
The drug 'Neuromidin'. Reviews about the drug.

The development of the pharmaceutical industry at the present stage is represented both by the appearance of new medicines, and by the renewal of the old line of preparations. Improvement of the latter allowed reducing the number of contraindications and side effects.

Today we will talk about the drug "Neuromedin", reviews about which are fairly easy to find in the press and the Internet. It treats widespread diseases of the nervous system today, such as polyneuritis, myasthenia gravis, polyneuropathy, neuritis and others.

The drug "Neuromedin" is prescribed:

- with lesions of the central nervous system of an organic nature (in the presence of motor disorders);

- in the presence of paralysis and paresis;

- with complex therapy of diseases causing demyelination of nerve fibers;

- with intestinal atony.

The active substance is ipidakrin. Dosage of the latter in the preparation is twenty milligrams.

The drug "Neuromidin", the feedback about the application of which is impressive and makes you give preference to this particular pharmaceutical medication, is an inhibitor of cholinesterase (reversible character). This drug activates impulses in neuromuscular synapses (the latter is caused by blockade in the membranes of potassium channels), which increases the effect of adrenaline, histamine, serotonin and other substances on smooth muscle.

However, the drug "Neuromedin," which testifies to the high effectiveness of the drug, can lead to the development of the following side effects:

- nausea;

- increased sweating;

- diarrhea;

Pain in epigastrium;


- drooling.

The last symptoms are eliminated by taking m-holinoblokatorov (for example, atropine).

Among the contraindications is especially to distinguish epilepsy, angina pectoris, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcer, pregnancy (and also lactation period) and others.

The presence of contraindications makes it necessary to prescribe the drug by a doctor, taking into account the accompanying pathologies. Do not use the Neuromedin medication alone. The injections of the drug are used only in emergency cases, for example, to eliminate myasthenic crises (in this case, one or two milliliters of 1.5% solution is parenterally administered).

After taking the tablet form of the drug, the effect comes in an hour, and after parenteral administration, the required concentration of the drug in the blood appears after twenty-five minutes.

The metabolism of the drug occurs in the oven. The excretion of the decay products is carried out with urine through the kidneys.

Depending on the characteristics of the disease, one tablet of the drug Neuromidine is prescribed up to three times a day. In severe cases, especially with a violation of neuromuscular conduction (with the development of myasthenic crises), prescribe one to two tablets up to five times a day. In order to prevent intestinal atony, the drug is prescribed one tablet two to three times a day for at least a week. The maximum dose of the drug per day is 200 milligrams.

The drug "Neuromidin" when taken together with substances that depress the central nervous system, strengthens and activates the sedative effect of the latter.

Based on the above data on the drug, we can conclude that the drug "Neuromidin", reviews on the Internet are very flattering, you should not use it yourself. A large number of contraindications compels with cautiousness to prescribe this pharmaceutical drug. The presence of a number of adverse reactions also necessitates strict control over the intake of this drug.

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