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Thrush with GV: causes and treatment of thrush during breastfeeding

Thrush with GV is very frequent. And it occurs even during pregnancy, when the woman's immunity is greatly reduced. Not having time to completely get rid of this ailment before childbirth, the fight with it has to continue in the process of feeding a newborn baby.

Features of the disease

Thrush with HB represents the most serious complication of the postpartum period. During lactation, candidiasis gives women a special discomfort. In addition to the standard signs of vulvovaginitis in the form of burning and itching of the external genital organs, as well as their redness, swelling and abundant cheesy discharge, the patient often experiences very strong and burning pain on the surface of the nipples and in the mammary glands. After the termination of the next thoracal feeding such unpleasant sensations can considerably amplify.

Thrush of breast with HS

The development of such a disease very often forces women to refuse from breastfeeding their babies. Nipples with candidiasis become shiny. They acquire a bright pink color, covered with a white rash or bloom. They clearly feel burning. There is a pain due to contact with clothing. Thrush on the nipples with HS often contributes to the formation of cracks. Even with the correct capture of the breast by a newborn child, they do not heal very long. Sometimes, against the background of this disease, the amount of milk is markedly reduced. One can not help saying that such a high sensitivity of the nipples can be associated not only with candidiasis, but also with other causes. For example, with herpes, eczema or just the wrong putting the baby to the chest.

Symptoms in a newborn baby

Thrush on the mammary glands with GV is sometimes transmitted to the baby. Such a disease in a child is manifested by a white touch on the gums, tongue or internal surfaces of the cheeks.

In the process of consuming maternal milk, a toddler can experience painful sensations, as well as display anxiety and constantly produce a nipple. That is why candidiasis should be treated not only in the mother, but also in the child. After all, such a disease can be observed even on the skin of the baby in the inguinal areas. In this case, thrush is a bright pink or red rash in the form of small pimples.

Main causes of development

Why does thrush occur with GV? This pathological phenomenon is observed in women not only because they have not fully cured before the onset of labor, but also occurs independently in the postpartum period. At this time there is a huge risk of getting Candidiasis anew. The main reasons for this are:

  • Strong stress, which was obtained during childbirth.
  • Early resumption of sexual relations.
  • Reception of antibiotic drugs.
  • A sharp hormonal adjustment or hormonal failure.
  • A sedentary lifestyle that promotes stagnation of blood in a small pelvis.
  • Use of aggressive products intended for intimate hygiene.
  • Diseases of the genital organs and intestines are chronic.

Other reasons

Thrush with GV usually occurs due to a significant decrease in the woman's immunity. This occurs as a result of difficult births. In this case, the body's defenses are completely restored only after the amount of mother's milk has decreased significantly, and the baby will begin to receive the lure. It should also be noted that candidiasis can occur during the period of delivery. Its development is facilitated by surgical interventions and various bleeding.

Thrush at HBV: than to treat?

Treatment of candidiasis during lactation includes:

  • Taking drugs that destroy the fungus;
  • The process of creating an alkaline environment to suppress the subsequent development of thrush.

Unfortunately, during breastfeeding, women can not use all antifungal drugs. This is due to the toxic effect of most drugs on the baby's body. After all, their active ingredients can easily penetrate into the mother's milk. In this connection, during oral GH, oral medication is prescribed only in the most severe cases. The same applies to local funds. Therefore, nursing mothers are allowed to use only certain types of antifungal drugs.

One can not help saying that such patients are at risk and using local drugs that contain antibiotic substances. Experts explain this fact by the fact that candles from thrush with HB significantly worsen the condition of the vaginal flora.

What drugs can I use?

In the treatment of candidiasis, nursing mothers use local antifungal medicines that destroy parasites on the walls of the vagina fungus. An excellent remedy for thrush is "Pimafucin". This drug is non-toxic and well destroys fungi. It is produced in the form of ointments and tablets. During lactation it is better to use the first form.

Also a good drug that can be used during GW is Terzhinan. This drug exhibits antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is usually applied before bedtime. In this case, the tablet is slightly moistened with water, and only then placed in the vagina.

According to consumers' reviews, these remedies eliminate the symptoms of thrush already in the first days after the beginning of treatment. However, a complete cure for this ailment is a very long process. In order for the disease not to return, it is required to undergo the entire course of therapy, which, as a rule, lasts for 10-15 days. In order to be convinced of the effectiveness of the treatment, doctors recommend that an analysis of vaginal smears be performed 2 weeks after the end of treatment. If required, the therapy can be repeated after another 20-30 days.

Folk remedies against thrush

In view of the fact that the choice of medicines that can be used by nursing mothers in candidiasis is limited, very many women resort to folk methods. However, it is not recommended to use them without consulting a doctor. Most often from milkmaids young mothers use baking soda. Her in the amount of 2 small spoons is mixed with ½ liter of warm boiled water. And then used to rinse affected areas several times a day. This treatment reduces itching, relieves inflammation and redness.

Similarly, infusion of flowers of chemist's chamomile is used. It is used several times a day in a warm form. Also, when lactation allowed the use of tea tree oil. To do this, 1-2 drops of fragrance should be added to the bath with water, then take the water procedures for 20 minutes.

Treatment of candidiasis on the mammary glands

Thrush of nipples with HB requires special measures. Experts recommend following the rules:

  • Before feeding, painful nipples should be cooled with lotions.
  • In the process of lactation, it is often necessary to change disposable pads intended for the breast.
  • After the feeding, air baths for the nipples are required.
  • Infected breast milk mammary glands should be washed with soda solution (1 small spoon for 1 cup of boiled water). After this, the nipples must be dried in the air and lubricated with a nutritious cream.
  • Also for washing the glands, you can use a children's solution for the throat "Geksoral" (every 2 hours). After that, the nipples should be lubricated with cream "Purelan" or "Rescuer".
  • With a strong inflammation of the glands, you can apply antifungal creams "Nizoral" or "Klotrimazol" (3 times per day), as well as sintomycin emulsion.

If the process of breastfeeding causes significant discomfort, then its duration can be reduced, while increasing the frequency of applications. With very severe pain, the nipples can be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before this, milk should be expressed (for the subsequent feeding of the baby).

Let's sum up the results

Treatment of thrush with GV is urgent. Therapy must be started immediately. After blockage of the milk tract can lead to the development of mastitis. In this case, the therapy of a nursing mother will not be effective if the child is not treated simultaneously with her. For this it is recommended to contact an experienced pediatrician. In addition, all the medicines that the nursing mother herself uses should also be coordinated with the child's specialist, since in the treatment of thrush on the nipples, it is possible to harm the newborn baby badly enough.

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