
"Amoxicillin" for children is the drug of choice for most pediatricians

It's not a secret that many children suffer from infectious diseases quite often, the undeveloped immune system of the child may be "to blame", maybe the parents' guilt, there may be other reasons, they can not all be listed. Therefore, pediatricians always faced the problem of choosing medicines, the effectiveness and safety of which is undoubted, and which can be successfully applied in children's practice. "Amoxicillin" for children with many infections is not accidental becomes a drug of choice. It belongs to the group of semisynthetic penicillins, and has a fairly broad spectrum of bactericidal activity. Many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are sensitive to it. Therefore, "Amoxicillin" for children is prescribed in such cases, when it is necessary to quickly prescribe a course of treatment for a child, without waiting for the identification of a particular pathogen.

Since "Amoxicillin" for children has been used for a long time, the drug manufacturers offered pediatric form for children - tablets containing 250 mg of active ingredient, granules for the preparation of an oral suspension containing 125 mg or 250 mg of amoxicillin in 5 ml of the finished suspension. For the youngest patients there is a powder for making drops. Finished drops contain 100 mg of active substance in 1 ml of the preparation. This drug form of the drug was released relatively recently, produced by the company "Yamanouchi Europe" under the trade name "Flemoxin Solutab".

"Amoxicillin" (suspension for children) is prepared immediately before use by adding to the bottle in which the granules are sold, cooled boiled water followed by shaking. It turns out a rather pleasant taste drug form, which is easy enough to dose.

It is necessary to know that "Amoxicillin" is an international nonproprietary name, and in pharmacies you can buy "Khinkotsil" from the company "Krka", or "Grunamox" from "Grünenthal" and others, but all these preparations have the same active ingredient. Among all these medicines pediatricians are more familiar with amoxicillin for children from the company Yamanouchi Europe, known as Flemoxin Solutab. The drug is available in the form of water-soluble tablets, with doses of 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg and 1000 mg of active ingredient in one tablet. And it is he who is prescribed more often than other medications, with the same international name.

The Russian manufacturer of JSC "Sintez" produces "Amosin", the active substance in which is the same as in the preparation "Amoxicillin". Children's age is of great importance, because this medicine is produced only in the form of regular tablets and can be prescribed only to children over five years of age. For younger children, "Synthesis" began to produce "Amosin" in bags for the preparation of a suspension, 125 and 250 mg each.

The drug can be prescribed for diseases caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the action of the drug:

• Infections of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia);

• ENT diseases (sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis);

• With infections of the urinary tract (urethritis, cystitis);

• With infections of soft tissues and skin;

The drug is usually well tolerated, side effects in the form of allergic reactions, and disability disorders are extremely rare.

Summary: "Amoxicillin" for children is an effective drug, in pharmacies it can be under different trade names. And if the amoxicilin under one trade name has ended in a pharmacy at a given time, the pharmacist may well offer to buy the drug under a different name. And this does not mean at all, he is trying to sell you not the medicine, he is just competent enough and responsibly approaches his duties.

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