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Signs of the verb and the adjective in the sacrament - rule

Performing morphological analysis, it is necessary to know the signs of the verb and the adjective in the sacrament. This topic is studied by the school curriculum in the sixth to seventh grades. About how not to get confused, analyzing the sacrament, we will tell in more detail.

The difficult part of speech

First, you need to understand what is the sacrament. There is no unified opinion on this score. The opinions of the linguists were divided. Some believe that this is a verbal form, since it is action that is its main meaning. But one can not deny his external similarity to the adjective. They respond to the same question, have a common system of declination, similar personal endings. Therefore, we can safely say that the participles have signs of a verb and an adjective.

Other linguists say that the presence of a number of signs gives the right to be called an independent part of speech. Both those and others are right in their own way. Indeed, the sacrament causes a lot of controversy. For example, the opportunity to enter into a participial turn speaks about its independence. But at the same time, a direct dependence on the verb does not make it possible to call it independent to the full.

Signs of the verb and the adjective of the sacrament

The rule governing what features this form took from other parts of speech is not difficult.

The first thing to know is the origin of the sacrament. Historically, it goes back to the verb and has a number of common signs with it. They are very closely interrelated. For example, from imperfective verbs we can form only participles of the same species (read (Sov.v.) - read (Sov.v.).

The most verbal form of the category of conjugation is not. However, she is very dependent on him. For example, spelling of suffixes of participles directly depends on it. Verbs of the first conjugation give suffixes-and, -yas:) run (1 ctrl - running, build (2 c.) - building.

As for passive participles, here it will be written - ohm (em) from 1 cp. : Attract - attracted, occupied - occupied . From verbs 2 acr. The suffix -im is formed: depend-dependent.

As we see, the connection of these two parts of speech is inseparable, and therefore the sacrament is considered as a special form of the verb.

Signs of the adjective, too, can not be overlooked. First, this is an outward resemblance. The most common mistake of schoolchildren is the inability to distinguish one from another in appearance. The main thing is to remember that the sacrament is always formed only from verbs, but the outer shell takes from im.pril.

Secondly, they both answer the question "what?" And have almost identical endings. For example: beautiful - read, yellow - printed.

Thirdly, they have a common syntactic role - both are in most cases definitions.


We managed to find out which signs of the verb and the adjective in the sacrament. More details should be given to each of them.

In the species relations of the participle come in exactly the same way as the verbs.

In Russian, there are two varieties of them: perfect and imperfect. It is not difficult to determine them. One has only to ask a question to the very sacrament or to the verb from which they are educated.

For example: to swim - what to do? (NES) - floating - what's doing? (NES); Talk - what to do? (Sov.v.) - talked - what did you do? (Sov.V.)

In fact, it is necessary to remember one simple trick: if the question to the verb or participle begins with the letter "C", then the view will be perfect.


The next sign that the sacrament took from the verb is recurrence. It is not difficult to determine it. If the word has a suffix -ya or its variant -s, then this form will be called a return form. For example: laughing - returning, floating - not out.

Now that we remember that the sacrament has the characteristics of a verb and an adjective, it is worth saying that this category also varies according to the general rule. If the verb is returnable, then its form necessarily retains this feature. If he does not have a suffix, then he will not appear at the sacrament. If this rule is not followed, otherwise an incorrectly formed form will result. Agree, the words twirled and twirled have completely different meanings. In the first case, a supplement is required for the communion, for example: someone who turned someone (something ). In the second, however, the action returns to itself, so his face performs independently.

Remember that, historically, it comes from the pronoun itself. Therefore, all participles with this meaning are called returnable.


We managed to disassemble in detail some of the signs of the verb and the adjective of the sacrament, but that's not all. Next we will consider the category of time.

Communion, like the verb, has several of its forms. The present and past time can be determined not only by the meaning and question, but also by the suffix.

If we have a sacrament with suffixes -such, -yet, -asch, -sha, -oh, -em, -em, it communicates the action that is taking place at the moment. For example: singing, speaking, attracted, repeated, persecuted . You can substitute for each of them an auxiliary word "now".

When we see participles with suffixes -wm, -w, -en, -t, nn, then they have the category of past tense. For example: played, raised, brought, ground.

The category of future tense does not have this verb form.

On this constant (that is, those that can not be changed) the signs of the verb and the adjective of the participle end. Let's move on to the rest.

Unstable signs

All that the verb "gave" to its form - the sacrament, we considered. Now it is worth mentioning about those who got it on behalf of the adjective. These categories are gender, number and case. These signs are unstable and may change.

The genus of the sacrament is easy to determine at the end. If this is the (i), then the word of the masculine gender: falling, split.

When the word "ending" is in the word, it is feminine: coming.

Accordingly, with inflexion, its communion will be of the middle genus: born.

The number category also does not cause difficulties. If the action is performed by one person, we are facing a singular, if multiple - multiple. For example: seeing - seeing.

The case of sacrament, as in im.pril., Must be determined according to the word with which it is used.

For example: flying ball - im, burning flame - creat.

Sample parsing

Now that the morphological features of the adjective and the verb of the participle have been studied, we show how to disassemble it.

We come to the house under construction.

  1. Start form - under construction (sign of action)
  2. It is formed from the verb to be built by adding the suffix -nary.
  3. Permanent signs:
  • Nesov.vid
  • The present time (souf-yashch)
  • Returnable (suff.-xia).

4. Unstable signs:

  • Male
  • Unit.
  • Dat.-case.

5. In the sentence is a definition.

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