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The golden age of Russian literature ridiculed human vices

Not in vain a pleiad of writers, AP Chekhov, AS Pushkin, VA Zhukovsky, called the "Golden Age of Russian Literature." After all, they changed the ideas about a person in society. Thanks to their writings a free, thinking, intelligent and independent person comes to the fore. This century is characterized by a rejection of the ideals of classicism. Only Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky remained faithful to them.

New, thinking personality

The golden age of Russian literature was remarkable for its flourishing in the nineteenth century. His representatives can not be called just writers, they are geniuses, pillars of culture. It was their work that determined the further development of literature in Russia and not only. The works they created supplemented the world treasury of works of art. The ideas of classicism are already a little outdated and began to intertwine with a realistic vision of man. Writers paid special attention to human qualities, changing priorities. Henceforth, the Golden Age of Russian literature was brought to the first place by a person who thinks, who does not tolerate arrogant viciousness of modern society, reveals disagreement with his outdated principles. In the works of Chekhov, the shortcomings and hypocrisy of the aristocratic elite of mankind were especially manifested. They are so confused in their intrigues, lies and meanness that they do not already know how to live differently. They are not bored with daily conversations about anything, they talk about sublime things without knowing what they mean. These people were so stupefied because of their carefree life that they became callous beings incapable of charity and sincerity. The golden age of literature condemns just such a man with his writings. On examples of dialogues, writers show how vicious our society is. It was bogged down in the hecticness of dinner parties, parties, social receptions, balls. First of all, everyone cares about their shell, appearance, pays special attention to expensive dresses and accessories. Only a few take care of their inner fulfillment. This is what he was, the golden age of Russia, which marks the fall of man as a creature capable of thinking and developing. Instead, there was degradation, and only some of their freestyling diluted the boring existence of the aristocracy, although they despised it.

Visions of man by Pushkin, Zhukovsky and Chekhov

Let's remember for a start Pushkin's favorite heroine Tatiana Larin. She valued freedom: freedom of thought, action, movement and decision. Secular parties, on which the main problems of society were discussed with beautiful words, but no one was going to take part in their decision; Conversations about high feelings, although these people are so stupefied that they are not inherent in them. Tatyana Larina was longing to hide from these stale liars, and she found the outlet only in solitude and conversations with herself. She was disgusted with this society. Favorite heroine of Pushkin embodied all the qualities that belonged to the author. The golden age of Russia, in theory, should be glorified, and it was marked by the spiritual fall of man. A single romantic, true to the ideals of beauty and magnanimity, was left only by Vasily Andreevich. His poems are incomparable to anything, the ability not just to write, but to think metaphorically, was inherent in this man. But Chekhov was not shy in plays to ridicule, even a little cynically and sarcastically, modern man. The golden age of Russian literature introduced us to a person with all his shortcomings and unwillingness to change radically or at least do something for it.

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