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Treatment of myxomatosis in rabbits. Mikksomatoz in rabbits: prevention
Rabbits are quite common animals in the household. The delicious meat of these animals encourages farmers to breed them in hundreds, the good it is not difficult, due to their extreme fertility. Those who have these animals on the farm know that there is a dangerous rabbit disease - myxomatosis, from which all the livestock can die out if you do not take the necessary measures. What it is? What are the symptoms of this ailment? How is myxomatosis treated in rabbits?
What is the disease
Mixomatosis is a virus that affects only animals, it does not work for people at all. It flows very sharply. Dispatched through:
• mosquitoes;
• mosquitoes;
• fleas;
• lice;
• ticks.
Also, the source of the disease is the sick or the ill rabbits who are carriers of the virus. The causative agent of myxomatosis is very dangerous and can continue to live even in the corpses of dead animals for up to seven days. In the soil, the virus can live for about 2 years.
An interesting feature is that European rabbits are the most susceptible to this disease, and when a representative of this breed is infected, treatment does not give the desired result. The animal quickly dies. The disease of rabbits Myxomatosis is caused solely by the virus and is characterized by extremely rapid and acute leakage.
Symptoms of the disease
Signs of the virus are expressed in the nodules and swelling of the ears, eyes, parts of the head, genitals and anus. There is also rhinitis, sneezing, discharge from the ears and eyes. It is worth noting that the appetite remains the same, the animals do not give up food. Although some individuals chew hay with some lethargy.
Infection in rabbits marked a strong increase in body temperature, up to 41 °. Often, only high temperatures are enough to kill the animal. If there are symptoms of rabbit disease - myxomatosis - treatment should be done under the supervision of a veterinarian. Only having received from the expert competent consultation. Possible to take action.
How to treat myxomatosis in rabbits
The most common form of treatment for a disease is vaccination of animals. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you must immediately transplant the infected individuals into separate cells and keep them there until complete recovery. Treatment of myxomatosis in rabbits does not take much time, but requires certain skills. To conduct all necessary procedures, you must consult a qualified veterinarian, or even better - call a doctor in place.
It should be remembered that even after the rabbit seems completely healthy, it still remains the carrier of a dangerous virus. Therefore, the recovered animal must be kept in quarantine for a few more months.
It is the vaccine against myxomatosis in rabbits that is very effective and is widely used in veterinary medicine. It is worth noting that this tool is recommended to use for livestock even for the purpose of disease prevention.
How Vaccination Works
In rabbit disease (myxomatosis), treatment consists in vaccinating the entire population. To carry out this procedure, you need to purchase a tool and syringes. Each animal must be individually pricked in the area of the hip or anus, the vet will inform the veterinarian in more detail. It is necessary for each individual to use a separate syringe. Experienced farmers do not advise vaccinating females on demolitions, as well as nursing rabbits.
One ampoule, consisting of a strain of Myxoma virus, is divided into 10 doses. Before vaccination, it is necessary to properly boil syringes or use disposable syringes. The place of injection should be disinfected with alcohol.
After the procedure, animals need careful care. It is necessary to look after rabbits for 20 days. It is necessary to independently conduct daily examination of patients, manually checking them for the presence of nodules on the head and in the anus. Do not neglect these measures, since the slightest oversight threatens the extinction of the entire rabbit farm.
How is recovery
Vaccination from the virus involves the development of antibodies in the body of animals on the 5th day after the procedure. Treatment of myxomatosis in rabbits should occur in sterile conditions, cells need only be filled with quality hay. Feeding rabbits is also necessary with caution, giving only proven feed.
Recovery from the disease is characterized by the healing of conjunctivitis and the disappearance of nodules. Necroses form on the lesions, which eventually pass. As a result of vaccination, rabbits acquire immunity against the virus, in the future, the recurrence of infection of animals is unlikely.
Treatment of myxomatosis in rabbits requires the vaccination with a strain of Myxoma virus. Prophylaxis of the disease is also carried out with the help of the same remedy. This procedure should be done by small rabbits at the age of 28 days. However, if the conditions of detention do not meet the hygiene standards, then it is possible to vaccinate the newborn animals, after waiting 7 days. 100% protection against the virus does not, but significantly raises the chances of survival of the livestock during infection.
There is an opinion that diseased rabbits should not be treated. They need to be disposed of, since the recovered animals will remain carriers of myxomatosis for life. However, experienced breeders agree that it is necessary to preserve the sick and even recommended. The fact is that in future the offspring will be much more resistant to myxomatosis than the previous one.
Mixomatosis is a contagious viral disease, which is completely harmless to humans. Rabbits are so tender creatures that when the Myxoma virus is infected, the livestock perishes in the shortest possible time, and the fight against the disease requires a lot of effort. Therefore, the implementation of preventive measures is much more profitable and effective than treating the entire population from the acute form of the disease.
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