HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of vulvitis in women and girls

Vulvit is a disease caused by E. coli, gonococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, human papilloma virus, which results in inflammation of the female genitalia. But basically a combination of two or more pathogens is found. The inflammatory process can affect not only the pubis, the vagina and the clitoris, but also the perineum.

Vulvit is a disease that affects little girls and elderly women. The fact is that it is at this time that the physiological characteristics of the genital organs change, which become more vulnerable to many bacteria.

The main causes of the disease include:

  • Non-observance of personal hygiene;
  • Wearing very tight clothes;
  • Combing of genital organs (with injuries, abrasions);
  • diabetes;
  • Ovarian hypofunction ;
  • Obesity and so on.

Recently, allergic vulvitis is very common, which happens with the constant use of vaginal tablets, creams and suppositories designed to protect against pregnancy. It can also occur after the use of drugs that have iodine in their composition. There are cases when both candidiasis and allergic vulvitis occur simultaneously.


The onset of the disease is characterized by burning and itching of the genitals with a constant sense of their hydration. Many women experience pain when they urinate. On gynecological examination, the reddening of the genital and vulva skin will be clearly visible, as well as a slight increase in the size of the clitoris. It is possible that when the disease occurs, the temperature may rise.

But since the external signs do not indicate the causative agent of the disease, the doctor takes a swab of the vulva for a more accurate diagnosis, which subsequently passes bacteriological and bacterioscopic examinations. Also, the sensitivity of the pathogen to various types of antibiotics is determined.


Treatment of vulvitis should be directed not at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but at eliminating the very cause of the pathology. For these purposes, complex therapy of local and general effects is used.

When a disease is detected, it is necessary to treat the external genitalia, for which use a solution of furacilin, boric acid or manganese, a cold compress, an eucalyptus infusion.

Recently, treatment of vulvitis is performed with anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories, as well as syringing with the use of various antiseptic solutions. In the most severe and neglected cases of the disease without the use of antibiotics and antifungal agents can not do. If the disease is caused by the presence of pinworms or a violation in the endocrine system, the treatment of vulvitis will be aimed at excluding these factors.

This disease is very common in childhood. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the hygiene of girls, and at the first signs of the disease must immediately be sent to the children's gynecologist. The doctor will carefully examine the child's genitals and take a smear to determine the pathogenic flora and its sensitivity to various antibiotics. Treatment of vulvitis in children should be initiated after receiving all the necessary tests. Only then the children's gynecologist can prescribe the necessary procedures: powder of genitals, sessile steam baths, vaginal suppositories, ointments.

After the basic treatment is carried out, it is necessary to conduct a course of recovery of the vaginal microflora. To do this, appoint eubiotics with lacto- and bifidobacteria. Only, please, do not self-medicate, because treatment of vulvitis is a matter for a gynecologist!

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