HealthDiseases and Conditions

Black acanthosis: causes and treatment

For the first time black acanthosis was described in Germany in 1889. According to the studies, he can have a certain relationship with malignant and benign tumors.

What is the disease?

Black acanthosis - pigment-papillary dystrophy of the skin. It refers to dangerous diseases, since it can be benign and malignant. A benign form arises predominantly in children and it is associated with a disruption in the endocrine system, especially if there are additional diseases such as obesity and diabetes mellitus. Dystrophy can also be caused by disturbances in the activity of the nervous system.

Malignant form occurs in adulthood. This disease is dangerous because it is accompanied by malignant neoplasms of the internal organs and is observed mainly in places of the greatest friction of the skin.


The causes of black acanthosis are not exactly defined, however, scientists have established a certain relationship with predisposing factors. In particular, such factors include:

  • heredity;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Disruption of the endocrine system;
  • Taking some medications.

The disease can occur in a person at absolutely any age, and basically the reasons for its formation also differ significantly in different age groups. In addition, provoking factors can be the consumption of fatty or starchy foods, as well as overweight.

Main symptoms

Black acanthosis of the papillary layer of the skin is manifested mainly by such symptoms as:

  • Coarsening and exfoliation of skin areas;
  • Increased pigmentation of affected skin;
  • Appearance on the skin of papillomas and fibroids.

This disease is mainly manifested in the natural folds of the skin. Very rarely, the patient's skin changes become widespread and cover a significant area near the main lesion. At the same time, changes can be observed on a number of located organs.

The photo of black acanthosis clearly shows the peculiarity of the course of the disease. Initially, the patient develops a region of yellowish hue, which eventually acquires a darker and more intense color. Gradually, fibromas and papillomas begin to form on the affected area. Mucous membranes are mostly not affected, but they can also form papillomas. Sometimes a person can feel a tingling and itching in the area of the lesion.

In the presence of a malignant tumor, a person feels strong weakness, apathy, drowsiness, and also begins to lose weight.

Conducting diagnostics

If a black acanthosis occurs in a person, the diagnosis in patients of the middle and old age is based on a vernal examination of the emerging spots. All patients with this disease must undergo a comprehensive examination to check for malignancy.

The doctor prescribes laboratory tests. Identify such violations can be in the test for resistance to insulin, since often there is no evidence of diabetes, but the level of insulin in the blood will be very high. That is why if there is a suspicion of a benign tumor, endocrinologist's consultation is required. In addition, a biopsy can be administered, followed by a study of the tissues obtained.

Treatment of the disease

There are no specific methods for treating black acanthosis. The main goal of the therapy is to eliminate the underlying disease. Often, for the treatment of benign neoplasm, vitamin A, ascorbic acid, and salicylic ointment are prescribed, which must be applied to damaged areas of skin. In the presence of hormonal disorders hormonal therapy is prescribed.

Therapy with application of liquid nitrogen is successfully performed. At the time of the therapy is best if the patient will be in the hospital. If a black acanthosis of a malignant form occurs, the tumor is mainly removed. However, it is worth remembering that the disease may reoccur after relapses and the presence of metastases.

It is quite often that malignant black acanthosis occurs, and its treatment with "Vetom" brings a very good result, since this drug helps to reduce the consequences of chemotherapy. In the presence of malignant neoplasms, this remedy is used to strengthen immunity, as a restoring antitumor drug.

In the presence of warts on the skin, coagulation of tissues under the influence of electric current is carried out. On the area with increased pigmentation of the skin, special ointments or alcohol tinctures are applied. Necessarily it is necessary to strengthen immunity, for which vitamin complexes are used, as well as extracts of echinacea and ginseng. In addition, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic powders are used. Well, the bath with the addition of potassium permanganate helps.

In case of severe disease, hormonal therapy is prescribed. Patients throughout life need constant intake of zinc drugs that help maintain a good human condition.

Prognosis of the course of the disease

Many patients with benign form of the disease have an additional insulin resistance, which becomes the main cause of acanthosis. The severity of the course of the disease and the prognosis after treatment largely depend on the degree of insulin resistance. If there is an open form of diabetes, the prognosis is rather disappointing. With proper and timely treatment, you can achieve a quick recovery. Teenage form is characterized by the fact that the disease passes by itself, as the child grows up.

With malignant disease, the prognosis is rather disappointing, since the underlying tumor is aggressive. The average life expectancy of such patients is 2 years, although there are cases when people lived more than 10 years.


To reduce the likelihood of the disease, you must definitely follow certain preventive measures. Such preventive measures include the maintenance of a normal body weight. In addition, it is necessary to control the level of insulin and maintain it in the norm.


Complications can be very different, depending on the particular course of black acanthosis. In children, the disease mainly proceeds in a benign form, so the occurrence of dangerous complications is not observed.

In adults, the disease is more acute, as well as serious complications in the transition of the disease into a chronic form. It is often observed the emergence of seborrhea, fungal infections, as well as relapses and metastasis of malignant tumors.

Black acanthosis in dogs: a peculiarity of leaking and treatment

In animals, the disease is characterized by the appearance of a multitude of growths and papillomas in large folds of the skin. This changes the color of the skin and cell proliferation occurs.

Black acanthosis in dogs occurs for a variety of reasons, in particular such as:

  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • obesity;
  • heredity.

The main signs of the disease are characterized by the appearance of horny skin areas and strong pigmentation. These areas are mainly concentrated between the buttocks, in the femoral and inguinal folds, underarms, near the navel, near the ears and on both sides of the neck.

The skin of the animal acquires a brownish hue and becomes very dry, and after a while it begins to darken. Many folds and outgrowths appear, and the relief is greatly enhanced. The primary form of the disease occurs in dachshunds of both sexes, mostly up to a year. Secondary is observed in dogs of all breeds, but more often in smooth-haired dogs. This condition indicates the presence of problems with the adrenal cortex or the thyroid gland.

Treatment of the primary form of the disease to date is ineffective, since there are no targeted drugs. The condition of the animal can be alleviated only by taking hormonal preparations and various topical creams.

The reception of glucocorticoids, as well as vitamin E is indicated. In the presence of a secondary form of the disease, therapy is not required, since the symptoms mostly pass by themselves. Only the use of agents for the removal of skin inflammation is shown.

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