HealthDiseases and Conditions

Tapeworm is a worm. Symptoms of the disease and treatment.

Currently, there are many diseases of the digestive system, the cause of which is difficult to establish, based only on the clinical picture. Examination of such patients includes a lot of analyzes and instrumental studies, in which it is possible to detect the pathogen. There is a large group of pathologies caused by helminthic invasions, one of the representatives is a tapeworm (tapeworm), referred to as a type of flat tape parasites. This species can parasitize both in the body of animals, and in humans.

The concept of solitaires

Solitaire is a worm, the length of which varies from a few centimeters to 8 meters. Chains most often affect the digestive organs of animals; Distinguish between bovine and pork chopsticks. The first type of parasites, when ingested into a human body, is caused by a disease called shadowarhynchosis, the second type - shadowyosis. Differences between tapeworms - in their length (the length of the bovine chain is 2 times that of the pig) and the ability to lay the larvae in the small intestine of the host. Because of this feature, parasites are divided into 2 groups: "armed" and "unarmed". Separate species are tapeworms that affect children's body. In children, the size of the tapeworm is only a few centimeters ("dwarf" tapeworm). Diseases caused by these pathogens are most common in developing countries (Africa, India, etc.).

Penetration and persistence in the body

The transfer of the solitaire is alimentary - that is, the causative agent enters the human body with food, more precisely, with the meat of infected animals. After tsepen passes through the digestive tract, it settles on the walls of the small intestine and adheres to them with the help of special suckers located on the head part of the worm. Due to the fact that the body of the tapeworm consists of separate segments, the tapeworm can freely move around the body. Due to the ability to lay eggs in large quantities in a short time, the pathogen often penetrates into the most diverse organs of the body. Solitary in humans can be found not only in the small intestine, but also in other digestive organs, the brain, eyes, etc.

Solitaire in humans: symptoms

Both types of chain cause similar symptoms in the progression of the disease. In some cases, shadeiarhoz and teniosis may be asymptomatic, and the patient does not even suspect the existence of parasites in his body. As the tapeworm grows, characteristic manifestations begin to appear:

  1. Dyspeptic disorders, that is, the appearance of diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.
  2. Asthenovegetative syndrome - general weakness, headache, loss of appetite.
  3. The appearance of allergic reactions.
  4. Nervous system disorder: irritability, apathy, sleep disturbance, memory loss, seizures, etc.
  5. Syndrome of intestinal obstruction - occurs when the size of the tapeworm is considerable, while the tapeworm closes the lumen of the small or large intestine and the food can not be discharged outside. When obturation digestive tract requires immediate surgery to remove the pathogen from the body.

Determination of tapeworm in the human body

To make a diagnosis of shadows or shadyarinhinoz it is necessary to undergo a complete examination, appointed by a parasitologist. First of all, the specialist should study the patient's complaints, already at this stage it can be suspected that the patient has a tapeworm in the body. The worm can be of various sizes, so the symptoms can be different. After the collection of complaints, the patient must be thoroughly questioned: what does he associate with the disease (after staying in contaminated places, eating meat products). The next step is to identify the pathogen in the feces. For an accurate statement of the diagnosis, it is necessary to make an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, on which a large sized tsepin will be identified.

Treatment of tapeworm in humans

In order to get rid of the chain, you need to set its value. If the tapeworm parasitizes in the child's body or has small dimensions, then prescribe conservative therapy. In some cases, drug therapy is replaced by folk remedies: eating pumpkin seeds, fern extract, etc. Antiparasitic drugs include: niklosamide, praziquantel. In addition to etiological treatment, the appointment of symptomatic therapy: antiepileptic and anti-inflammatory drugs, laxatives, the use of cleansing enemas with stagnant feces. If the tapeworm - a worm is large (several meters) and can not be medicated, then surgical intervention is required to remove the parasite from the body. If you get a chain in the body, you must always see a doctor to prevent serious complications.

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