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Finger in the child's mouth: how to wean?
With this phenomenon, when a child keeps a finger in his mouth, almost all parents come across. If this is a one-time moment or the crumbs are troubled by growing teeth, then this phenomenon is physiological, not requiring correction. And what if the years go by, your child has long been a schoolboy, and the habit is firmly rooted? In this case, the permanently located finger in the child's mouth becomes a serious problem. And sometimes it's not even one, but two or three, or even the entire five. It's unhygienic and ugly. But almost all parents face this problem, so you are not alone in your trouble. Let's deal with the causes and look for opportunities for correction.
Individual approach
The first motivation of the mother is to immediately forbid holding hands to the face. But usually this has no result. The finger in the mouth is with enviable regularity. But if you thoroughly understand the reasons for this phenomenon, it may well be that you do not have to forbid anything to your baby.
How to wean your child from a bad habit? You just need to understand it. As soon as he gets what he lacks, the need for sucking will disappear. However, you need to focus on age. The breast can compensate for the insufficient satisfaction of the sucking reflex, which is very easy to solve. But the older child thus demonstrates the presence of psychological problems.
Let's think about the reasons
In fact, the finger in the mouth of the child can be at any age. The easiest way to understand babies. For him, this is either an attempt to satiate, if the baby is hungry, or the need to satisfy the instinct of sucking. Here everything is quite simple: feed the child not by the hour, but according to his individual schedule. Also, do not take it too fast. Let the little one take a nap under the breast. On average, feeding should last from 30 to 40 minutes. This enables the child to fully satisfy the sucking reflex.
Older children try to soothe themselves. If you see that a child who had never had such a habit before, began to fall asleep with a finger in his mouth, you need to carefully observe him. Perhaps there are problems in the relationship with peers or educators. Look at your behavior, too, are you too strict with the child.
Zone of psychological comfort
Today the pace of life is only accelerating. It is difficult for parents to manage their families and spend enough time with their children. Do not think that the kid does not understand this. The finger in the mouth of a child 3 years of life is a clear sign that he lacks support and understanding. You need to find some time in your schedule. Roll around on the couch, hug and fool around, go out and read a book. Make it a daily tradition - and the problem will gradually go away.
Normally, by the age of three, such a problem goes away on its own. If this does not happen, then parents need to find the cause and work on its correction. There is nothing useful in this predilection, rather the reverse.
Why is it harmful
Indeed, the habit is rather innocuous at first sight. Why did we decide to pay attention to it? The finger in the mouth of the child (3 months - the period of infancy) does not represent anything terrible. While he is in the cradle, he has virtually no chance of collecting on his hands the pathogenic bacteria that will then fall directly into his mouth. But when he starts to crawl and actively explore the world, the probability of catching the infection increases, despite the quality cleaning.
In infancy, sucking fingers on the growth of teeth has no effect. But if a child does not get rid of such addiction before reaching the age of five, it can lead to the formation of an incorrect bite. Among preschool children there are quite a few guys who continue to suck their fingers. But as a rule, they have problems communicating with their peers.
For parents babies
At this age, the parents can already begin to harass the finger in the child's mouth. How to wean a child who is not yet able to control his actions? Understand why he does it. Look at the circumstances under which the baby begins to suck a finger. Maybe he was just hungry? You only need to slightly shorten the intervals between feedings.
The second point is the satisfaction of the sucking reflex. Kroha does not have enough emotional communication with his mother, and we have to look for what to replace it with, that is, what else to suck. Your own finger is an excellent option. By the way, babies who are on natural feeding are much less likely to suck fingers. They are at the breast for as long as they need to satisfy the sucking reflex. In addition, they at this time feel mom's warmth and affection.
What to do if the habit has nevertheless evolved
Extend the time to stay at the breast. The baby should be on the hands of the mother for at least 30-40 minutes. He will not get it, as he will suck less actively as he saturates. But he will completely satisfy the sucking reflex.
If the child is distracted by something during feeding, do not rush to finish the meal. Wait until he returns to his occupation. Let the little man understand that his mother is at his disposal, she will not go anywhere, and most importantly - that her mother loves him and is ready to give him as much time as needed.
If the HS is not possible
Specificity of fighting with finger sucking in this case is somewhat specific, since the feeding of the mixtures is carried out strictly on schedule. The quantity is also regulated. However, if you see that the child is pulling his hands in his mouth, try to cut the breaks. This will not bring harm to the child, but will solve the problem. In addition, you can buy a stiffer nipple with a small hole. In this case, the crumb will take much longer to manage with its portion. The second option is to use a dummy. It also has its advantages and disadvantages, but it differs favorably from the fingers.
The Kid grows up
You celebrated your second birthday, but the problem persists? What do fingers in the mouth of a child (2 years) and abundant salivation? Most likely, his teeth are chopped, which cause some anxiety. In addition, there may be problems with the teeth that have already appeared. If you see holes or blackness, then this is an occasion to visit the dentist. It is possible that the baby is experiencing pain and tries to remove it by sucking.
Four to eight
At this age, sucking is no longer associated with the physiological processes occurring in the child's body. Most likely, you need to pay attention to emotional and psychological overtones. Only at first glance the child is already big. In fact, he may be scared or bored, he is worried or distressed, feels uncomfortable, lacks parental attention. Therefore, your own finger becomes a lifeline. He gives a feeling of peace and tranquility, besides being always with him.
That is, external factors contribute to the fact that suddenly there are fingers in the mouth of a child of 6 years. The reasons should be looked for most often outwardly, and, having carefully looked closely, you will see them. It is necessary to understand, because of what the child experiences psychological discomfort. Eliminating this reason, you will very soon see that the habit will be lost because of its lack of demand.
Most often, this attention to one's own fingers is completely lost by the time the milk teeth begin to change. That is approximately up to 5-6 years. However, there are exceptions to each rule. The younger adolescence is a time of self-awareness and a lot of stress from the fact that the world is not so perfect. However, a healthy mind is ready to bear it.
If the habit of sucking your fingers persists, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of other obsessive movements. All these symptoms tend to aggravate with age. Therefore, it makes sense for parents to seek help from specialists. These are neurologists, psychologists and psychiatrists.
What not to do
At any age, and even more so in adolescence, it is strictly forbidden to abuse the child. By this you do not solve the problem, but simply pound it deeper. Sucking a finger in 10 years and older is not just a bad habit. This often indicates a disorder of the nervous system or problems of a psychological nature. This requires professional help, and the sooner it is rendered, the better. In any case, only an attentive and sensitive attitude to your child is the key to solving any problem. Sucking a finger is an unpleasant phenomenon, but not a tragedy.
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