
How to paste false eyelashes by yourself

We watch glossy magazines and see: all the beauties have incredibly long, beautiful, twirled eyelashes. We involuntarily compare them with our own and realize that we are losing a lot in it. But it's easy to approach perfection! The main thing is to know how to paste false eyelashes.

True, there are several nuances here: self-adhesive is not always successful. But if you take advantage of our advice, everything will be perfect, and any glossy babe will envy your eyelashes.

How correctly to glue false eyelashes?

To not be noticeable that your luxurious eyelashes are false, choose not bundles of eyelashes, and whole strips - good, it is they you can find in any cosmetics store. However, choose better ones.

When choosing eyelashes, do not fall for the longest of them, otherwise your eyes will resemble cow's, and the effect of natural wealth and naturalness will come to naught - too long, hence, not real. Do not overdo it with the length.

After you have chosen the material, you need to choose a quality glue for false eyelashes. We can not advise you certain brands - it will be advertising, but we can say one thing: in this case it is better not to save. Remember the saying: the greedy pays twice. A tube you have enough for several times. Follow this recommendation if you want your luxurious eyelashes to not fall off at the most inopportune moment - almost everything depends on the glue. By the way, to find out exactly the brand of good glue for eyelashes, ask such a question on one of the women's forums - there it is allowed.

So, we proceed directly to the process. Before applying false eyelashes, thoroughly wash the makeup off your face. To work you will need tweezers, glue, eyelashes, and curling irons for eyelashes, as well as eyeliner. First, carefully twist your eyelashes. Then, draw a pencil arrow on top of both eyes from the top. After that, take the eyelashes with tweezers, gently dab the solid strip in the glue, allow it to dry, and only then bring it to your eyelashes - you need to glue it to the growth line. Some people unreasonably try to glue false eyelashes to the skin of the eyelid over their own eyelashes, so as not to spoil their dear and dear to the heart hairs. However, it is useless: the glue will not stick to the skin. Do you want false eyelashes to hold - stick them on the hairs, namely on the growth line. Otherwise, you will waste your time. By the way, it's easier to apply glue on a thin strip of the base with a toothpick. So you do not get dirty stuff.

How to paste false eyelashes so that they do not stick together? It's all about accuracy. They do not have to be tinted with mascara - they are already long. If the length still bothers you, you can cut them a little, but after that twist the tweezers. Make-up for the eyes should also choose a special one. The main tasks: to hide the false eyelashes and give the look expressiveness. Smoky eyes or "cat's look" are ideal here. Naturally, everything should be in dark tones - this will mask the line of gluing.

With how to paste false eyelashes, we figured out. Only one question remains unclear: is it harmful for the native cilia? After all, they would like to be kept intact and unharmed. In order not to damage native source material, you should know not only how to attach false eyelashes, but also how to properly remove them. Of course, if you pull the strip from your eyelashes by force, you will pull out your own with them - the glue keeps securely. First, make a compress for the eyes from warm water. Hold wet tampons in front of your eyes for a few minutes, this will soften the glue. Then with a cotton bud, apply olive oil to the eyelid and place of glueing. Hold for a few minutes. And then remove the eyelashes with tweezers. After removing the eyelashes, wipe the face with a make-up remover.

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