Food and drinkRecipes

We prepare for future use: jam from rowan with apples

Among the blanks for the winter, when it comes to jams, mainly raspberry, strawberry, apricot and other varieties of the gifts of orchards and berry nurseries predominate. But the gifts of the forest, the park zone - are they really unclaimed? Okay - the dog rose. We collect it, dry it, make tea. But what about the beauties of the ashberry? Can we really pass by them, invitingly blazing on the flight of autumn?

Jam from rowanberry: a few preliminary tips

By no means! Both chernoplodka, and usual red, and selection pomegranate are successfully used by skilled craftsmen in the home kitchen. True, preserving it, you need to observe several important rules. It is very tasty, for example, not jam from these berries in itself, but in combination with other fruits. One of the best options is jam from rowan with apples. Why? Because apple pectin and fruit contained in fruits are harmoniously supplemented with vitamins that make up berries. The apple acid makes the taste of dessert much more pleasant, because in itself rowan with sugar will be just bitter-sweet or sugary. And the color of delicacies from this neighborhood will only benefit! The second rule that must be observed when preparing jam from rowan with apples or any other of these berries: they only get sweetness by being well-frozen. Therefore, if you are harvested for a long time in advance, before frost, be sure to put it in the freezer for at least a day before cooking. Otherwise, the astringency and bitterness will spoil all your jam from the mountain ash with apples. Well, now the recipes!

Rowan-apple paradise

If you have not tried the jam, called "royal", then use this instruction. The result will surely bring you and your loved ones into ecstasy. After all, jam from rowan with apples, which also includes walnuts, especially caresses the taste and causes admiration. What you need: one and a half kg of berries, as much sugar, 1.5 kg of apples of such varieties that are not boiled (Cinnamon, Antonovka, Semyrenko), 300 g of walnut kernels, 400 g of water. Just note: the amount of water and sugar here is variable, i.e., they may need slightly more or less depending on the taste of the remaining ingredients.

How to make jam from mountain ash? Remove berries from brushes, rinse and dip into a pan with boiling water for blanching for 2-3 minutes. Then take out with a colander or a noisy. What for it is necessary: a skin of a mountain ash very dense, badly passes or takes out sugar therefore it needs to be preliminarily softened. In a glass of water, dilute the sugar for the syrup. Remove apples from seeds and cut small pieces together with the skin. In the pot, pour out the berries, apples, nuts, mix, pour in syrup. Let boil and cook over medium heat, stirring, for 15 minutes. Finished product pack on sterilized jars and boldly twist: it will not explode, it will be stored for a long time. Here's how to make jam from rowan and apples, so that in syrup every piece of fruit was whole and looked like a commodity! And what flavor comes from the twist - try it!

Jam "Delicious"

Prepare dessert for future use in different ways. Often, the housewives cook fruit and berries separately and only at the very end of them combine. For example, here is a jam of rowan for the winter. Of course, also with an apple additive. Let's start with it.

You will need for each kilogram of fruit 750 grams of sugar and about 5 grams of citric acid. Cut the apples into slices, pour half of the sugar, let stand for a couple of hours to let the juice run. Then put on the fire, boil and pour the remaining sugar. Cook over low heat until the pieces of apples become transparent. Do not forget that we are preparing jam from mountain ash for the winter, so we start processing berries. Remove them from brushes, rinse, for 10 minutes, dip into boiling water. Remove, pour into the pelvis. From a liter of water (better than one where blanched berries) and 1.5 kg of sugar (per 1 kg of mountain ash) make syrup. Fill them with mountain ash and cook until done. In the end, combine the berries with apples, let it boil and pour the dessert over the jars.

Blasting jam

No, this is not an exaggeration, it really is! In a properly prepared dessert "Rowan red, jam with apples," the berries glitter, like lacquered, look seductive, and ask in the mouth! Where to start - you know. But when the berries are prepared, ie, broken, sorted and washed, pour them with cold water and set aside for a day in a cool place. Then drain the water, dry the ash and repeat the operation again (only 3 times, as in fairy tales). Prepare syrup at the rate of one and a half kilos of sugar and 400 g of water for each kg of berries. Rowan fill with a hot syrup and put it in the cold again for a day. Only after the bitterness has come, the tartness will soften, and the sugar will soak, take the berries with a noise, syrup boil, dip the ashberry into it and cook for about 20 minutes until it becomes lacquered. Now add the apple component, pre-cooked, as described in the previous recipe, wait for the jam to boil, but not bubbling, and straight from the plate lay out on the banks.

Dessert with cinnamon and honey: ingredients

Original for taste and beautiful in color is jam "Apples and black ashberry". Especially if you add citric acid, ground cinnamon and vanilla to taste. To make the syrup light, take the apples exactly the type of Cinnamon. Suitable for almost all of its varieties - striped, smoky, pineapple. The special charm of the fruit lies in their juiciness, light taste and smell of cinnamon, for which, in fact, the name got its name. They are delicious fresh and unusually tasty in jams. We also cook our delicacy in 2 receptions, as in the recipes described above. And the composition is this: for each kg of apples goes 200 g of honey, 5-6 g of citric acid, and for each 1 kg of mountain ash - 300 g of honey and 2 g of acid.

Dessert with cinnamon and honey: cooking

Rowan, previously frostbitten, keep in cool water for a day. In 120 g of water, dissolve the honey, heat the syrup and pour the berries. Cook, stirring, until they acquire transparency. At the end, add citric acid. Cut the core of apples, and crush them into small slices. Seeds fill with cold water, boil, cook for 20-25 minutes. Take a glass of broth, cook syrup on it. In hot syrup pour apple slices and acid, leave to infuse for an hour and a half. And then cook until ready, at the end adding cinnamon and vanilla. Then both kinds of jam are combined, mixed and boiling are packed on cans.

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