HealthHealthy Eating

Is the protein bad for you?

Whichever way a person chooses to eat, he will be called a sonorous and well-known word "diet". Scientists have long proven that not only the health of the whole organism depends on the quality of foods and diet, but also the good condition of individual organs, as well as psychological health. Therefore, the food should be well balanced and contain a sufficient number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

At the same time, the surplus of one or another element can do no less damage to health than its lack. And if much has been written about the harm of excessive consumption of fats and carbohydrates, then the debate about whether the protein is harmful continues to this day.

What is protein for?

When we talk about a balanced diet, it is not only about the quality of the products consumed, but also about the observance of their correct correlation. For example, for the three main elements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is 1: 1: 4, respectively.

As can be seen from this small scheme, proteins in the daily diet are one-sixth of the total volume of food. This is true for the average person and allows him to consume all the necessary elements with food. But to find out how much proteins are harmful, you need to understand the mechanism of their action.

If a person is engaged in a sport that requires a significant increase in muscle mass - fitness, powerlifting or bodybuilding - the amount of protein in his diet rises sharply and reaches 30-35% of the total volume of food. This is because protein is the basis for building muscles.

This unnatural imbalance can not only increase sports results, but at the same time shake your health. Therefore, it is necessary to understand in more detail whether the protein is actually harmful.

How does protein work?

Protein is needed to build muscle - this can tell you any beginner bodybuilder. But few of them know that the protein consumed does not work as a building material. Because in the human body, it is first split into "bricks" - amino acids, and only then protein compounds are formed on their basis, which will participate in the creation of strong musculature.

The muscles themselves are built on the basis of "patching cracks." That is, the athlete during the peak stress creates muscle stress, resulting in the muscle tissue appear microcracks, which during rest and patch protein connections, while increasing their mass and volume. It is for this that proteins are needed for the bodybuilder.

In addition, before talking about whether the protein is harmful, you need to know that the eggs, milk, meat or fish used for its production with normal nutrition are not fully absorbed by the body by 100%. At the same time, special protein supplements are absorbed almost completely.

To Whom Is Protein Harmful?

To understand whether the protein has a contraindication for a particular person, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of his health. Because each of us can have an individual intolerance to certain types of protein. Often this is expressed in allergic reactions on the skin and in bowel disorder.

In addition, excessive consumption of protein to increase athletic performance or reduce weight by replacing fat with protein food is contraindicated in people with kidney failure and with some other types of kidney disease.

Particular attention should be paid to men on soy protein, which is a protein of plant origin and does not contain all the enzymes necessary for the life of the body. But most importantly, it can include phytoestrogens. These substances are similar to estrogens - sexual female hormones, and can cause a man harm.

Whether the protein is harmful in other cases is unknown. While he has not shown any harmful side effects with prolonged use. Although in any case, before you start using new food supplements, you should first consult with the appropriate specialist.

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