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Textile reception in the kindergarten

Registration of the reception in the kindergarten should correspond to the general spirit of the children's pre-school institution. It is imperative to endure the style of the children's world, decorating from the standpoint of a child's worldview, but at the same time it should be remembered that we live in a century of active development of interior design and must move away from the stereotypes of the Soviet kindergarten with bright drawings on the walls.

I will suggest that you arrange the reception in the kindergarten with the help of textile materials in the form of a hard bando. In other words - to sew panels according to the principle of curtains.

Registration of a reception kindergarten

The photos in the article will help you determine the possible options.

To do this you will need:

  • rich fantasy;
  • All materials that are necessary for the manufacture of hard lambrequins and curtains;
  • Naturally, a qualified seamstress with a set of necessary tools (as a rule, in each garden there is a staff unit called "castellan");
  • Various kinds of sewing accessories for decoration.

Registration of the reception in the kindergarten in the textile version can be done in any direction.


A panel with a large tree trunk made of brown structural material against a blue sky background. To him is sewn separately the sun with rays and the green grass with flowers - for the summer. Clouds and crystal beads on the line, a bare trunk with fragments of yellow leaves - in the autumn. In winter, the trunk can be decorated with cotton, sew pads in the form of snow under a tree, add a large textile snowman with a broad smile. And in the spring let the tree blossom bright colors, which can be taken from an artificial bouquet.

The Underwater Kingdom

A wonderful world at the bottom of the ocean - shells, jellyfish, crabs and fish, all different colors and textures, a lot of flowing and freely hanging elements, anything that will attract the attention of the kids to small details and reflect the world of childhood fantasies.

Reception in the kindergarten in the form of scenes from cartoons

"Well, wait!", "Masha and the Bear", "The Lion King" - favorite characters from children's fairy tales.

Registration of a kindergarten (admission group)

When parents go to their babies for a group, it is very important to reflect before their eyes the whole world and the general spiritual state of the given collective. The decoration of the reception group should cause a sense of security and peace, if you want parents to trust you with their children. Here, too, you can sew a fun panel, which, by the way, educators can use various pins to mount various ads, photos, drawings of children.

Let the waiting room be as much as possible decorated in bright colors of warm colors. It is best to perceive the different tones of green and yellow colors, as these are the colors of life, sun, greenery, harmony. They give energy and soothe the nervous system.

In the morning the child, having entered the reception, will get a charge of emotional uplift, and thus he will not be irritated, as in cases with registration in red or bright blue colors.

Bedroom Group Decoration

If you want to design a bedroom in textiles, then sew a picture with a soft plush animal with closed eyes. Make a soft lambrequin from air chiffon, creating coziness and harmony, while at night. Let the character be not too bright, and the materials will be fluffy, as if hinting at the children about a soft pillow and a warm blanket.

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