical institution is carried out.

This article will tell you about how the medical examination takes place in the 1st month. What kind of doctors to go through will be described further. Also you will learn the basic nuances of such medical manipulations.

Newborn's physical examination in the first month of life

What kind of doctors go to a child in 1 month, the health nurse always tells us. Before going to the polyclinic, the baby should be examined at least twice at your home. In most cases, the doctor visits a small patient in the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital. After 2-3 weeks, the visit is made by a nurse. It is she who talks about the need to pass these or other doctors.

It is worth noting that both health workers should examine the child. The doctor with the help of a stethoscope listens to the lungs and the heart. The nurse examines the skin, reflexes and skills of crumbs. In addition, patronage marks the living conditions in which the child resides. If the newly-made parents have any questions, then the doctors always give answers and help them with advice.

What doctors need to take place in 1 month?

So, your baby went to the fifth week from birth. It's time for some experts. To begin with it is worth to visit a pediatrician or go to a nurse. She will write you the necessary directions for the examination. If your clinic provides for the issuance of coupons, then you need to take care of their receipt in advance.

What doctors need to go through in 1 month, completely depends on your baby. For a healthy child, it will be a neurologist, a surgeon, an orthopedist, an oculist and a pediatrician. You will also have to take tests and visit the vaccine room. When the crumbs have congenital pathologies, the list of specialists can expand. Let's try to figure out how the medical examination of the child passes in the first month of life.

Surgery room

What kind of doctors are there in 1 month? One of the first in the list of specialists is a surgeon. A doctor always examines a naked child. That's why you need to bring a diaper with you.

The doctor examines the skin. They should be clean. After that, the surgeon probes the lymph nodes of the baby in the armpits, in the groin, on the neck and the back of the head. There should be no increase in these areas. Further, the stomach is probed. It should be soft and painless. However, many children at this age have intestinal colic. This is noted in the map, but, as a rule, is not considered a dangerous pathology.


What kind of doctors are there in 1 month? The child must necessarily show the orthopedist. Also, the doctor prescribes to all children an ultrasound examination of the hip joints. Depending on the work of the clinic, diagnostics can be performed directly by an orthopedist or other specialist. However, you need to go to the doctor's office with the result of the study.

The orthopedist examines the legs and pelvis of the baby. Limbs should be of the same length. The feet are also evaluated in the setting. However, at this age, this indicator does not focus attention. Inspection of the orthopedist is necessary in order to exclude dysplasia of the hip joints. It is this pathology that often occurs in newborn babies.

Neurology room

What doctors are in 1 month yet? Not the last place in this list is occupied by the neurologist. Before going to the doctor, you need to make an ultrasound of the head, which is called neurosonography. This study allows you to assess the blood flow of the brain and note possible pathologies.

The neurologist estimates the motor activity of the baby. Also the doctor checks the reflexes. Quite often neurologists prescribe a kind of treatment for children. For some babies it is really necessary. Do not refuse correction, because the lack of treatment can lead to serious pathologies in the future.

The ophthalmologist

Still what doctors pass or take place in 1 month? The oculist is on the mandatory list. Of course, the baby can not yet name the letters and thereby show their vision. However, the doctor can measure the cranial eye pressure and examine the organs of vision.

Some babies have problems with their eyes after birth. There are such pathologies as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis and so on. It is these diseases the doctor can identify at an early stage of development. Timely correction will help to avoid vision problems in the future.

Vaccine and first vaccine in the polyclinic

If your child was vaccinated in a maternity hospital, then one more month is needed. This is a vaccine against hepatitis. The drug is injected into the muscle of the baby. For this, the shin is mostly chosen.

Remember that before the vaccination it is necessary to visit the pediatrician and get a permit. The doctor must measure the temperature of the crumb, examine his throat and listen to the lungs. Vaccination is done only when the baby is completely healthy.

Additional diagnostics of the health of a newborn child

What kind of specialists still need to go with a month old baby? All the children need to check the ears without fail. For this, a special ultrasonic device is used. The instrument is guided in the ear of the crumb and is reflected from the eardrum. This device allows you to identify deafness in your baby in the first month of life.

Also a crumb in one month you need to do an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. It will allow to evaluate the work of organs and exclude possible pathologies. Diagnosis is performed strictly on an empty stomach. Before the test, you can not feed the baby for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the result will be distorted.

Blood and urine tests are also performed at the age of one month. At the same time you can collect any portion of urine, it is not necessary to use the morning portion. Remember that the crumb should be washed before taking the material. Use for convenience urinal. Blood can also be taken after a meal. Surely a child at this age eats exclusively breast milk or an adapted mixture.


You became aware of what doctors need to go with the baby in the first month of life. Remember that such studies help to identify pathologies and begin their correction as early as possible. Never refuse to go to a children's polyclinic. Regularly undergo examinations and follow the recommendations received. Also try to adhere to the established terms of vaccination. This approach will help you avoid health problems in your baby. If you have any questions, please contact your local pediatrician. Health to your child and proper development!

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