
Masonic plot: history, features

The Masonic conspiracy is the most widespread conspiracy theory in the world. Annually hundreds of books and articles are written on this subject. In the media, fierce discussions are held regularly about the existence of secret societies that rule the world. Supporters of the theory believe that the Masonic track stretches from the Middle Ages and leaves an imprint on all events of world history.

The origin of Freemasons

In the West, the word mason is translated as "mason". The Masonic conspiracy takes its origin in the medieval building cooperatives. In the dawn of Gothic architecture throughout Europe, massive churches and temples were built. Their size and features of exterior decoration required many decades of work. There are cases when one church could be built for more than a hundred years. Therefore, masons (the general name of architects, engineers and other participants in the construction process) settled directly near the construction site and could spend more than half of their life there. Staying in such conditions prompted them to create various fraternities and organizations. The first Masons were masons, who set the rules of behavior in their settlements, the hierarchy and so on, thus acquiring the form of a community.

Joining influential people

Several centuries passed, and people joined the Masonic lodges, who had nothing to do with the construction. A Lodge is an association of people on a territorial basis. All of them obey the Grand Lodge, which determines the primacy in the local. Rich people of the Renaissance quickly realized that you can use the inconspicuous association of masons to expand their influence. Thus, the Masonic conspiracy actually existed in France and a number of other Western states.

Gradually accepting new members, among whom were even members of the royal families, the Masons increasingly moved away from the masons. They began to call themselves "architects of life." From the founders were only symbols - the compass and the square. Also, as an emblem, the image of the eye in the pyramid is often mentioned. In general, the Masonic conspiracy involves the use of various occult symbols by secret societies.

Dissemination theory

The Masonic conspiracy is the theory that secret societies take prominent public figures, politicians, rich men and other "elite" to influence the world system. The ultimate goal of the Masons is the complete unification of the world and the creation of a new order, where lodges will play a decisive role. The popularity of such a theory reached its peak in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Although even in the days of Elizabethan Russia, the first accusations of conspiracy against the Russian people appeared. The Empress accused the boyars and some members of the intelligentsia of belonging to the Masonic lodges and plundering the treasury.

With the beginning of the 20th century, similar theories were common in France, America, Russia, Germany. In the United States, the people were of the opinion that the "founding fathers" (Lincoln and others) were members of the Masonic lodge. This fact is confirmed by real historical sources. In a number of US administrative buildings, there are various symbols that identify as Masonic. For example, on the Capitol building, the White House, at the Dallas airport.

Theory of Masonic Conspiracy: Communion of Zionism

Most supporters of conspiracy theories associate the Masonic conspiracy with Zionism. Such a concept became popular among the masses in the first half of the 20th century. At that time, the first large corporations appeared, which had a significant impact on the policies of their countries. Among the richest people in the world was a very high percentage of Jews (for example, the Rothschilds). They organized whole societies within their families. Such dynastic organizations caused a storm of criticism from the right conservatives. A huge response was caused by the murder of John F. Kennedy, who allegedly expressed his intentions to put an end to "supranational structures."

Overthrow of regimes

Various conspiracy theorists also see the Masonic track in the revolutions of the 19th century, which overthrew regimes in European countries, using the material support of Jewish capital. The Masonic conspiracy in Russia gained fame after the 1905 uprising. Radical nationalists, better known as the "Black Hundreds," accused the Masonic lodges and the leaders of the Zionist sects of organizing the revolution. Since then, the theory of conspiracy from time to time cause a wave of debate in Russian society. In membership in the box, they accused almost all public figures of Jewish origin.

Who professes

More often than not, ultra-right nationalists and radical conservatives, who are in opposition to the authorities in their country, are talking about the Masonic conspiracy. What is it - specifically no one can say. For such people, belonging to the bed itself is a priori reprehensible. The conspiracy theory is used for the purposes of political struggle. As a proof, symbolism and numerology are called. For example, they seek a hidden meaning in the dates of significant incidents of world history. Such statements are often criticized by philosophers and scientists. At the moment, the existence of Masonic lodges is a well-known and undisguised fact. Disputes are conducted only around the degree of their influence on society. It should be noted that no significant facts or documentary evidence of the Masonic conspiracy has been given so far. Nevertheless, this theme is often used by well-known writers. For example, Dan Brown wrote a series of books in which secret societies of Freemasons and Illuminati were mentioned.

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