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Russian nature. Russian forests. Description of Russian nature
The Russian territory stretches for a third of the continent and is characterized mainly by the continental climate: all four seasons with pronounced summer and winter. Due to different climatic conditions and the presence of several natural zones: arctic deserts, tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, steppe, semi-desert and desert - Russian nature is incredibly diverse.
For each of us are symbolic endless expanses and boundless meadows with variegated motley grass, birch groves with evening singing of the nightingale, taiga bear anglers, fragrant camomile and cornflower fields with butterflies fluttering over them. The incredibly beautiful nature of Russia is praised by poets who are inspired by it and forever stiffens in the cloths of Russian and foreign artists.
Plants of the Arctic desert of Russia
The northern zone, located along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, is occupied by the Arctic desert. It's cold all year round, and the land is covered with a glacier and stony fragments, so the plants here are not too diverse. Ice-covered desert surfaces are covered only with lean moss and lichen.
And only a short summer for a time paints dry slopes with small bundles of small flowers: saxifragers of snow, Alpine foxtail, Arctic buttercup, yellow polar poppy. Perennial herbs have frost-resistant rhizomes that can survive in harsh conditions.
Nature of the Russian tundra
The living nature of the tundra, which stretches along the Arctic Ocean, is represented by mosses and lichens, sedge, dwarf birches and willows, a lynx and other plants. Here there are: kukushkin flax, yagel, viviparous mountain sheep, heather, ledum, etc. Tundra is good in summer, when in a short period of time the plants manage to flower and give a seed together. And in autumn it turns into blue-gray glades of blueberry and orange - the famous cloudberries, with hats of different mushrooms sticking out between them.
Nature of the taiga region
The wide, boundless strip of the taiga spreads from the west to the east of the country, representing a wonderful kingdom of evergreen trees. The wildlife of this land is adapted to a warm short summer and a cold snowy winter. Cedar, pine, spruce, larch, fir - these coniferous trees endure severe frosts.
Thick and gloomy taiga forests almost do not pass sunlight, so here you can not find any grass or shrubs. Only the fluffy moss covers the ground under a canopy of trees with a continuous carpet, and wild berries are found - cranberries and blueberries.
Taiga is rich in water. In the south-east of Siberia is the deepest beautiful lake Baikal, which is considered one of the seven wonders of Russia. The banks of the northern rivers and lakes are surrounded by a round of deciduous trees: mountain ash, birch, aspen, alder. Taiga bears and other animals like to profit with juicy berries of raspberries and currants. Rare open lawns are full of yellow spring, orange bathing-place Asian and lilac rhododendron, bright juniper berries and mountain ash.
Nature of forests
Plants of Russia, forming mixed and deciduous forests, are represented by numerous herbs, bushes and trees. The upper "floors" are slender birches, aspens, tall limes, pines, spruce. Relatively mild climatic conditions allow them to fully develop. Further south, the Russian forests are characterized by a large number of broad-leaved tree species, such as oak, maple, linden, elm.
In the warm season, a walk in the forest will often be unforgettable: pleases the abundance of sweet wild raspberries, strawberries, bones and viburnum; You can pick a basket of fragrant white mushrooms and russula. Thick thickets form bushes of hazel, elderberry, spindle grass and buckthorn. And forest clearings in spring and summer are decorated with bright blue bells, golden marsh clover, meadow clover meadow, tender lilies of the valley, fescue, buttercups.
The true symbol of Russia is the white-birch tree, which forms whole groves in some mixed forests. This very beautiful and unusual tree with its original coloring is due to the outer layer of the cortex, containing a special white betulin substance. Birch bark serves as a tree ideal protection against winter frosts, excessive moisture, and also from harmful microorganisms. A spring birch tree is capable of exuding a useful vitamin drink through the thickness of the bark - birch sap, which people have learned to collect.
Russian forests are also bogs, lakes, streams, on which local and migratory birds nest. A real queen of swampy places can be called a white water lily. In the evening, its luxurious flowers are closed, and the long peduncle-stalk is twisted, dragging them along underwater, so that you can enjoy the spectacle of the littered lake with water only in the afternoon.
Plants of the steppe
The Russian nature of the once boundless steppe regions was only gray, waving under the onslaught of the wind, waves of feather grass. Now these fertile black soils are mostly plowed and sown with wheat, rye and vegetables.
Every season in the steppe is beautiful in its own way, but the spring is the most beautiful. Nature at this time comes to life with merry motley grass, blue violets, bright yellow and pink tulips, and a little later - fragrant sage. The wide expanses of the Russian steppes are intersected by numerous rivers, along the shores of which stretch oak forests and small groves of willow, elm, alder.
Nature of the desert and semi-desert
The most famous plants of Russia, growing in the desert areas of the Caspian lowland and in some areas of the Volgograd region are wormwood, camel thorn, bluegrass bulbous, hodgepodge, two-colander conifers. Naturally, nature in these places is not too diverse, because the climate is quite severe: saline, gray-brown infertile soils. Desert plants are characterized by small size and a powerful root system capable of extracting scarce moisture from deep layers of the earth.
The mountains
Russian nature is incredibly rich in the mountainous regions of the country, which stretch along the southern and eastern borders. The highest mountains are the Caucasus Mountains. The remaining ridges and uplands are located in the Crimea, the Urals, northeast Siberia and the Far East. The mountain climate changes markedly towards the cold, depending on the altitude. Therefore, the lower slopes are covered by forest-steppe with thick deciduous and mixed forests, and slightly higher - only by conifers, including pine, spruce, fir, and larch.
High in the mountains grow, mostly low-growing herbaceous plants, forming luxurious alpine meadows, smoothly flowing into the tundra. Eternal snow covers the high peaks with sparkling caps from the sun. On the approaches to them grow edelweiss, barberry, poppy alpine, gentian spring, bananas, etc.
Natural wealth of the Far East
The Far East is fabulous, especially when spring comes. The nature breathes freshness and explodes with bright colors of fragrant flowers: fragrant wild magnolias blossom on the Kuriles with huge flowers, and in the Ussuriysk region the glade is covered with miraculous ginseng.
The vegetation world of the Far East surprises with its uniqueness and contrast: you can travel through the northern coniferous taiga among the permafrost and suddenly find yourself surrounded by subtropical lianas and thickets of Manchurian nut, and then - in a rich mixed forest, among noisy oaks, birches and spreading hazel.
Russian nature generously rewarded this region with various kinds of flowering herbs, among which: lemongrass, actinidia of the colomict, wagel, peony of the fetus, daylily, zamaniha, Amur grapes, etc. Numerous water bodies are an excellent place for nesting birds.
In Kamchatka, a unique stone birch grows, and in the most popular tourist spot, the Valley of Geysers, hot jets of groundwater are heard as if invisible to the clock, with a rush of boiling fountains.
You can describe the beauty and greatness of the natural resources of various regions of the country for a long time, but one thing is clear: every corner is beautiful in its own way, it is the property of our state and can be of value for world tourism.
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