Technologies, Connectivity
How to call Sevastopol by mobile?
Everyone knows that the Crimea peninsula after the referendum, held on March 16, 2014, became part of the Russian Federation. A lot of global changes had to endure the peninsula. Reorganization is still necessary ... Communication is one of the main aspects. Transformations at this level are particularly sensitive.
Connection with the Russian Sevastopol and Crimea
In the Crimea, there are already new telephone codes. To get through to the Crimeans, you need to dial the common code and phone number of the subscriber. Making a call from a landline phone is via code 8-365, and from a mobile phone + 7-365. But if you talk about how to call Sevastopol, then it should be noted that there is another code here - 869. Instead of six figures, now you need to enter seven.
The postal coordinates also changed. We are talking about indexes: to the previous combination of figures, two was added at the beginning. If the code was, say, 12345, now it's 212345.
Disconnecting Communication
It's easy to guess that alarmed people rushed to the services in the morning to buy a Russian SIM-card and created a sell-out queue. Surprisingly, everyone was warned in advance that the connection would be disabled. Many switched to a Russian operator in early summer, when the cards were only delivered. Some naively believed that their current numbers would acquire a different kind (the combination of +7 instead of +380), but no one thought that it was impossible for technical reasons.
Is your own operator a myth or a reality?
It is worth noting an interesting fact. At the end of May, the acting head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, said that the authorities of the peninsula are considering the probability that the Crimea will have its own mobile operator. More precisely, a plan was being prepared to implement this undertaking. This idea could be successful, since the mobile market of the entire peninsula is about three million people. But one thing can be stated with certainty: without communication Crimea will not remain, and how to call Sevastopol, you can not worry - the problem has already been resolved.
Mobile systems of Russia in the city of the hero
Call from Russia to Sevastopol from any number, but you need to clarify something. On the peninsula is still the only tariff. Now people are spontaneously buying up MTS cards. The tariff is very profitable: the account already has 50 rubles, the card costs the same. Almost free! By the way, one SIM card can be purchased for one passport. Calls in the Crimea and in the cities of the Krasnodar Territory are absolutely free, if the total duration of the conversation does not exceed 20 minutes. If the subscriber slanders more, then his account debits 1.5 rubles, and that means that you can talk for a hundred minutes. In the event that a hundred minutes will be spent, then 3 rubles will be written off, and the number of minutes will double.
Calling Sevastopol from Moscow costs more, because the distance between the cities is rather big. 3 rubles per minute - this is the tariff plan. Touching the question of how to call Sevastopol, it is worth noting that if a subscriber has a different tariff, the price for a call will be more than 9 rubles per minute. But because of the location of the regions, this is entirely justified.
In general, calls to Sevastopol from Russia are carried out exactly the same as in other cities: dial +7, and then the subscriber's number. Most Crimeans have rooms starting at +797, which can be considered a distinctive feature of the Crimean connection.
Special services
If you talk about how to call Sevastopol, then it should be noted that MTS offers the connection of a profitable service called "Calls for free at MTS Russia 100". After activation, the subscriber is credited with 200 minutes. This number of minutes will come to the number daily. Of these, one hundred will go to calls in the Krasnodar Territory, Sevastopol and the Crimea, and a hundred more - calls to other Russian regions. The subscription fee is 1.5 rubles per day. A month comes out 45 rubles, not so much, agree? For comparison: before 25 days of using the package "Super-MTS Ukraine" cost 40 hryvnia. If you translate into rubles, then it turned out about 120 rubles, and this is two and a half months of using the tariff "Calls for free at MTS Russia 100".
It is not surprising that subscribers, who were previously outraged by the high cost of Russian communications, were satisfied. True, some still can not figure out the tariff plan, but if you do not want to spend a lot of money, you can turn off some services for which you will not withdraw funds. In general, the quality of communication, and the prices that are set for this service, the Crimeans are quite satisfied.
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