
The scheme of flower beds and flower beds (photo)

Now many people pay attention to decorating their sites. And decorate, as a rule, in one way - flowers. This is the best, bright and fragrant decor. People began to wonder how beautifully to plant flowers. This can be done with the help of flower beds, which can be easily built with their own hands. In this article, we will also consider such a scheme of flowerbeds, which flower growers use most often.

Rules for making up a flower bed

To flowers do not lose their beauty, they need to be properly planted on the flower bed, and for this there are certain rules that should be adhered to. So, the main ones are:

  1. All the flowers grow in different sizes, so it's worth grouping them by their height. In order for this to be done simply, you will need the flower bed schemes that are compiled for the beginning on paper. If in some cases one side of the flowerbed is closed by a wall, a fence or trees, then the high flowers are planted on the very back line. If the flower bed has an approach from all directions, then such plants are located in the center.
  2. Group the flowers in shape and color. For example, bright yellow flowers should be planted together with blue flowers. There must be a contrast in the flowerbed.
  3. An empty place is better to be occupied by ground cover plants of evergreens. So that they grow up and cover the entire space, you need 2-3 years.

The scheme of a flower garden

These flowerbed schemes are suitable for a sunny and open space. For starters, you can make a small flowerbed - 3 square meters. It is best to plant it with perennial flowers. The back row is the tallest flowers, such as echinacea, liatris or ash pan. As additional plants you can take sage, a hybrid of a cat, yarrow. In the foreground they plant low- billed Carpathian bells, wild geraniums or chist. To make the flowerbed seem more lush, medium-sized and ground cover plants are planted in large quantities. And on the rear row enough to plant 2-3 copies of each species.

On the flowerbed you can plant annual flowers. Their advantage is that every year you can add new plants - constantly refresh your flower bed. But at the same time this business is very troublesome and expensive. Seeds need to first buy, plant them, grow seedlings, and only then move the plants to the flower bed. It often happens that the seeds do not rise and need to be re-sown, and time goes away, and there's nothing to plant on the bed. Consider in our article schemes of flower beds and flower beds of perennial plants.

How to make a flower bed of perennials?

Planting flowers is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. Planting flowers is actually much harder than any other culture. They are very whimsical and require constant attention, care and care. On each flowerbed you can find a certain group of flowers.

Consider the varieties and features of planting in more detail:

  1. Lilies. Without them you can not find a single flower bed. This is the main decoration of the flower garden. The flowerbed scheme, where a lily is present, is often found. Bulbs of this plant can sit in one place for many years. Plant lilies in early autumn, preferably in September.
  2. Roses. They can be called real queen of the garden. During their flowering, the fragrance spreads throughout the site. But it is worth remembering that the rose is very whimsical and hard wintering. Only with proper care can you get magnificent flowers. They are planted in early spring cuttings. It is important to choose the right place for planting. It should not be in the wind. It's better if it's south or southeast. It should be borne in mind that roses should be planted only in warm soil.
  3. Clematis. Another species of perennial plants that occur on flower beds. They can be used as a vine for a wooden fence. They are planted on the sunny side, where there will be no strong winds.
  4. Lavender. Elegant flowers of a lilac shade with a delicate and pleasant aroma. If it is necessary, that the lavender bushes abundantly blossom, then they plant them on the sunny side.
  5. Cyclamenes. In the common people they are called dancing butterflies. The flowers are bright pink. This plant is considered poisonous to animals. Therefore, if the pet will run on the site, it is better to abandon it or plant it in an inaccessible place for them. The site for cyclamen should be in place without drafts. It is better to plant them between trees, where there will always be partial shade.

The considered types of perennial flowers will decorate any flower bed. Following the tips for planting, you can get an amazing blooming and fragrant garden.

Flowerbeds in different styles

The scheme of flower beds can be different. Consider the most common options:

