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Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Shalevich: Biography and Creativity

Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Shalevich belongs to the number of those actors who are selflessly devoted to their profession. His mentors have taught to perceive the theater as a separate world, in which laughter and tears, success and defeat are harmoniously combined. For his unique talent and workmanship the manner of reincarnation of the lycee received a huge number of awards and regalia, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland of the IV degree, the Order of Peter the Great of the 2nd degree, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the title of People's Artist of Russia. In addition, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Shalevich is a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, the prize of the Moscow government, the Knight of the Order of Honor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Nika". Was the actor's way to fame and recognition easy? Of course not.

Biographical information

Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Shalevich is a native of Moscow. He appeared on May 27, 1934. The father of the future actor was an employee of the NKVD, and his mother worked as a typist in the military department. It so happened that the head of the family left his pregnant wife for another.

Care for the young Vyacheslav entirely fell on the shoulders of his mother. She went to Moscow to her aunt to forget the past. Her husband tried to see her son in every possible way.

Years of Childhood

At a young age, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Shalevich spent most of his time on the Arbat. With his peers, he often went to the performances of the Vakhtangov Theater, which was located not far from his house. The boy knew all the actors in this temple Melpomene in person. Even rehearsals in the theater, they tried not to miss, where they secretly penetrated. Love to great art Shalevichu instilled by his aunt. Having once seen the magical magic that reigned on the stage of the theater. Vakhtangov, he once and for all fell in love with the art of reincarnation. In many respects this feeling determined the choice of the future profession.

An actor or a teacher?

Of course, Vyacheslav Shalyovich, whose biography is remarkable and interesting, did not think much about where to go to study for a long time.

However, despite the fact that he was attracted by the magnet like a magnet, he decided to hedge by submitting documents at once to two universities: the Shchukin College and the Pedagogical Institute (philological department). In the sphere of interests of the future lyceum was also journalism. But the young man's fears were in vain: teachers in acting skills saw him as a talent, and he was accepted into theatrical.

Years of study

While still a student of the "Pike", Shalevich Vyacheslav Anatolyevich did his best to be noticed, he wanted to play on stage anyway. And seeing this, the teachers began to use it in extras. In particular, he was offered to play in the graduation performance of one of the senior students, and he gladly agreed. His main mentor is Ruben Nikolaevich Simonov, who along with the course leader Joseph Rapoport gave him invaluable experience and knowledge, through which he learned the secrets of acting.

Vakhtangov Theater

In 1958, Vyacheslav Shalyovich, photo of which has not yet adorned the posters of the leading theaters of the country, receives the coveted diploma of the lyceum.

After that, he decides to find a job in the theater. Vakhtangov. However, the young man was disappointed after his name was not on the list of invited to audition. Then he decides on a desperate step and an impromptu piece is played from the production. The management of the theater appreciated the ingenuity and talent of the young man and enlisted Shalevich in the troupe of the theater. Vakhtangov.

Works on stage

The test ball in the theater for Vyacheslav Anatolievich was the role of Ospana in the play "The unwritten law" (staged by R. Simonov). It was memorable for both the viewers and the teachers of the novice actor. Subsequently, Shalevich will play his sparkling images in such famous performances as "Without guilt", "Lost Son", "Little Tragedies", "Idiot", "Irkutsk History".

Work in the cinema

The filmography of the actor has more than 90 works in the cinema. This achievement can not boast of any lycee.

Shalevich Vyacheslav, films with whose participation have long been the treasury of the domestic cinema, first took part in the filming process in 1958, when he was invited to play the role of Shvabrin in "The Captain's Daughter" (Vladimir Kaplunovsky). Soon the actor's talent is noticed by the director Georgy Pobedonostsev, who asserts him for the role of Nicholas in the film "The Saved Generation" (1959). Further on the Soviet screens came the sci-fi film "The Barrier of Uncertainty" (1961), in which Shalevich obtained the image of a test pilot, and the film "Now Let It Go" (1963), where the actor brilliantly plays a novice artist Stan Biston. The real glory for the actor comes after he starred in Alexei Parkhomenko in the legendary film "Hockey Players". He was approved for the role of Anatoly Duganov. And this is only a small part of what Vyacheslav Anatolyevich played in the cinema. He was always in demand in Soviet and Russian cinema.


In 1979, Shalevich graduated from the courses of directors in GITIS and tried his hand at a new career. He loves to stage dramatizations, and the confirmation of this is the play "Cavalry" by I. Babel. This production for many years collected full rooms in the Vakhtangov Theater.

In 1998, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich headed the capital's Drama Theater. Ruben Simonov.

Personal life

Naturally, theater and cinema had a priority in Shalevich's life. However, he spent a lot of time and his family, because it was for him a real rear. For the sake of justice, it should be said that Vyacheslav Shalevich, whose personal life resembled a fascinating novel, married several times. He enjoyed the greatest popularity among women of the opposite sex. He married for the first time, being a freshman. His choice was a girl with whom he was friends in high school. But this union did not last long: youthful romanticism quickly came to naught when the young family faced the first domestic difficulties.

The second actor's wife, a student of the Shukinsky school, Natalia Uprnik, was distinguished by her jealous nature. They were married in the early 60's, and in this marriage Shalevich's son Vladimir was born. Some time later, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich was carried away by the actress Valentina Titova. This fascination turned into a violent romance: lovers met in fragments, as Shalevich worked in Moscow, and his new lover studied in Leningrad. Marriage with Natalia Uprinik came to an end.

However, the affair with Titova did not last long: the actress fell in love with the director Vladimir Basov and left Shalevich.

After some time after this actor get acquainted with the artist-fashion designer, who is called Galina. The arrow of the cupid again hits his heart. His chosen one also falls in love with him. This time the marriage will last 31 years, until the wife who gives birth to Ivan's son, will not die. Actor seriously experienced the death of his wife. The situation was aggravated by the fact that his son was addicted to drugs. Shalevich meets on the path of life Tatyana Vinogradova, who works as an ordinary gynecologist. It is she who gives strength to the actor to cope with difficulties and adversities, and Vyacheslav Anatolyevich finds happiness with it.

In 2001 Vinogradova gives birth to her daughter Anna, who follows in the footsteps of her father, studying in a theater studio.

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