HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pupils are narrowed: with what it is connected?

The pupil is responsible for regulating the rays of light entering the retina of the eye. Therefore, with different lighting changes the diameter of the pupil. But not only the rays of light can affect its size, there are many internal and external factors contributing to such changes. Internal reactions include reactions to various processes in the body. And the vernal ones include stimuli occurring in a person's environment.

In medical practice, dilated or narrowed pupils represent a whole storehouse of information, as they can become an indicator of serious diseases. That is why in the diagnosis of this symptom is paid particular attention.

In the process of changing the size of the pupil, the two main muscles are involved. The radial is responsible for the expansion of the diameter, and the circular creates a narrowing of the pupil. These muscles are directly related to the activity of the nervous system, so the state of the eye can be used to judge the psychological health of a person. It is known that in the presence of stressful situations or severe depression, the pupils are narrowed and there is an absent-mindedness in the glance.

Do not be surprised that over the years the pupil becomes smaller, as this is a normal process. For all organs, tissues and muscles is characterized by aging, that is, a decrease in the activity of metabolic, mental and other processes. In addition, in bright light or a sunny day, you can see that the pupils are narrowed. It has already been mentioned that this is a normal reaction to excess light, so the body protects the retina of the eye. But twilight or dull light leads to a reverse reaction. Interesting is the fact that in poor lighting, brain activity decreases and the productivity of the work is reduced.

By the diameter of the pupil it is possible to determine what problems with vision people suffer. So with farsightedness, the pupils are narrowed, and with myopia, respectively, vice versa. With a rapid deterioration in the clarity of the vision, you can see how much its diameter increases.

Everyone knows that a drug addict can be identified by too large a pupil. But not everyone understands that the use of alcohol and tobacco products also affects the eyes, only people with such harmful habits have narrow pupils.

There is a whole list of diseases that can be recognized by the state of the eye. For example, one of the symptoms of such a serious disease as meningitis is a pupil decrease, but only at an early stage of development, with the progression of the disease, its diameter changes and widens. Also, with high intracranial pressure, the pupils are narrowed. If only one side changes, then it is worthwhile to talk about pathology in a certain hemisphere of the brain.

In medicine there is such a thing as a clinical cramp of the pupil. It involves continuous enlargement and contraction of the pupil. As a rule, such a symptom refers to tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis , craniocerebral trauma of special severity, epilepsy. Often there is a change in the reaction to light, that is, the pupils are narrowed in dim illumination.

It is known that morphine acts like any narcotic substance, causing a dilated pupil. However, when an overdose occurs, intoxication of the body, that is, poisoning with this substance, and the diameter of the pupil is significantly reduced.

If a person leads a healthy lifestyle and external factors do not exert direct influence on him, and the pupils are still narrow, this may be a signal that a thorough examination is necessary. The specialist in this case can detect a brain tumor or a rupture of the brain vessels with a subsequent hemorrhage.

Thus, there are situations in which a change in pupil size should alert. If in addition to this symptom there is a malaise, then the trip to the doctor should not be postponed.

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