Food and drinkBeverages

We prepare the melted milk ourselves

Gherten milk is an originally Slavic drink, which in the world has no analogues. The product resembling melted milk is in the Turkic nationalities, they prepare from it a national drink - katik. However, the technology of making these drinks is very different. To make a katyk, the billet undergoes a prolonged boiling, as a result of which it acquires the necessary concentration and taste. When preparing a product such as melted milk, long heating is used, that is, heating without boiling.

Whipped milk is a delicious drink of a light beige shade with specific organoleptic qualities. In Russia, this product was prepared in a Russian oven, soaking up boiled milk there for a day. Processed milk in this way, not only acquires a special taste, but also keeps the freshness longer. In addition, based on melted milk, you can cook many different tasty dishes.

Creamed milk is a useful product, in it, thanks to the evaporation of excess fluid, contains more vitamin A, as well as calcium and iron than in plain milk. Therefore, this product can be recommended for the nutrition of children and pregnant women. The only contraindication to consuming baked milk is lactose deficiency and an allergy to dairy products.

Currently, melted milk is cooked at dairies. The production process is as follows: pasteurized whole milk is placed in closed containers, where they stand for several hours with constant stirring and a temperature of about 95 degrees.

There may be a question, but how to make melted milk at home? It must be said that there are many recipes for preparing this tasty drink. To do this, use modern kitchen appliances - an oven or a multi-bar. However, there is a lightweight recipe for baked milk Using a thermos.

In the latter case, milk (preferably a homemade or simply a high-fat product) is brought to a boil and hot poured into a thermos bottle. After 12 hours of exposure, melted milk is ready. To prepare a drink using this method, you need a thermos with good thermal insulation. In order to keep the temperature better, you can also wrap it in a warm blanket.

But it is better to cook melted milk in the oven, although this process is more troublesome and requires periodic monitoring. To make a drink with this recipe, you need to boil the milk on the stove, then pour it into a clay pot and put it in a preheated oven to 80-100 degrees. The milk should be thawed for 6-8 hours, regularly checking its condition and using a spoon, immersing the formed foam to the bottom of the dishes. Thanks to this operation, the milk will acquire a beautiful color, and the tasty top crust will become thicker.

When preparing melted milk, it must be remembered that the fatter the original product, the longer it will take for the languor and the more delicious the result will be.

Cooked melted milk can be drunk just like that, and you can use it as a basis for preparing different dishes. For example, delicious homemade ryazhenka. To do this, freshly prepared melted milk should be cooled to a warm state and fermented with good sour cream. Proportion: 3 liters of milk - 1 liter of sour cream. Mix well (you can mixer) and put on the faintest fire or water bath. Warm up for about thirty minutes, not forgetting to stir, then put the dishes with the workpiece on the table, cover it with gauze (not a lid!) And let it brew for 6 hours. Ryazhenka is ready! Its very tasty to drink just like that, but you can prepare this drink with various additives. For example, you can mix fermented burger with pieces of fruit, berries or add fruit puree, jam or grated chocolate.

In addition, from baked milk, you can prepare a delicious kissel, brewing it with starch, or jelly. And what delicious on the melted milk are obtained porridge, as well as pancakes and fritters! However, all pastries, dough for which is kneaded with melted milk, turns out fragrant and very delicate.

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