HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pain in the Heart - Causes and Treatment

The causes of heart attacks can be very different. There are no danger pains that can be tolerated, but there are pains that are contraindicated, they should be removed immediately. How can I find out? For this, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination at the slightest doubt, without waiting for complications.

Pain in the left side of the chest.

If we have chest pain on the left side, first of all we think about the heart. But these heart pain symptoms are often not related to the heart itself. Just in our nervous system, the branches of nerves that approach different organs move away from one trunk. Nervous branches can go to the stomach, liver, heart, etc. Therefore, if there is a violation in the biliary tract or stomach diseases, the pain may appear in the region of the heart. Such symptoms are not removed by cardiac drugs, but require treatment of the underlying disease. Another cause may be the infringement of the nerve associated with the spinal cord. This happens with osteochondrosis, a tumor of the spine, trauma, a herniated intervertebral disc. These pain can only pass through the treatment of the spine.

What are the pains in the heart?

First of all, they can be a consequence of diseases of the nervous system: cardioneurosis. They are permanent, are noisy and intensify during stress. To remove them you need to take soothing means: valerian or valocordin. But we must not forget that only a doctor can diagnose cardioneurosis and after the examination determine why the heart hurts. With inflammation (myocarditis) of the heart muscle, aching long, sometimes in combination with stitching, pain to the right of the sternum. With physical activity, they usually increase, combined with shortness of breath. Perhaps the "fading" of the heart and a sense of "interruptions" in his work, malaise, weakness, sometimes a slight increase in temperature. With such pains you can not joke, you need long-term treatment. Also, pain in the heart is possible with spasms of arteries, supplying the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients. These attacks are called angina pectoris, present a great danger and require immediate treatment.

Angina pectoris.

Attacks occur with stress or physical exertion (angina pectoris), then in a calm state (resting stenocardia). In typical cases, such pains in the heart have a pressing and compressive nature, manifesting to the left of the sternum or in its upper part. These pains can be given to the left side of the face and neck, to the left arm, to the scapula. Sometimes it is possible to feel in the right shoulder or both arms and shoulders. The sensation can spread to the left side of the waist and abdomen, to the legs. The onset is sudden, then the pain takes on an increasing character, how many minutes it keeps and disappears. Its action can usually be removed with nitroglycerin: it helps to relieve spasm of the coronary arteries. Activate nitroglycerin after 1-2 minutes and provide an effect for 20-30 minutes. It should be remembered that neither Validol nor Corvalol in angina pectoris help. If there is such a picture at least once, you should definitely be examined by a doctor to know clearly what to do when an attack occurs.

Myocardial infarction.

With prolonged attacks of angina, the heart muscle does not receive oxygen and nutrients. She begins to collapse, her necrosis comes, it is called myocardial infarction. It is for this reason that in no case should pain in the heart be tolerated with angina pectoris. Myocardial infarction is characterized by severe attacks of chest pain. They can no longer be removed with nitroglycerin. In this case, the patient will have a better chance of recovery, if immediately seek medical help.

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