
"VKontakte": message counter and its features

Surely you know about such a popular social network, like "VKontakte". Perhaps you even have on this site its own personal page, through which you can perform various actions, or rather - communicate with your relatives and relatives. This can be both voice calls and text messages. Also here you can view messages and participate in various communities, search for pictures, listen to music and play video.

Service statistics

Often people communicate with each other in this social network, and after the negotiations some of them delete the correspondence, but after some time, for some reason, regret it. That's when an interesting question arises about how to use the Vkontakte messaging counter - Wnutter. With this tool, you can determine how many messages have been sent and, accordingly, received. Few users of the social network know what the visit counter is, and also how it can be used. In this article, we decided to disassemble in detail all the details, and each reader will be able to understand why such statistics are needed, and also how it can be viewed.


Currently, the Internet can be found a lot of various scripts that allow you to view message statistics. Also there are various methods that can help to perform such an action. "VKontakte" message counter is simply not visible, accordingly, you need to know some of the nuances of its use. For someone, you might even need a special script, however, now you can learn all this in detail.


As we said a little bit earlier, there are a lot of scripts, but we do not recommend you to use the first one. Also, do not pay attention to specialized services that supposedly can provide you with all the necessary information on any account. Most likely, in this case scammers work, and you will be able to lose not only your money, but also access to your personal page in the social network "VKontakte". "Vnutter" - the counter of messages, which currently enjoys little popularity, but it is constantly increasing. Few users know about this excellent option, which is able to provide in detail all the necessary information.

Let's first discuss what the statistics of messages represent and why users need it at all. By this term is meant a special script, which in its way is completely unique, it is he who performs the functions of counting letters in the social network "VKontakte". If you use this supplement, accordingly, you will be able to get all the necessary information that relates to your personal account. By the way, I would just like to say a few words about the fact that this counter of messages in the "VC" is completely free, and it also works without any interruptions. In the end, if you do everything correctly, you can get reliable information.

Additional information about the script

The above script is able to transmit only some data, or rather - you can find out the exact number of messages in the correspondence with a certain user. A special analysis will also be made, which gives information on how many replicas were sent to you and how many responses were sent to you by the counterpart. Every user of "VKontakte" can use the message counter, however, you will not be able to see the deleted messages in any way, but you can still find out their exact number.

After you use this script, you can get full statistics. To the user of "VKontakte" the message counter will help to accomplish this. Also you will be provided with a beautiful schedule, which is very comfortable and convenient to get acquainted, while on it you will be able to see additional details that you are sure to be interested. The "VKontakte" message counter Wnutter works at any time, accordingly, you can use it when it is really convenient for you. Such a tool is also capable of providing additional information that may be useful to you. This kind of counter is currently used by a few people, but after a while it will surely win great popularity.


You can also find out your statistics using other methods, but today we decided to bring only the most popular ones. "VKontakte" message counter can be opened and without additional scripts, only for this you need to use a specific browser and add-ons to it.

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