HealthDiseases and Conditions

Temperature 37 in a child

It often happens that after the removal of all symptoms of the disease, the child has a temperature of 37. At the same time, it can last for weeks. Doctors call this condition subfebrile (causeless).

As a rule, the kid does not complain about anything at all, he does not have a cold and cough, nothing hurts. However, the temperature 37 is maintained and does not subside. For a sufficiently long period it was believed that its cause is a chronic infection. However, today specialists associate this phenomenon with the frustration of the CNS function.

This peculiar condition was defined by scientists as a special thermoneurosis that affects the nervous system as a result of mental, physical trauma, transmitted infection, general overwork or overexertion.

If the temperature of 37-38 degrees is held by the child for more than two weeks, and it can not be reduced by paracetamol or other antipyretic agents, while in the general analysis of blood there are no deviations, the child does not lose weight, changes in the frequency of his pulse do not depend on the level Temperature, then there is an "independent" subfebrile condition. Along with this, conducted examinations do not reveal any other diseases (thyrotoxicosis, infective endocarditis, rheumatism and others).

When measuring the temperature of the baby, it must be ensured that his underarm cavity is dry. The thermometer should be kept for at least ten minutes. Doctors recommend using a modern electronic thermometer. It is worth checking the accuracy of the readings by measuring the temperature with another thermometer.

Why does temperature 37 not drop?

This persistent increase is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the thermoregulatory zones in the brain. Normal temperature indicates that in the body between heat transfer and heat formation, equilibrium is established. In other words, the amount of heat that is released per day should be approximately equal to the amount of heat produced. However, some children have a heat retention in the body.

Often the temperature of 37 is a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

As observations show, children with subfebrile temperature have similar psychological characteristics. As a rule, they are closed, uncommunicative, easily irritated, hypochondriac. It should be noted that their condition does not improve against the background of anxiety of adults, who examine the thermometer indicators every evening.

The long subfebrile condition does not have any specific symptoms. In young children, there may be an upset of appetite, increased irritability. In the elderly, there is weakness, headache, increased sweating. However, as a rule, a persistent temperature of 37 does not cause serious discomfort to the child. Parents often identify it completely by accident, continuing to measure after the elimination of the common cold.

To treat a subfebrile condition it is necessary. According to experts, this condition is a stress for the child's body, undermining his immune system.

Treatment should be based on the elimination of functional disorders of the CNS, which provoked heat exchange disorders.

To eliminate the condition, acupuncture is prescribed. The standard course includes twelve to fifteen procedures.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe medication.

However, a prerequisite for stabilizing the child's condition is the correct regime of the day. At the same time, you should not restrict school attendance, you do not need to transfer the child to home schooling. In addition, there is no need to release him from physical education. Teachers should be warned that the child has such conditions, and he can get tired faster than peers. It is necessary to temper the baby.

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