HealthHealthy Eating

Than useful fat - truth and fiction

From time immemorial, no nation of the northern hemisphere could not do without lard. Russians and Byelorussians, Ukrainians, Poles and even Anglo-Saxons used this product in their national cuisines. This product was perfectly preserved for a long northern winter, and provided people with the necessary set of fats and proteins. Nowadays, because of the general craze for low-calorie and cholesterol-free diets, fat has fallen into the list of "harmful" foods. However, it is worth considering whether useful fat is for our body. It's not for nothing that our ancestors used it for food for many centuries.

Before you tell what is good for lard, it is worth while dispelling some of the misconceptions about this product. Many believe that the fat is fuller than the other products. This is not quite true. You can recover even from oatmeal porridge, if you use it in giant quantities. People with a passive way of life 30 grams of saline per day will not hurt. If a person is obese, then he should limit 10 grams. It's about subcutaneous pork fat, salted with garlic and other spices, and not about bacon or neck. Without fear of food you can eat smoked bacon. Useful properties it preserves, if smoked in natural wood smoke, and not with the smelling of smoke.

It is believed that bacon is a heavy food for the stomach. This is another misconception. In a person with a healthy stomach, salted fat is perfectly absorbed, not bringing any harm to the liver. The most useful for our body fats should melt at a temperature of 37 degrees, and the list of such fats is headed by bacon. Of course, people with gastrointestinal diseases should not use this product.

The notion that bacon consists only of fat is also a delusion. Yes, there is a lot of fat in this product, but it hides what it is useful for fat, namely fatty acids. The rarest and most valuable of these acids is arachidonic. In vegetable fats it is not contained, and one can not live without it. Arachidonic acid is necessary for normal functioning of the heart, and for normalizing the immune and cholesterol metabolism. In addition to fatty acids, fat is saturated with vitamins D, A, and E, as well as carotene. There are five times more fat in them than in butter. Particularly useful is this product in the cold season - it will support immunity and improve vitality.

Telling, than it is useful fat, it is necessary to mention and about a cholesterol. There is an opinion that there are a lot of it in this product. In fact, fat contains significantly less cholesterol than in butter. In addition, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and tissues is almost independent of how much fatty food the person ate. Moreover, scientists have established that cholesterol is formed, even if a person does not eat fatty foods at all. Fat, on the contrary, helps to use cholesterol not to harm, but for the good - to create new immune cells and improve the work of the brain.

Learning what is good for lard, it remains to learn how to properly use it. Fry this product is not worth it - it loses useful properties. Vegetable fats are not absorbed when heated, but fat is even useful to slightly warm up - it will not bring much benefit in the frozen form either. Lard is most useful with rye bread. It is in this combination that both are well absorbed and are beneficial to the body. Salty fat can be eaten and during a diet, but not with bread, but with vegetables or sauerkraut. Many people are biting alcoholic beverages and doing the right thing. Fats contained in fat, do not allow a person to get intoxicated too quickly. And a sandwich with bacon is useful for a snack in the middle of the working day. Due to high caloric content, this sandwich will provide you with the necessary energy for a long time.

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