
How to improve memory and brain function. Games for training memory. Vitamins that improve memory

Life often confronts us with the situation when it is necessary to mobilize all the reserves of the brain. Preparing for the exam session, moving to a new job, the need to learn new skills and memorize a lot of faces and names - in these cases, a good memory will come at an opportune time. Unfortunately, under stress, the brain experiences a colossal load and is less intelligent. How to improve the memory and brain work to overcome a difficult life situation?

Short-term improvement of brain activity

In the event that you perform any mental work - writing an essay, a course paper or preparing for an oral examination, - the brain gets tired of an unusually high load. The effectiveness of his work is reduced, perception, storage and processing of information worsen. A number of simple tricks will help to restore working capacity.


It's no secret that oxygen is needed first for metabolism. Usually a person is engaged in mental work, sitting indoors. And he may not notice that it was stuffy, and he sat motionless for more than one hour. Improve breathing exercises to improve memory and brain function. They will not only saturate the blood with oxygen, but also relieve nervous tension.

  • Ventilate the room.
  • Rise smoothly, relax the muscles of the arms and legs, shake your head.
  • Take a deep, slow breath through your nose. In this case, fill the air first with the stomach, then with the chest.
  • For a couple of seconds, hold your breath at the top of the inspiration.
  • Slowly exhale through slightly compressed lips. Also, first exhale all the air from the stomach, then from the chest.
  • Repeat the cycle 10-20 times. Try to ensure that each subsequent inhalation-exhalation is longer than the previous one in time.


The brain is tired of the monotony of the situation. Psychologists recommend every hour to do a small (5-10 minutes) "switching", having changed the occupation. It will perfectly help to relax a simple charge, warm-up for hands and spine. If you work at home, you can include pleasant music and dance for 5 minutes. If in the office - leave for a while from the office, take a walk to another floor or to the street and back.

Now about smoking. Anyone who seriously desires to help his brain, should know that nicotine is the most destructive poison for the vessels of the brain. If you can not get rid of bad habits, do not smoke at least while doing mental work. The same applies to alcohol. Using alcohol, you kill brain cells and poison it with poisonous substances.

Green tea

Products that improve memory, we'll discuss in more detail below. And now we will stop on green tea. This is an affordable remedy for relieving stress and saturating the body with micronutrients during the working day. A cup of green tea relieves fatigue and stimulates the brain for further work.

Laughter and communication

Improve memory and brain function will help ordinary laughter. Everyone knows that it prolongs life. In addition, it relieves tension and makes various zones of the brain work. As a result, you relax, blood circulation improves, the focus of excitement in the cerebral cortex becomes calmer. Communication with colleagues and friends is also good for short-term memory .

If the deterioration of memory is of a lasting nature, then it is worth taking up your health seriously.

Long-term improvement of the brain

Do not rush to buy drugs for the brain, if you find that memory often fails. First, help your body with non-medicament methods.

Expensive vitamins that improve memory can be found in the simplest foods.

Healthy food

We are what we eat. The brain will not react to tablets if it does not have the necessary "building blocks". There are products that improve memory, but there are those that affect it negatively. Fast food, foods high in sugar and other refined carbohydrates, coffee - such food clogs the blood vessels of the brain and slows down its work, significantly worsening memory.

Useful substances and vitamins for the brain are contained in the following products.

  • Walnut, red fish, mackerel, seeds, legumes, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli. Among other things, they found a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for transferring neural impulses to the cerebral cortex, and also contribute to improving blood supply to the brain.
  • Nuts - they contain a lot of magnesium.
  • Blueberry.
  • Fresh vegetables, such as cauliflower, spinach and broccoli, contain a significant amount of choline. It helps restore neurons and is especially useful for older people.
  • Grapes, cranberries, berries contain the substance resveratrol, which improves the blood supply to the brain.
  • Complex carbohydrates provide the necessary energy throughout the day. They are contained in bread from wholemeal flour, oatmeal and other high-fiber flakes, in peas, beans and other legumes.

Drugstores that improve memory usually contain the same trace elements and vitamins as natural products.

Proper nutrition implies proper water intake. The brain, as a vital organ, suffers less than the rest from chronic dehydration, but if something is wrong with the body, it is difficult to expect from it an impeccable job. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water daily.

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Sleep is very important for the whole body, but the brain suffers especially from its absence. During sleep in our head, there are many processes aimed at recharging brain activity, improving memory and increasing creativity. It is very important not only the quantity, but also the quality of the rest. For a full recovery, the brain must reach a deep stage of sleep. Improve the memory and work of the brain will help to comply with the basic rules.

