Homeliness, Landscaping
Primrose primrose: growing from seeds at home
Primula earwax, the varieties of which provide a horticulturist a wide choice of variations for the design of his plot or flowerbed, is considered one of the most beautiful varieties of this plant. It is also called auricula or "bear ears". This plant was recognized in the XVIII century, when it was intensively grown in Europe. In the UK, this primrose variety has long been one of the most frequently planted and revered.
Growth of the earlings is made from seeds. The whole process is simple. The indescribable beauty of this flower allows you to decorate almost any landscape.
цветка представлено далее) является отдельной секцией, в которую входит более 20 гибридов и видов растений. Primrose ear ( flower photo is presented below) is a separate section, which includes more than 20 hybrids and plant species.
The wild auricula also grows today on the mountain slopes of the Himalayas, Tibet, alpine meadows, etc. Its original coloration is characterized by yellow shades. However, as a result of selection, primrose pink, red, violet, white and other flowers also appeared. In some cases, the bud can combine two shades at once.
Flowers of this kind can be terry, simple and semi-double. Buds have a diameter of 2 to 4 cm. Their petals are collected in inflorescences of the umbellate type. Buds grow on sturdy peduncles. Their height can reach 25 cm. Flowering usually lasts from April to June.
Variety choice
, как уже было сказано выше, включает в себя больше двух десятков сортов. Primula earflap , as already mentioned above, includes more than two dozen varieties. To choose the best option, you need to consider their types, which are usually divided into 4 main groups.
The first category includes garden or border "bear ears". Their buds consist of undulating large petals of the same tone. These are hardy plants, adapted to growth in the climatic conditions of the middle latitudes of our country.
Terry ear-shaped primroses are characterized by magnificent velvety colors. In this group there are plants of different shades and colors. To ensure that these varieties have a high level of terry, you will need to use special fertilizing.
Alpine varieties of auricula have a characteristic coloring. Their center is golden, and the bud has a darker strip and a light border. Such buds do not have a velvety plaque characteristic for the previous group. Breeding in the garden of these varieties requires some attention from the owners of the house.
Exhibition auriculums differ extravagance and capriciousness at cultivation. They can be found only in greenhouses and at exhibitions. Such varieties have a white center and contrasting petals. Some plants of this category have on the buds strokes or even patterns. For the Russian climate these auriculas are not suitable, so do not choose such plants for your garden.
Peculiarities of growing
It's quite simple that the primrose is grown from seeds . растения представлено далее) требуют соблюдения нескольких простых правил. Planting and care (the photo of the plant is presented below) requires several simple rules. The plant prefers to grow in closed, semi-shady areas.
However, do not water the plant too much. It does not tolerate a clamor. On the site should be provided with quality drainage. Mulching with gravel improves the outflow of excess moisture at the roots.
Primrose can be diluted in two ways. The first is to perform the division of the bush. However, more interesting is seed reproduction. Their landing is carried out in February or March. At the same time, the primrose primula is undemanding to the soil (only sandy soil is not suitable for it). Even in a blooming state, the auricle easily tolerates transplantation.
Principles of Seed Reproduction
которой планируется прорастить для разведения растения на участке, характеризуется быстрым ростом. The primrose ear, whose seeds are planned to germinate for plant cultivation on the site, is characterized by rapid growth. Therefore, it is better to start the process in February or March. Hurry in the issue of germination of seeds is not worth it. Saplings develop rapidly. Over time, they can require a lot of space on the windowsill.
You can sow seeds in the open ground. This is done in the fall period immediately after their maturing. The percentage of shoots in this case will be the highest. If the seed has been purchased by the gardener in the spring, stratification can be made. This increases the germination rate. To do this, the seeds are moistened with water and kept at low temperature for several days. This can and should not be done. As soon as the snow thaws, the seeds are planted in the open ground.
However, gardeners often grow seedlings. Then the seedlings can be introduced into the soil right in the container where they germinated.
Primrose primrose, the seeds of which were not planted in the open ground in the fall, can be grown as seedlings in the spring. Sowing is carried out in disposable utensils or special containers. They should have drainage holes.
Good food for the seeding of the earlings of primrose is food containers made of plastic. From them you can create a small greenhouse. Containers are filled with ordinary soil, in which the content of nutrients can be minimal. Such soil is sold in almost any specialized store. Preferably give the proven manufacturers.
The soil in which the seeds will be introduced should be loose. For this, special additives are added to it. This is a combination of vermiculite and perlite. They complement each other, they give the maximum positive effect. Also, instead of these additives, moss sphagnum can be used.
