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What is chilim: useful properties and application

Now very few people know what chilim is. But earlier this water plant was very popular. Chilim was used both for food and as a remedy. Wide distribution of a water nut and its pleasant taste promoted that it was on sale everywhere and was loved by many.

What is chilim

On many lakes and ponds in the middle zone you can find beautiful rosettes of carved leaves floating on the surface. This chilim - a water nut. It grows in such a bizarre way. The plant clings to the bottom with last year's nut, as an anchor. He likes chilym only standing shallow water. If the level rises, it breaks off from the bottom and floats freely.

Chilim refers to the relict plants, widespread in ancient times. It is called in different ways: a rosemary, a water chestnut or a fucked nut. Why so called the Chilim? The photo will help to understand this: the nut has curled spikes, similar to horns.

Useful properties of a water-nut

In addition to the high taste and nutritional properties of the water nut, it is very useful. All parts of the plant can be used for food and for treatment. The fruit itself contains a lot of protein, carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, mineral salts, flavonoids, vitamins and fiber. What is chilim, very few people know, but from this nut is extracted trapazid - the main active substance of drugs from atherosclerosis. In addition, the rosemary has such a beneficial effect on the body:

  • Relieves spasms and regulates the functioning of the bladder;
  • Increases working capacity and relieves fatigue;
  • Destroys bacteria and viruses;
  • Prevents the development of tumors.

Application of chilim

The walnut is very nutritious and tasty. It is easy to dig it, so this plant used to often save people from hunger. What is chilim in cooking? A nut can be eaten raw. But most often it is boiled, fried or baked. From it prepare flour and cereals, add to different dishes.

In addition, as in antiquity, now chilim is widely used in folk medicine. Applied as its fruits, and other parts of the plant. At what diseases is the chillim nut useful?

  • With atherosclerosis.
  • With kidney diseases.
  • With dyspeptic disorders, including dysentery.
  • With impotence.
  • As a restorative.

Widely used is also the fresh juice of the leaves of chilima. He treats eye diseases, inflammatory gynecological diseases. Effectively removes itching and swelling after insect bites. You can rinse your throat and mouth with viral diseases, tonsillitis and stomatitis.

Recipes based on this plant

As a fortifying agent, and also in order to raise immunity and regain strength after a serious illness, it is better to eat the fruits of chilima. But the leaves and flowers of the plant are also very useful. You can use them this way:

  • 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs pour a glass of boiling water and insist for at least an hour;
  • From fresh leaves squeeze out the juice and dilute with boiled water: if for internal use, then 1:10, and for outdoor - 1: 3;
  • You can also make a tincture of nuts on vodka to cleanse the vessels.

This interesting plant is often used as souvenirs. Dried and varnished fruits look beautiful.

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