Food and drinkSalads

Recipe for crab salad: a classic base plus the imagination of the cook

This food can be cooked easily and very quickly - but this, by no means, makes it unnecessarily simple or primitive. Crab salad with eggs and other ingredients with a fairly competent performance can turn into a real masterpiece, that's why he became so incredibly popular - and far beyond his native country.

Salad with crab meat has a delicate, slightly sweet taste, an original composition, which few people can remain indifferent. For daily dinners or a festive table - a recipe for crab salad will suit any situation, especially since its preparation takes no more than a quarter of an hour, not to mention even a minimal set of products - crabmeat or crab sticks, corn and eggs.

It is important to remember that the taste of such a wonderful salad primarily depends on how thinly the cook can cut meat and chop the eggs. Whether these products are cut finely, coarse or their grinding on the grater depends only on the desire of the one who is preparing the salad. In addition, you can experiment with the flavors, adding onions - always finely chopped, rice or pickled cucumbers and fresh cabbage. In general, there is no one specific indication how to prepare a crab salad correctly - it all depends on the culinary imagination, his personal preferences and tastes. Someone can even use as a main product ham, cheese or fresh tomatoes - except for crab meat and eggs, all other ingredients can be very different.

The recipe for a crab salad - classic (the basis of everything) or any other remains incredibly popular - and not the least important is the interesting sweet taste, which is the main feature of the dish that can not be changed. If you are still not sure that you can achieve this with your own talents, use the following recommendations, thanks to which you can prepare a tasty and quick salad. This will require: crab sticks or meat (200 grams), canned corn (200 grams), eggs (4 pcs.) And mayonnaise (150 ml.). First of all you should cook eggs - if you put them in cold water, the cooking process will take no more than 10 minutes after boiling, if you lower them right into boiling water, then it will take a quarter of an hour to wait. At this time, you can save canned corn from water, lay the grain in a beautiful salad bowl, then send the same finely chopped crab sticks. When eggs are cooked, they should also be cooled and grinded. Next, all the ingredients that provide a recipe for crab salad, carefully mixed in a salad bowl and dressed with mayonnaise. In a quarter of an hour, when the salad is infused, it can be served to the table.

I want something brighter and more original. You can cook a delicious dish with the addition of tomatoes. It needs canned crabs (200 grams), tomatoes (3 pcs.), Onions (2 g.), As well as champignons (150 grams) and all kinds of greens. In addition, this sauce will have to separately prepare a sauce for which you need lemons (2 pcs.), Vegetable oil (30 ml.), White wine (150 ml.) And spices. This recipe for crab salad assumes the preparation of the main part of the dish is the same as in the classical version - all the ingredients are crushed in the most careful way (it is very important to remove the peel from the tomatoes first) and mix in a salad bowl. To create a sauce, you need to grind a onion in the blender with vegetable oil, wine and lemon juice, as well as the main spices - pepper and salt. Further everything is simple - the salad is dressed with the prepared sauce and sent to a cool place. In a quarter of an hour, when the crab salad is infused, it can be presented to all those who wish to evaluate your culinary skills.

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