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Treat cough during pregnancy

A pregnant woman continues to go to work, she needs to constantly visit a polyclinic, and so there is always the risk of catching a virus and going to bed. That's just the process of treatment takes more time, because you can not drink ready-made medicines. There are drugs that can cure a cough during pregnancy, but still it's not always safe.

Many future mothers are asking themselves: is a cough dangerous during pregnancy. Of course, you do not need to panic, but you still need to start treatment immediately. First, if cough during pregnancy is severe and debilitating, then there is a possibility that there may be a muscle strain that can cause bleeding if the placenta is low. Secondly, an innocuous cough can suddenly develop into other degrees of the disease, and with this already have to fight by shock methods.

Do not forget that dry cough during pregnancy can be treated with a gargling. This will soothe the mucous, remove redness. Rinse should be done after each meal and between them, in general six times a day. For rinsing it is necessary to use salt and soda, as well as herbal preparations.

It is necessary to adhere to the drinking regime: the drink should be warm and not allergenic - fruit drinks, teas, herbal preparations, milk. It is very useful to add in warm milk Borjomi. You can also mix one part of milk and birch juice and add a little starch to the mixture.

There are several folk recipes for herbal decoctions, with which you can relieve coughing during pregnancy. But it is necessary to take into account that folk remedies do not help everyone, besides they can cause allergy, but because usually people use several recipes, trying to find something of their own.

For example, you can make a mixture of half a kilogram of onions, four hundred grams of sugar and two tablespoons of honey. All this must be cooked for three hours in a liter of water. Keep such a wonderful medicine you need in the fridge and eat five times a day for one spoonful.

You can drink the next mixture for the night. A glass of boiling water for thirty minutes pour fifty grams of raisins, and then pour there three spoons of juice from onions. For a day you can drink four glasses of blackcurrant infusion. A glass of boiling water should take two spoons of berries. A good expectorant is a cabbage juice with honey. Sweetheads will like the following recipe: four bananas with a blender and pour two cups of boiling water. All this cook, adding sugar, and then drink this mixture throughout the day.

Do not forget that cough during pregnancy can be treated with inhalations. Here it is necessary to take into account that a wet cough will pass faster if you breathe over the broths of mother-and-stepmother, plantain, eucalyptus leaves, cowberry. But with a dry cough it is necessary to use St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme, sage. If there is no special inhaler, then you can breathe over the pot, hiding a warm towel.

Heated honey can be used for massage. To do this, it should be rubbed lightly into places where mustard plasters usually put them. Also, honey can be applied to the cabbage leaf, cover it all with a towel and so sleep through the night.

Eat for lunch a mashed potato, diluted with a very large amount of milk. In it it is necessary to add a crushed onion and a clove of garlic. Such a mashed potatoes will not hurt if it is eaten several times a day.

If there is no possibility to do broths and inhalations, then you can consult a doctor and buy modern medications that are allowed to be taken by pregnant women. For example, all types of Doctor Moma, Bronchipret, Gedelix, as well as plantain syrup. But with licorice syrup, it is worthwhile to be careful, because it can cause the tone of the uterus.

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