  • The place for sleep should be comfortable and comfortable. Cushion - not too high, so as not to clamp the blood vessels supplying the head with blood.
  • Sleep with an open window or ventilate the room well at night.
  • Sleep in total darkness. Before going to bed turn off all sources of EMR (TV, phone, computer, etc.) in the room.
  • Half an hour before sleep is not recommended to watch TV, work on a computer, read. Make a complex of relaxing exercises, take a shower or take a short walk. You can sort things out, prepare for tomorrow. The main thing is to calm the activity of the brain so that it gradually goes into sleep in a relaxed state. Very useful before going to bed meditate or engage in auto-training.
  • The duration of sleep is individual. For those who do not get enough sleep, at least 8 hours of sleep are recommended. On weekends, allow yourself to rest for 1-2 hours more. But do not sleep too long - it knocks the body out of the rut.

Physical Education

In a healthy body healthy mind. This is more true of brain activity. No wonder many of the great antiquity scholars were also Olympic champions. Do exercise at least three times a week, and do morning exercise every day. Strengthening the vascular system has a very positive effect on improving memory. In addition, during sports activities a hormone of pleasure and substances that stimulate the development of new neurons are released.


Yoga and meditation are wonderful and generally available tools that improve memory. Everyone can learn simple meditation. On the strength of its impact on the brain, it is equal to a full sleep.

  • Choose a quiet, pleasant place, preferably in nature.
  • Sit in a comfortable pose, close your eyes, relax your body muscles.
  • Quietly breathe through your nose. Concentrate on inspiration and exhalation, feel how the air moves through the nasal cavity, the nasopharynx, fills the lungs.
  • Gradually bring attention to the body, trying to feel all of its parts simultaneously, as a whole.
  • Then you can concentrate first on sounds coming from outside, then on smells. The point is that, at the moment of meditation, you should not think about anything other than the object of concentration.


All games for memory training are based on memorizing something new. Also an excellent way to strengthen the work of the brain is to learn a foreign language, learn knitting, study a musical instrument or learn culinary recipes. Psychologists recommend the following techniques for improving memory at any age.

  • Write with your left hand a few lines a day, if you are right handed.
  • Try to walk around the house with your eyes closed, perform simple actions, focusing on other senses.
  • Look at the unfamiliar drawing for a few seconds, then turn away and write down or list the details depicted on it.
  • Take the pencils in both hands. Simultaneously draw to them different figures: for example, the left hand draws a circle, and the right hand draws a circle.

Very common games for memory training are puzzles, tasks with matches, solving crossword puzzles. Perfectly develop thinking and train brain activity chess.

Do not rush to take pills that improve memory. Remember the necessary amount of information will help you mnemonics - a series of techniques that involve imaginative thinking.

  • If necessary, remember the name and surname, associate them with somehow or previously familiar to you people.
  • Long numbers are divided into groups of three to four digits. Figures can be written in memory with fiery ink or correlated with any subject by constructing a visual image.
  • The shopping list is easy to remember by placing items on a route that is familiar to you, in a room or pockets of clothing. For example, put the bread on the sofa, put the milk on the table, place the onion at the pot with the flower and so on.
  • Remembering new information, relate it to knowledge you already know. Also memorable is that which surprises or evokes strong emotions: disgust or admiration.
  • To fix the studied material, repeat it the next day, so that a "record" in the long-term memory has occurred.


Some chemicals are very important for memory. Preparations containing omega-3 fatty acids are recommended by doctors to improve brain function. Also favorably affect mental performance:

  • Vitamins of group B - B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12.
  • Vitamin D, E and P (bioflavonoids).

It is advisable to drink vitamin complexes with the addition of Omega-3 capsule.

Such vitamins for the brain will play the role of natural stimulants.


Sometimes one of the exercises and vitamins can not do. In case of serious memory disorders, doctors prescribe medications for the brain. Most of them are nootropic drugs.

  • "Piracetam". Improves metabolism in the brain.
  • "Aminalon". Stimulates the absorption of glucose and the removal of metabolic products from the brain, increases resistance to a lack of oxygen.
  • "Fenibut". Stimulates blood circulation and normalizes the tone of blood vessels in the cerebral cortex.

These drugs, improving memory, are prescribed by the doctor for severe brain disorders: strokes, depression, anxiety, with problems with blood circulation, to restore speech. They can have side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, seizures, insomnia, dyspepsia and blood pressure disorders. Therefore, one should not take them without consulting a therapist. In addition, serious memory impairments may require prolonged examination and inpatient treatment.

For a mild effect on the cerebral cortex, you can drink an amino acid, which is found in green fruits and vegetables.

  • "Glycine". Regular intake of this amino acid in tablets reduces irritability, increases efficiency, normalizes sleep. Has minimal side effects in the form of individual intolerance (allergies).

Specialists say that after thirty years the perception of new information is significantly worsened, and memory is weakened in the period of 40-50 years. To keep the thinking clear until old age, you should eat right, load the brain with information or learn new skills. A big connection is between the active activity of the fingers and the work of the cerebral cortex. As you can see from the article, there are many simple exercises for memory. Drugs that improve brain activity, should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

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