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We make a plan of work with gifted children

Each teacher, before starting to work, must provide the administration of the school with a package of certain documents that will confirm his readiness for the teaching process. It does not depend on where and in what school a person works.

Work plan

Gifted children - a special category of students, to which it is necessary to treat somewhat differently than to all the others, to devote a little more time. Therefore, if there are exactly such students in the classroom, the teacher must have a work plan with gifted children. He will reveal all the features of their learning process.

Where to begin

It must be recalled that the plan for working with gifted children is a document, therefore it must be formalized according to all the rules. So, everything starts with an explanatory note, where the teacher's results are briefly presented, the plan follows, and the document is completed with a few points about what possible risks exist, and what exactly is expected to result from the execution of all the items in the plan.

About the plan

So, from what points can the plan of work with gifted children consist? Here it is already possible to include imagination (of course, within the framework of the options proposed by the educational commissions, which always give a certain template). It can be various seminars, workshops, testing, interviews.


The work plan for gifted children will necessarily include a test item. This is necessary in order to reveal the special inclinations of the child, to reveal in him all the talents that are inherent in him. So, the first questionnaire is just the so-called "anatomy", and then special tasks will be followed to determine the level of knowledge of the baby. It is worth noting that a gifted child is not necessarily the one that solves differential equations in the fifth grade , these are children who think in a special way, perceive science and creativity, and are also ready for independent learning, despite even heavy material.

Key Points

The organization of work with gifted children should be based on certain points, which form a complete plan. So, in addition to testing, the teacher should also think over other ways to diagnose such children. It can be various competitions, olympiads, such students can be selected according to the recommendations of teachers or parents, through individual conversation. All these points must be taken into account. It is worth noting that with each gifted child there must be individual work, doing it in a complex is very difficult (only if it is not a special class where such students are gathered), it is also important to write in the plan. Some children need to be sent to the olympiads, where their knowledge will be appreciated, and if the kid is creative, then the teacher must from time to time organize special competitions and exhibitions of works.

Teacher training

Individual work with gifted children also assumes that the teacher has certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, every teacher should write about how he prepares for classes: he selects literature, participates in specialized seminars and round tables, consults with specialists in working with such children. No less important point of the plan is methodical support, where the teacher discovers the sources from which he derives his knowledge. Thanks to this, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the relevance and freshness of the knowledge of the teacher himself, who works with gifted children.

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