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Usurper is who?

It happens that in a quarrel one person calls another usurper, not knowing the meaning of this word. Let's find out what this word means. Who is a usurper?

What is usurpation?

In fact, usurpation is the seizure of power through violence. It is necessarily accompanied by violations of the law. Also this word is called misappropriation of powers.

The word itself has a Latin root, which means "mastery." Thus, the meaning of the word "usurper" can be interpreted as "possessing something".

Usurpation can be carried out by both a single person and a group. One can also include here elections held with serious violations and falsification of the results. Excess of authority of the authorities, as well as their abuse, is a particular manifestation of usurpation. Accordingly, the usurper is the person who committed the actions listed above. The result of the seizure is the extension of one's power to others and the ability to control the actions of all subordinates.

Famous invaders

Among the most famous invaders can be noted Guy Julius Caesar, who was the commander and dictator, Octavian Augustus - the founder of the Roman Empire, the legendary Napoleon. Domestic usurpers were Stalin and Lenin.

It is possible to give a huge number of examples, since there are enough personalities in history who were tempted to the throne and took it away. Well, if we talk about the electoral system, in many countries, residents can tell stories about falsifications.


Very often a usurper is a person who is attributed to such traits of character as vengefulness and arrogance, violence and cruelty, vanity and intrigue, ambition and ambitiousness. This list can be continued for a long time. In some cases, endowment with such qualities exaggerated the real state of affairs, but sometimes this was quite just. After all, a person who has seized power by force, is unlikely to be modest. No wonder they say that an intelligent person will never aspire to power. The spiritual organization of the usurper is unlikely to be subtle.

Humanity knows many usurpers who were completely different from each other. Someone was wise, someone was cunning. Some were charming, and others - worthless. But one thing can be said with certainty: a usurper is an unbending man.

In each of them there was something that pushed them to take decisions and violent actions.

Gender usurpation

But what was said at the very beginning, when one person calls another a usurper, more often refers precisely to the usurpation of gender. Usually this happens in families where husbands feel that they have some kind of superiority over their wives. They believe that men are higher in the hierarchy, and women must obey them. This problem is especially acute in countries with patriarchy. But today the movement of feminists, which are actively fighting this, has become widespread.


So, we found out who the usurper is. This is a person who has seized political power by force or fraudulently. Violence is most often used to speed up the capture process. Accordingly, the personality of such a person can be characterized by a clear attraction to violent actions.

Mankind has long passed the time when this method of coming to power was quite widespread. Today this is less common. But deceptions and falsifications still happen. It remains to be hoped that everything will turn out so that people come to power lawfully and without violence.

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