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Rossolimo-Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome: symptoms, treatment

The Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome Called chronic disease, accompanied by a triad of basic symptoms. In the name of the pathology there are two names of doctors. Melkersson described two symptoms, and the third was Rosenthal. As a result, the disease was named after both doctors.

About Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome

The syndrome is Polyethnic. A great importance for its development has many factors:

  • Infectious allergy;
  • Vasomotor disorders and hereditary predisposition to them;
  • Pathology of the lymphatic system in the neck and head region;
  • Chronic foci of odontogenic infection;
  • Sinusitis.

In the presence of Melkersson-Rosental syndrome, neuro-dystrophic genesis is possible. Relapses of the disease are seasonal in nature. In general, people from 25 to 35 years old are affected by Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. To provoke the disease can be hypothermia and alcohol abuse, as well as a number of medications. Bilateral lesion occurs frequently - up to 75% of all cases. Very rarely - one-sided.

Symptoms of Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome

The syndrome is manifested by swelling of the lips and cheeks. Then gradually weaken facial muscles. It becomes difficult for a man to close his eyes, talk, fluid poured from the corners of his mouth. In 30 percent of patients, dryness or tearing of the eyes appears. At 20% - the perception of sounds is amplified to such an extent that it becomes unpleasant. What other symptoms characterize the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome symptoms? Almost 80% of patients, in addition to puffiness of the lips, notice their strong reddening, the tongue increases, its surface becomes uneven, bumpy. Half of the patients experience a severe headache, rolling in bouts.

What else is characterized by pathology?

What symptoms characterize the cerebral sinus syndrome Rossolimo-Melkersson-Rosenthal? Initially, it is necessary to mention that Rossolimo is the surname of the third doctor who in 1901 described macrochillitis (lip disease, an increase in their size) combined with facial paresis of the nerve. Later, Melkersson did this. But since the description of Rossolimo, his surname is sometimes used in the name of pathology.

General cerebral syndrome is revealed by objective examination. It can be expressed as:

  • Headaches (migraines);
  • Asymmetry of the face ;
  • Paralysis of facial mimic muscles ;
  • Symptom of Bell, lagophthalmus;
  • Xerophthalmia;
  • Hyperacusis;
  • Dysarthria;
  • Angioedema of the face (often lips);
  • Folding of the tongue and macroglossia;
  • Dysgeusia and agesia;
  • Granulomatous cheilitis.

How does the syndrome come about?

The Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, the photo of which is in this article, can be determined by means of diagnostics. In this case:

  • Serological studies;
  • X-rays, if there is a suspicion that the syndrome has arisen because of infectious diseases (HIV, syphilis, Lyme disease, sarcoidosis);
  • Electromyography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • Examination of the neurologist.


How does the Melkersson-Rosenthal disease go? The syndrome begins with swelling of the skin of the face. It then spreads to the mucous membrane of the mouth. Increase in size of the lips: the upper - more, the lower - less. There may be pains of the facial nerve, and subsequently develop paralysis.

The disease is characterized by an acute onset. Puffiness develops in a few hours. Usually it is extensive and completely captures lips that are painted in a bright red color, sometimes a cyanotic shade appears. Around the mouth can be formed cracks. Violated speech, there are difficulties with eating.

How is the chronic disease of Melkersson-Rosenthal? The syndrome also begins with swelling. But it is constant, only increases or decreases from time to time. Edema is retained all over the face and in the mouth.

Rare is a kind of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, when only the cheeks swell. Usually this is just one of them. On the inside of the cheek, teeth are clearly imprinted. This condition is called the term "granulomatous pareitis". Symptoms of inflammation are absent.


How is the syndrome treated at Melkersson-Rosenthal? Doctors use surgical or conservative methods. Initially, the patient is examined for the identification of pathologies that could cause the disease. Surgical treatment does not prevent relapses, but is used rather for cosmetic purposes, when the tissue of the lips is excised.

With conservative treatment, the best results can be achieved with a combination of corticosteroids, antibiotics and antimalarial drugs. "Prednisolone" is prescribed together with "Oxytetracycline". Pyrogenic and desensitizing preparations are used. Bacterial therapy is mandatory. If the patient is sensitive to staphylococci, then "Anatoxin" is used.

A patient with a Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome is necessarily prescribed multivitamins, calcium pantothenate, nicotinic acid, and vitamin A. To improve blood circulation in soft tissues, "Complamine" is prescribed. The course of application - 10 days. And also appointed "Cavinton", "Tanakan" and "Stugeron", which must be taken from 1 to 2 months. The patient also subscribes to Nerobol. It is a medicinal product that prevents the aging of the body. Tranquilizers and sedatives are also prescribed.

Treatment in a local way

What other methods can overcome the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome? Treatment can be local. In this case, applications from the heparin ointment are made. They are combined with dimexide, leaving for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3 to 4 times daily. Course - 3-4 weeks.

For the lower lip is used electrophoresis with heparin. The procedure is carried out every day. With fizlechenii used currents Bernard, helium-neon laser and ultrasound.

Applications from corticosteroids and methyluracil ointments are used in inflammatory processes. Masks on the face are applied for 20 minutes, 2 to 3 times daily. In addition, applications of keratoplastic agents are made.

Blockades (3-4 ml each) of a 2% warm solution of lidocaine, novocaine and trimecaine are applied. Injections are done every day or every other day.

Consequences of the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome

The syndrome quickly passes into a chronic stage. This greatly affects the appearance of a person, which is distorted and disfigured by swelling. Against this background, depression and mental disorders often occur. Because of the enlarged lips and their lack of mobility, people hardly chew and swallow, there is a distortion of speech. In the cracks that appear when swelling, there may be harmful bacteria that cause infectious diseases. This applies to the language. Sometimes it is covered with cracks. In addition, the risk of this increases due to trauma to edematous mucous teeth, for example, during chewing food.

People suffering from this disease, it is recommended to use more liquid food: first courses, various cereals and dairy products. This food is easier to chew and reduces the likelihood of injury to the oral mucosa. Fruits and vegetables are also useful, but they need to be cut into small slices or added to salads. Large pieces of any food is better to grind in the process of eating food cutlery.

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