Food and drinkCooking tips

The best varieties of cabbage for souring. Sauerkraut: technology, methods of harvesting

Cabbage has always been considered the most popular vegetable in Russia, it is difficult to imagine cold winters without cabbage soup, saltwort and pies. This culture is unpretentious, but most striking is the variety: cabbage varieties for souring are absolutely all periods of maturation. It's not for nothing that the head beat in Alaska - thirty-four kilograms of crunchy weight! Do not need cabbage special fertilizers and heat, it loves moisture and coolness.

Which cabbage is better

European (especially Germans) sauerkraut is prepared in the same way as Russian, but usually served hot - to fried meat, sausages and sausage. This is very correctly done: it is sauerkraut that helps to digest fatty and fried, speeds up metabolism.

Absolutely cabbage varieties are suitable for sourcing, but traditionally they are waiting for medium and late. Since they cut it in the middle of autumn - in October, to store in the natural cold.

During the summer, early cabbage varieties can also be harvested for souring, but most often the billets go to the table immediately - the variety of recipes is that bail. Over time, most of the traditional salting was enriched with salads and marinades from locally grown cabbage.

Other cabbage

The white-head is still a leader, but others are crowded with it - red, savoy, broccoli, Brussels, kohlrabi, of course - cauliflower, Beijing. Almost everything goes to the billets, although they will not replace the real fermented white cabbage. Unless the red-listed varieties of Gako and Kalibos can stand side by side.

In addition, lovers and inquisitive people are recommended varieties of cauliflower Mowir 74, Skorospelka and Gribovskaya 1305, Brussels Hercules, Savoy - Golden Early and Jubilee variety, magnificent kohlrabi cabbage - Vienna White and Giant. All this is growing great both in Siberia and in the central part of Russia, including in the Moscow region.

As good as it gets

The best varieties of cabbage for souring - and yet white-headed! - Early cabbage, Dumas, medium late - Gift, Glory and Aggressor, late - Valentine, Creumon F1, Amager, Sugar Loaf.

In cold regions, it is possible to grow a variety of cabbage varieties for souring: the early - Gribovsky, Polar K-206, June; A number of medium-sized varieties - Belarus, Nadezhda, Sibiryachka, Slavyanka 1265, Megaton, Stakhanovka; From the later - Amager, Winter Mushroom, Blizzard, Kharkov Winter and others.

And the best varieties of cabbage for souring, according to other people - mid-ripe Jubilee F1, Gift, Menza, Belorusskaya, Dobrovodsky, and of late - of course, Amager, then the opinions converged. And still - Geneva F1 and Turkiz.

Our grandmothers are sure that only winter cabbage varieties are suitable for souring. In fact, this is not so. The main thing is that the head is tight, the leaves are succulent, the hands are skilled, the rest will follow.

Cabbage for storage in winter and sour

Sorts and features are not much different from the above. It should only be noted that storage makes no sense to leave early or medium-ripening varieties. Especially good for storing hybrids, they have surpassed their base in this.

The bitterish heads of the varieties Kryumon and Kolobok after a few months acquire a truly sweet taste. The easiest sort is Zimovka 1474, you can eat fresh cabbage even after six months. It does not crack, does not rot even after eight months of storage.

Cabbage varieties for souring coincide with those that are successfully left in the winter. It is best to keep the heads in the cellar or cellar, wrapped in paper and suspended. In the same place, where sauerkraut is always stored.

Recipe for cooking according to Soviet GOSTs

This product is subjected to lactic fermentation. Raw materials, exclusively meeting the requirements of GOST and VTU.

  • White cabbage of medium and late varieties. Kochany fresh, formed, without cracks, dense, not loose, whole, healthy, clean. Each head is not less than seven hundred grams in weight. It is forbidden to sour frosted cabbage. Recommended varieties: Slava, Belorusskaya, Gribovskaya, Kashirskaya, Saburovka and others.
  • Carrots fresh dining room: root crops healthy, fresh, uniform in color, whole, not damaged by pests, not less than three centimeters in diameter with the largest diameter. Varieties with a bright orange flesh and core are recommended.
  • Apples are fresh: not lower than the first grade, mature, clean, not damaged by pests. Recommended varieties: Antonovka, Anis, Flask, Babushkino and others.
  • Cranberry fresh: whole brightly colored berries without twigs, leaves, garbage.
  • Cowberry fresh: mature, whole, pure berries, without garbage.
  • Cumin: seeds without foreign matter and without a musty smell.
  • Bay leaves: leaves without branches, without foreign smell.
  • Food salt, grinding No. 1, not lower than the first grade.

Cabbage, Bohemian sauerkraut

Of the snacks on the table, the queen is sauerkraut. The methods of procurement may be different, but it always reigns. In this recipe, proportions are met, bequeathed by our grandmothers.

For seven kilograms of cabbage you need to clear a kilogram of carrots, half a kilogram of onions. It will take a hundred grams of salt and a bay leaf with peas of black pepper to the bottom of the dishes.

Shred cabbage with thin lace (experiment with turning a piece of head to make it lace) and rub it with salt. Carrots grate with a combine or large grater, half-rings thinly chop the onion. Stir, re-rubbing, onions and carrots with cabbage. At the bottom of each jar put a bay leaf and pepper, topping cabbage. She must be under the yoke for a while. Juice will flow out and flow over the edge, so it is better to put the jar in a bowl.

