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Potatoes in the oven - fast and tasty

Who would have thought that the most common potato, which is one of the most frequent guests on the table of every Russian, has great health benefits. For every 100 g of potatoes there are about 20 g of starch, 1.2 g of various mineral salts, 2 g of protein. Useful vitamin C in the potato is small, but since we use it a lot, then vitamin C is enough. 200 g of fresh potatoes welded in a uniform is enough to replenish the daily dose of vitamin C, but you should know that this is a young vegetable, the amount of vitamin in it decreases with time. The advantage of potatoes is that it is possible to cook a huge number of dishes from it, some of which are told in this article.

Potatoes in the oven with pork

The pork must be cut into pork and discarded, then put on a baking tray and add to the taste and pepper to taste. Top with 2 bulbs, cut into rings. We peel potatoes and cut them with slices, lay them onions and sprinkle with pepper and salt. The last layer is 200 g of shabby cheese and mayonnaise. Baking time - 40 min.

Potatoes with minced meat in the oven

This recipe is extremely simple. You will need half a kilogram of potatoes and pork-ground beef. Potatoes are boiled in a "uniform", cleaned and cut into 2 halves. In each half, we make a groove of the filling of the filling with a spoon, and cut the lower parts of the halves slightly (so that we can put them). Mince fry together with carrots (2 pieces, cut into strips) and one finely crumbled bulb. Do not forget to add salt and add black pepper.

In a half of the potatoes we put a drop of butter, then fill it with minced meat, pour the beaten egg and cover with shabby cheese. Gently put on a baking sheet and bake for half an hour.

Potatoes in the oven with tomatoes

8 potatoes clean and cut in circles, salt, sprinkle with chopped dill and pour 3 tablespoons. Any vegetable oil, if desired, add pepper. We mix everything well. 3 tomatoes are also cut into rings.

We put a thick frying pan or a pan into oil, put 1/2 potatoes, top the tomatoes and the second half of the potatoes. Cover it all with foil and bake for about 30 minutes, then remove the foil, and the potatoes for another 30 minutes. Fry.

Potatoes in the oven baked in the sleeve

The potato cooked in this way is very delicious, and it is quite easy to cook it. 12 potatoes must be cleaned and seasoned. 8 pork ribs should also be salted, greased with mayonnaise, sprinkled with pepper and put in a "sleeve" for the oven. Around the meat you need to lay out the potatoes, season with 2 cloves of chopped honesty, one chopped onion and parsley. The "sleeve" should be tied and baked for about an hour.

French fries in the oven

Fans of French fries can cook it on their own in the oven. However, you should know that the french fries cooked in this way will not turn out to be as greasy and crunchy as fried in oil.

We peel potatoes, cut it with straw and for 30 minutes. Soak in salted water (salt need 4 tablespoons and a half liter of water). We dip it with a towel and leave it wrapped for 10 minutes so that the moisture absorbs. In 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add the spices for potatoes, and then pour this mixture of potatoes. Spread it on a baking sheet in 1 layer and put in a heavily heated oven. Bake until cooked.

Potatoes in the oven with beef

Very fragrant and delicious turns potatoes, baked in an oven with beef. From the dishes you will need pots or a saucepan.

Half a kilo of fresh beef should be cut into small cubes (3x3 cm), then sprinkle it with pepper and salt. Three tablespoons of melted butter put on a frying pan and, when heated, fry the meat on it (not until done, enough for 10 minutes). Then, peel 600 g of potatoes, 2 carrots and 2 onions. Cut potatoes into cubes, onions - half rings, and carrots can be rubbed. In addition, in the dish you can add vegetables such as zucchini, cauliflower or green beans.

Put meat and vegetables in a saucepan or pots. If you like dishes fatter, put a little bit of fat on the bottom. Pour everything with water or meat broth, add a few peas of black pepper and a laurel. In a sealed container, cook for 1.5 hours. In the dish you can add tomato. If you decide to do this, pour it not immediately, but when the potatoes are ready.

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