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Plants of South America

In South America, unlike other corners of our planet, there are an incredible number of representatives of the animal and vegetable worlds. The diversity of the tropical flora is most vividly represented on the vast territory of the Amazon basin. It is here that there are almost forty-four thousand species of various plants.

The list of only one representatives of woody flora occupies more than one dozen pages. These plants of South America are mainly represented by the bean-colored plants. They are a decoration of the rainforest. Among the trees with spectacular flowering the central place is occupied by the family of tsezalpinia. The highest representatives of the flora of the flood plain of the Amazon are mimosa. Trees of this species reach a height of sixty meters. In the forests of South America, tropical plants such as spurge and laurel, muscatel and kutra, as well as lecithid plants have become widespread.

The greatest benefit to the population of the planet is the Brazilian hevea. This tree, which belongs to the spurge family, gives rubber. The plant has a rather thick trunk. Its dimensions can exceed one meter in width. The height of this tree can reach a mark of thirty meters. Interesting plants are found in the Brazilian regions. Trees belonging to the family of kutra, also give rubber. First of all, it finds its application in the manufacture of chewing gums. Valuable wood, which is not inferior in its quality to the real mahogany, gives a large leaf collection.

Plants of South America, especially luxuriantly growing in the tropical thickets of the Amazon, are vividly represented by various species of lianas. Of its specific species, Indians of local tribes produce poison curare, which is applied to the tips of their arrows.

In that part of the floodplain that undergoes flooding, palm trees grow. Many of their species are used as food by the local population.

Plants of South America are represented by a tree-cocoa (or chocolate). The height of this kind of flora reaches up to ten meters. Representatives of these trees are most often found in the lower reaches of the Amazon River.

The areas of tropical forests border on vast areas covered with meadows, on which grow tall herbaceous plants. They are mainly represented by cereals. In the period of high water some parts of such a meadow can separate from the upper layer of the ground and swim in the direction of the current like floating islands.

Plants of South America, growing on the edge of the floodplain, are vividly represented by marsh and water communities. Thanks to the warm and humid climate, they develop here especially magnificently.

Quite an unusual plant, which has become the most widespread in the tropical territory of South America, is the Kirkason. This is the genus of lianas and herbs. On the stems of the plant there are unusual large flowers. Thanks to them, the kirkason is widely used by landscape designers. It can be found in home gardens, greenhouses and parks. Since ancient times, its medicinal properties have also been used. Kirkason serves as a restorative organism. It can calm the nervous system and normalize the digestive tract. This manifests its anti-inflammatory and diuretic function. Useful substances contained in the root of Kirkizon are used for vasodilation. Tincture of this healing plant helps with malaria and fever, curing gynecological diseases and getting rid of stomach and intestinal disorders. As an external agent, Kirkason is used for allergic manifestations, scrofula and wounds that do not heal for a long time.

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