Health, Diseases and Conditions
Diseases of internal organs. Atony of the intestine
The concept of "atony" in medicine is characterized by loss of muscle tone. In this case, there may be a spasm or, on the contrary, a rapid relaxation.
Many people over the years have atony of the intestine, the symptoms of which are manifested in a sense of severity, lack of relief after a stool and permanent constipation.
This syndrome is caused, as a rule, by chronic colitis, spikes in the abdominal cavity. Causes of the disease can also be congenital defects (lengthening of the gut region) or colon swelling, causing the closure of its lumen.
In a number of cases, insufficient stiffness of the stool and occasional constipation are noted.
It should be noted that for patients who are diagnosed with intestinal atony , treatment, in the first place, is associated with a change in diet. Diet in conjunction with the use of medications or therapeutic exercise should be aimed at improving the patency of the body.
The main natural laxatives include herbal infusions, fermented milk products (kefir or curdled milk), individual fruits and berries (apricot, plum, melon, cowberry). It is also recommended to include in the diet of individual vegetables (pumpkin, fresh or pickles, zucchini). To stimulate the tone of the intestine, you should drink a glass of water every day on an empty stomach.
Since atony of the intestine is accompanied by constipation, its products should be excluded. These include: pears, blueberries, boiled eggs (hard-boiled), bird-cherry and smoked meat products.
It is very important to observe a certain schedule of food intake and emptying.
Along with the diet, patients who are diagnosed with intestinal atony are prescribed exercise therapy. In this case, the following set of exercises is carried out, aimed at stimulating the work of the body:
- The patient covers his nose with a napkin or a handkerchief and makes a long exhalation, revealing the anus. Follow this exercise five or six times.
- The patient is given a deep massage in the abdominal area from the inguinal fold to the right up to the navel and then down to the inguinal fold on the left.
- Massage the lower abdomen with a fat layer located in it. It is captured by two hands and moves from top to bottom. In this case, the hands should work in opposite directions.
- The patient produces relaxation and retraction of the anus.
These exercises are aimed not only at stimulating the work of the intestine, but also in strengthening the abdominal muscles.
If you have episodic disorders, it is recommended to drink two glasses of water on an empty stomach, adding a teaspoon of soda to it.
With permanent constipation , an enema is recommended.
Cleansing enema can be used instead of laxatives. As a rule, it is put in the evening, two to three hours after a meal. In the morning it is recommended to drink one (maybe two) a glass of cold (not ice) water, adding a pinch of salt to it. After an hour you should have breakfast. The enema is placed daily until the intestinal atony stops and he begins to work independently. However, it is not recommended to stop putting enemas. For the prevention of the disease, you need to do this every two weeks.
In cases when atony of the intestine is chronic and accompanied by chronic constipation, rinsing of the colon is prescribed. It is recommended to carry out the procedures once or twice a month. On the first day an enema of 0.5 liters of water is put, the next day - from a liter. The next enema from one liter of water is carried out every other day. As a rule, after the third the intestine is emptied. Using a thorough washing allows you to get rid of the most severe constipation. Take care of your health.
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