
Modal verbs in English: what is it and what do they "eat"?

The verb in English is a very unusual part of the speech. To begin with, in this language distinguish 4 types of verbs - semantic, auxiliary, phrasal and modal. In the article we will talk just about them. So, modal verbs in English are not the most difficult subject. But what are they? First of all, this kind of verbs does not obey the basic rules of changing and forming the forms of ordinary, semantic verbs. They denote the need or desire to do this action.

What are the modal verbs in English?

  • Do not use without semantic verbs.
  • Do not change by face.
  • Do not change by numbers.
  • Do not have an infinitive.
  • Some of the modal verbs do not have past and future tense forms, so they use verbs that are close in meaning.
  • When constructing a negative and interrogative sentence, as a rule, an auxiliary verb is not used.

At first glance, this all seems complicated - an incomprehensible English language, modal verbs, a verb table that plunges a person into a panic ... In fact, everything is not so bad. And you will be convinced of this.

Basic modal verbs of English


Indicates the physical ability to perform some action. In the past and future time, instead of can , was was able and will be able, respectively. This verb also has a form of could , but it is rarely used in the past tense. This form is used in requests and courteous appeals. It can also be used as an expression of doubt in the possibility of an action. Note that I could use communication more preferably than can . Drawing an analogy with the Russian, can is a familiar appeal, which is permissible only in the circle of the closest people. And then, do not you become rude to the best friend? That can not be used anywhere you do not need. The British are distinguished by their politeness, courtesy and respect for someone else's personal space. If you ask bread in the store, using can , you simply will not be answered, and this is at best. At worst - you have to listen to meticulous Britons, what an uncultured person you are.

For example :

  • I will be able to help you. "I can help you."
  • Maybe he could bring me my favorite tea. "I do not know, maybe he will still be able to bring me my favorite tea."

As for the form could , it also means the ability to do something in the past and is translated by a subjunctive mood.

  • Could he give us his car for a week? "Could he give us his car for a week?"


This verb has only the form of the present tense. In the past and in the future instead of must put another modal verb - have to . Note that it has the forms of all times and is used with an auxiliary verb. Indicates a strict obligation, and in a negative form - a strict prohibition on the commission of any action.

For example :

  • You must not drink so much juice! "You can not drink that much juice!"
  • You must help your mother around the house. - You must help your mother in the household.

Have to

Like the previous verb, have to denote the action that a person must perform regardless of external conditions and his desire. This is a tough imperative, which is well illustrated by the phrase "Die, but do it." We recall that this verb has the forms of all times and is used together with the auxiliary verb in constructing the negation and the question. The remaining modal verbs in English are used without the auxiliary verb.

For example :

  • We have to write this work because it is our graduate test. - We must write this work, as this is our final qualifying test.
  • We will have to go to our granny soon, but she never expects us. "We will soon have to go to my grandmother, but she never waits for us."
  • You have to go for a long walk to the doctor with your dog. - You should go for a walk with the dog for a long time and then go to the doctor.


This verb denotes a softer obedience, it is an imperative in the form of advice. In addition, it can be used to express the conscious need to do something.

For example :

  • I will not be silent. Not only we think he should come home in the morning. "I will not be silent." Not only do we think that he should not come home in the morning.


As the past tense form, the might is used , which indicates a weak probability of an action. In addition, it can be used as a polite request or permission to do something.

What will help me learn English?

In any case, what will help you learn English well is tests. Modal verbs are well absorbed precisely when using the test form of knowledge control. However, the subtleties of using verbs can only be learned in a linguistic environment. But in any case, if you once learn modal verbs in English, this knowledge will remain with you for life. In addition, do not underestimate the impact of the environment. Getting into the language environment, a person begins to make significant progress in the language. Why does this happen? It's all about necessity. In a desperate situation, a person mobilizes, gathers, and training passes faster.

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