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Want to know how to view the statistics of VKontakte?

The social network called "VKontakte", existing since 2006, currently unites millions of users from many countries. All users from the moment of registration in the network received a large number of various personal messages. Many understand how difficult it is sometimes even to remember their old interlocutors. But this is quite an achievable task, if, of course, the personal messages themselves are preserved. The main thing is to know how to look at the statistics of VKontakte messages.

To look rating of messages In the contact now it is simple, though earlier, according to many users, this process was more accessible. Some people are really difficult to cope with this task, because often the system reports an operation error, or it begins to search for the necessary information on Google. Many users who do not know how to view the statistics of VKontakte messages are forced to scroll endlessly for a list of messages to find the information they need. To understand how to do it right, you need to follow some simple guidelines.

To the first time in front of you was a fresh statistics of private messages in contact, you must have a browser "Opera". It is better to use this browser, because on its basis to determine the rating of VKontakte messages will be 100% likely. Through other browsers, such as Google Chrome, many users can not immediately succeed in this matter.

When the browser is already open, you need to enter your VKontakte page, then in the search engine find the group "Statistics of Personal Messages". Note that the name of the group should be v4.3.1. Information from other communities is already outdated. The most convenient way to do this is by searching for groups.

In this group there is a discussion with a script, with which you can find statistics. In his name it is noted that this is the code. This information should be downloaded to your computer. Do not be afraid to pick up some viruses, this file is completely safe for the software.

When the file is downloaded and is already open on your computer, you need to highlight all the script code (with the mouse or touchpad). In the document, this code is the only information, copy it completely. Use for this purpose, for example, the keys Ctrl + C. The copied information needs to be inserted into the address bar in the browser. Attention: in order to do everything right, go into "my messages" and instead of the information in the address bar, insert the copied code. No need to press the Enter key, it will be more correct to click the right mouse button or touchpad once in the address bar and select the Paste and Go function. If you just press the Enter key, you'll have to redo the entire work before you look at the statistics of VKontakte messages, so be careful and attentive.

Do not panic, you will have two windows in front of you, you need to edit the settings necessary for the search. After that, the program will start working, which will result in the statistics of personal messages VKontakte. It will include only those messages that have been saved, that is, the program deleted earlier will simply not see it. But it will give information on the number of messages from other users, the time of receiving different messages, as well as about whom you communicate with often, and with whom - rarely and little.

Now you know how to view the statistics of VKontakte messages. Agree, everything is simple enough.

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