  1. Flowerbed "Spring". It can be placed on a small patch in the garden or at the gazebo. They plant, as a rule, two-year-old flowers that begin to blossom in early spring. You can also dilute the flower bed with perennial flowers. When decorating a flower garden, it is necessary to correctly combine the plants in color. This will give the flowerbed elegance. For such a flower garden you can use narcissus, forget-me-nots, daisies, violets and primrose.
  2. Flower bed "Snowball". For this flower garden, you can pick plants with silver, white and blue hues. As a result, the flowerbed will turn out to be gentle and dazzling. The scheme of flower beds in such shades is popular among florists. Usually, flowers such as yarrow, hohlatka, bells, delphinium, lily of the valley, flax, amsonia and many others are used.
  3. The "Rural" flower bed. This flower garden can be located at the fence or in the backyard of a house or cottage. A prerequisite is the cultivation of herbs on her. Edible plants must necessarily complement such flower gardens, especially if they are located near the summer kitchen. Near the flower garden, fruit trees and shrubs can be planted , for example plum, cherry, currant and gooseberry. On the "Village" flowerbed are used such flowers as chrysanthemum, oregano, lemon balm, carnation, geranium, monarch, delphinium, as well as spicy herbs.
  4. Flower garden "At the gate". The gate is the face of every house and suburban area, so this place needs attention. The main and basic rule in the formation of such a flowerbed is that the planted plants should throughout the summer delight the eye with their variety of shades and species. Here, flowers such as sage, aster, yarrow, sunflower, mallow, clematis or rudbeckia are suitable.
  5. The French Provence flower garden. Flower bed designs are based on spicy herbs that grow among stone blocks. Also, such a flower bed is supplemented with yew, clinging roses and lavatera. Near it you can put a bench for rest.

The resulted schemes of beds can be used for an ornament of any country site. But to make flowers grow well, you need to choose the right lighting.

Light or shadow

A prerequisite for all plants is a properly selected area for flowers. If the place for the flower bed is in the shade, then it is better to choose those varieties that will take root exactly there. And vice versa. If the site is strongly spoiled by the sun, then it is easy to survive portly, marigold, calendula or decorative sunflowers. All these flowers are ideal for any latitude. Very good tolerate sultry sun yarrow, monarch, aster and bell. If there is a place on the site where the shadow is at midday, you can plant any flowers on it. If you need to correctly combine different types of plants, you will need a scheme. It is easy to construct flowerbeds with your own hands in this case. The plan will help to take into account every detail.

Flowering: seasonality or continuity

There are various flower beds on which you can grow flowers with seasonal or continuous flowering. Very popular is the seasonal flower beds. They will bloom only at a certain time.

If you need a flower bed that will bloom only in the spring, you can plant hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops, tulips or daffodils. Plants will move into growth under the first March sun rays. In the spring bed, you can plant such plants as mother-and-stepmother, bastard, hellebore, primrose and other types of primroses. Summer flower beds are the most colorful, because the plants bloom abundantly under the hot sun. In such a flowerbed, you can plant an ageratum, viola, irises, marigolds, calendula or zev. In the autumn beds you can collect all the colors of the summer. They are planted with asters, cyclamen, chrysanthemums or crocuses.

Disadvantages and advantages of seasonal flower beds

It is worth considering the merits of seasonal flower beds:

  • If the site allows, then seasonal flower beds can be made for each season.
  • Such flower beds are considered the most beautiful, as the flowers are selected for a certain period.
  • To flower the garden continuously from spring to autumn, you need to plant flowers all the time. Such a bed is made on small plots where every square meter is important.

The only drawback of such flower beds is fragility. After the plants bloom, the flowerbed becomes an unnecessary element that is knocked out of the general composition of the site.


Making flower beds with their own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is to make every effort, work and imagination. And you can use the ready design ideas:

  • Idea 1 . Flower bed of the same colors. Look such a flower garden will be beautiful. The main thing is to choose bright flowers. You can use one plant with different shades of buds.
  • Idea 2 . Multilevel flowerbed. Here, flowers of different heights and varieties are planted. Such a flower bed should be made correctly, so that tall flowers do not cover low.
  • Idea 3 . A flower garden with a frame. This is a more complex composition, which requires a certain approach. The form can be different. The contour can be made from a fence, bricks, stones, but it is better to frame a flower bed with flowers. To do this, choose low-growing plants, for example, marigolds, begonia, primula, chist.
  • Idea 4. Flower-panel with a pattern of flowers. You can make a flower garden, on which plants lay out various drawings. Everyone knows that the flowerbed is the decoration of the site . The outline of the flower garden is shown in the figure.

    Such flower beds can be of any complexity and design. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize.


All the presented types of flower beds and flower beds and their schemes will help to properly delimit space and decorate your garden. All these types of plants can decorate any flowerbed, and in order to properly plan a flower garden, you need to draw up a detailed scheme. On it you can mark each position with a certain plant. And that the end result brings satisfaction, it is worth investing in your work soul and imagination.

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