How to build a decay? The easiest way to put a glass in a jar in the jar, and put something heavy on it. Or hold directly into the pelvis sauerkraut cabbage - technology, tips, recipes can be different, you can choose to taste. Three days later, pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick to the very bottom in several places. Let the gas come out. The next day you can clean cabbage in the cold. In winter, you can close the sterile cans tightly: tamper cabbage (you have to add from one jar to another), squeeze the brine to bring to a boil, pour and then roll.

Zest in sour cream

Here, any, not necessarily the best varieties of cabbage are suitable. Late and early, for souring and storage - absolutely any. In addition to five kilograms of the main product, you need a kilogram of carrots, two glasses of washed raisins and five tablespoons of salt.

Cut the cabbage large, chop the carrots with a vegetable cutter or on a grater. Rinse first cabbage and carrots with salt, then mix the mixture with raisins. In enameled - without chips! - Tightly compact the large dishes.

Top cover with washed large cabbage leaves, which are removed from the top of the head, on them - a wooden circle and on it - oppression (for example, a large jar with water).

Three days in the warmth during fermentation, the product will give off foam, it needs to be removed. Then the decay can be removed, cabbage pierced to the bottom, so that the gases leave, and put it in the cold in a day. You can try it almost immediately, but it will get the most correct taste in two weeks.

With green tea

An interesting recipe for people who care about their health. For ten kilograms of cabbage, you need half a kilogram of carrots, two heads of garlic, a stack of stogram green tea and ten dining rooms, with a slide full of spoons of good salt.

Cut cabbage (it is possible and large), rub it with salt until the abundant juice appears, carrots rub through Korean grater or vegetable cutter and mix with cabbage, pouring out tea there. All this carefully mix and tamper in enamelware, so that the juice covered the cabbage completely.

Now cover the cabbage with a plate of smaller diameter than the pan, and put the opium. Leave at room temperature. After three days, remove the gases, puncture the bottom of the cabbage in several places.

In a day, you can move it to the jars (trample as tightly as possible) or leave it in the same container, but send it to the cold - into the cellar or cellar. Some store sauerkraut on the balconies, and nothing terrible happens. It does not lose its remarkable properties, even if it is undermined.

With cranberries

This sauerkraut is more like a vitamin salad. Here are the proportions for a small amount of the product. You can safely multiply all by ten!

For a kilo of white cabbage of late varieties, one large carrot, two apples, cranberry to taste - an average glass, a tablespoon with a large slide of salt. You can add spices! Fragrant and black pepper, red pepper, very good - bay leaf, perfectly - clove to apples, perfectly give the aroma cumin, anise, coriander. Mustard seeds will relieve the product of bad bacteria, good mustard does not offend! All to taste.

Remove the top damaged leaves from the cabbage, put a few whole leaves separately - they will be needed. Head out, cut out a stump and chop it thinly, with long straws. Peel the carrots in Korean. Apples rub on a coarse grater, you can with the skin.

Cabbage, apples and carrots mix with salt. Take a large enamel saucepan, scald it with boiling water, cover the bottom with half of the harvested upper cabbage leaves. On the leaves lay part of the cabbage mass, shift the cranberries, then add the next part. Put cranberries back. And so on. The last layer should be cabbage.

Cover the remaining cabbage leaves prepared for sauerkraut, cover with a smaller dish than a pan, diameter, onto it - oppression. Leave in this position for a day directly at room temperature.

In a day, remove the appeared foam on the surface with a spoon or a noise. Puncture cabbage to the bottom in several places with a wooden lobe. Bring back the oppression. And let him wander further.

After four or five days, cabbage should be placed in a cold place. To spread out on cans or leave in a saucepan is not so important, but it needs a cellar, a cellar or a balcony. Or a refrigerator.

With horseradish

Very nice to get a can, nice to open in the winter. And it's so delicious! For two kilograms of cabbage, you need about half a kilogram of carrots and bell peppers (preferably colorful), a small root of celery and horse radish, pepper spicy pod and fragrant peas, bay leaves, dill seeds. Two tablespoons with a large slide put a large uniodized salt.

Cabbage is better to take the middle or late, the head is tight, absolutely quality, without the slightest festering or blackening. Shred cabbage and rub it with salt. Then add the remaining components as they are ready and mix thoroughly.

Carrots to clean and rub in Korean (grated or combine), mix with cabbage. Sweet pepper, cut into thin strips, add to cabbage. The roots of celery and horseradish should be crushed with a blender. Celery is fine on grated rubs, but with horseradish you can cry at all costs and for the rest of your life it's creepy.

In a large bowl, mix the vegetable mixture with spices. Cover with a wooden mug or simply a plate, put the opium on top. After two or three days at room temperature, fermentation will reach its apogee. It is necessary to pierce the cabbage, release the gases, remove the foam.

The next day you can dunk it in jars, pour brine (you do not need to boil it, the horseradish decontaminates everything). It is not necessary to close hermetically, enough polyethylene caps. Store in a cellar or cellar. Can be in the fridge.

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