HealthHealthy Eating

Useful beet kvass

Today, a drink such as kvass is very popular. From the earliest times it was prepared not only to quench insatiable thirst, but also to cheer up (improve one's mood), and to fill up the spent forces for the day. Recipes that help to prepare this valuable drink, there is a huge amount. And the ingredients can be very diverse. In particular, kvass from beet is considered very valuable, useful and tasty.

Indeed, the beet itself is the source of a variety of substances necessary for the body:

  1. iron,
  2. copper,
  3. iodine.

That is why, if you constantly eat this vegetable in any form, then hemoglobin rises significantly in the blood.

Among other things, it is beet is useful in such a disease as hypertension. It also helps fight against tumors. And it is used during menopause, with burns and anemia. Accordingly, kvass from beets is also useful. This drink effectively copes with harmful microorganisms, which often enter the intestine. And this miraculous liquid is an excellent diuretic and laxative. Hence, it plays an important role in the purification of the body. Due to this property beet kvass for weight loss is simply irreplaceable.

First, it easily removes all the excess fluid that has accumulated in the body. Secondly, it helps to cleanse the slag. Many nutritionists recommend to make kvass from beet for a day of unloading. Its benefits are obvious, especially if you drink about 2-2.5 liters of this drink a day.

This valuable drink is recommended for taking in other problems:

  • With a liver,
  • With the gallbladder,
  • At dizziness,
  • To normalize the pressure.

Finally, kvass from beets is a source of vitamins (B2, B6, PP, R and many others).

However, there are also contraindications to the use of this soft drink. It is undesirable to use it for those who have kidney problems (especially if urolithiasis is present ) or the gastrointestinal tract. When gout is also better to abandon beet kvass.

This unique drink is definitely useful. However, today it is being cooked less often. But this is not just a useful liquid, but also an excellent basis for such a dish as okroshka. Moreover, kvass from beets is very easy to prepare. True, there are several recipes, from which the landlady can always choose the most convenient option.

Recipes of beet kvass

First option. For cooking kvass you need a kilogram of beets, several liters of boiled, but cold water, 3 tablespoons of sugar sugar, a little salt and a slice of bread, always from rye flour. First you need to chop the main product. Cut the beets preferably with straws or in general, if possible, rub it. After that, you need to add sugar and salt. Then all this is poured in water (about 2.5 liters) and put a small piece of bread. On top of the jar or pots, put a gauze or a towel. Wandering kvass is left in a warm place. To use it will be ready in 5 days.

The second option. In this case, cooked beets are used. You will also need a vegetable (1 kg), and sugar (3 tablespoons), and a little salt, yeast or crust of rye bread, as well as boiling water (2.5 liters). Cooked beets are cleaned and grated on a grater, and then poured with boiling water. Slightly cooling the broth, add sugar, salt and bread (yeast). Such beet kvass will be ready in 2 days. He must also stand in a warm place.

The third option. The longest, but constantly renewable. Such kvass from beet can never end. To create a drink you need a kilogram of beets and 3.5 liters of cold water. Part of the beet must be cut into small and thin circles, and the remaining half left whole. All this is filled with water and put on a slow fire. As soon as the beets are cooked, the resulting mixture is left in a warm place for 3-4 days. Then the saucepan goes to the refrigerator, where it costs another 2 weeks. Only after that kvass can be used. By the way, how, only, it will decrease, it can be diluted and supplemented with cold water.

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