Vermiculite and perlite
которой производится в домашних условиях, требует правильного применения добавок для почвы. Primrose primrose, grown from seeds of which is produced at home, requires the correct use of additives for the soil. Most often, gardeners use a combination of perlite and vermiculite. They are added to the finished soil.
Perlite is of volcanic origin. For the cultivation of primulas only the special agrarian type of this substance is used. It increases the moisture and air exchange of the soil, improves the structure of the soil. It does not cake, does not compact, which creates good drainage. The root system of the earlobe primrose develops uniformly throughout the container in this case.
When preparing the earth mix for seedlings, vermiculite is often used. It prevents the formation of a solid crust on the surface of the soil. This additive is also able to protect the primrose root system from temperature changes, which is extremely important in the winter. Normalization of moisture and oxygen exchange. The plant develops harmoniously.
Planting of seeds
выращивается достаточно просто. The primrose ear from seeds at home is grown quite simply. By purchasing soil and additives, as well as preparing the sowing tanks, you can start working. First you need to prepare a soil mixture. The combination of vermiculite with perlite is mixed in equal proportions.
The content of additives in the soil should be about 50%. This indicator depends on the size of the seeds. In Primrose primrose they are small, so perlite and vermiculite must be brought in quite a lot. For large seeds, 20% of the additives in the soil are sufficient.
The prepared container is filled with soil mixture. The surface can be additionally sprinkled with additives. The soil must be sprinkled with water from the spray gun. Seeds need to be removed from the package. They are conveniently arranged on paper.
Seedlings are covered with a transparent film. The temperature in the mini-greenhouse should be from 16 to 20 o C.
First shoots
Specific requirements for the cultivation of the first shoots are primrose ischkovaya. должны осуществляться в соответствии с этими требованиями. Planting and care must be carried out in accordance with these requirements. In this case, the plants develop harmoniously.
Direct sunlight should not fall on a transparent greenhouse film. In winter, this requirement is simple. Sunny days during this period are quite rare. However, caution in this case still does not hurt. Until the first shoots appeared, you can not pay much attention to this issue.
When the first green leaves appear on the surface of the soil, it becomes extremely necessary to shade the greenhouse. During this period, it is important to control the moisture content of the soil. The primer should not dry out. But excessive moisturizing can become disastrous for sprouting. It is best to use a spray gun. When a pair of full-fledged leaves appears, you can gradually remove the lid of the greenhouse.
Picks of seedlings
требует выполнения пикировки около 2-3 раз. Primula earflap requires the performance of picks about 2-3 times. It is carried out when several real leaves are found in the seedling. This procedure allows you to update the air exchange at the roots, close the stem. If the crops have a high density, you can dive the seedlings even at the stage of the emergence of cotyledonous leaves.
The wells in the ground are made with a pointed toothpick. It is pre-wetted in water. The seedling is carefully taken with tweezers for the cotyledon leaf. With the help of the same pointed toothpick, it is brought into the prepared well. The seedling is buried to the base of the cotyledon leaf.
When the grown up shoots become tight again in their container, they are again dived. Weak plants are removed. Strong seedlings are introduced into the prepared soil. The last transfer is made to an open ground or a permanent container.
Care of the plant
которой происходит в условиях открытого грунта, требует своевременного полива, а также периодического внесения минеральных удобрений. Primula earwax, which grows in open ground conditions, requires timely irrigation, as well as periodic application of mineral fertilizers. Complex top dressing is applied up to 4 times per season. It should also periodically loosen the soil and provide competent protection against pests.
On a permanent place of growth, the auricle is planted when the rosettes of the leaves reach 3-4 cm in diameter. Flowering often with this method of cultivation occurs in the second year. Total decorative is achieved after 3 years.
If different varieties of primrose grow on the site, they can mutually pollinate. Therefore, to preserve the purity of the species, they should be planted separately.
Problems in growing
подвержена негативному влиянию избыточной влажности. Primula ear is prone to negative influence of excessive humidity. If the weather is too rainy, it is necessary to further protect plants from rotting by arranging special shelters. As the lower leaves and peduncles wilt, they must be removed. This will also prevent the decay of the auricle. After that, the ground is poured over the stalk. It is especially important to make the plants before wintering.
In the winter, the rodent can spoil the earlobe primrose. For protection from pests in the cold period, the sockets are covered with bottoms cut from 5-liter bottles. Side of them make small ventilation holes. Their size should be such that the mouse could not penetrate under the dome to the plant.
To prevent eating auricula fleas, mites, aphids and slugs, it is necessary to use special fungicides. They are available in a wide range of products.
а также основы ее семенного разведения, каждый садовод сможет самостоятельно вырастить аурикулу на своем участке. Having considered what the prickle ear is, and also the basics of its seed breeding, each gardener can independently grow an auricle on his plot.
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