HealthWomen Health

Is it possible to walk in a bath in a month?

The female body is regularly changed and rebuilt. The mission of the fairer sex is the bearing and birth of offspring. However, the modern world is different. Now women give birth to the desired number of children. In other cycles (when conception has not come), they come monthly.

One of the questions frequently asked by the doctor is: Can I go to a bath in a month? You can receive the answer after reading the article. You will find out what this entertainment is fraught with. Also you will get acquainted with the main opinions of specialists and women in this regard.

Menstruation: little theory

Before you find out what the bath causes during the menstruation, it is worth learning about the very process of such bleeding. Menstruation in the fairer sex occurs regularly (monthly). The average cycle of a modern lady is 28 calendar days. However, doctors say that the rate can vary from three to five weeks.

Throughout the cycle, the inner layer of the uterus is transformed. So the body prepares itself to perform the main function - the conception and the subsequent bearing of the baby. However, fertilization may not take place. In this case, a change in the hormonal background begins and the rejection of the overgrown mucosa. Outwardly it looks like a bleeding from the genital tract. It lasts from 3 to 7 days. In this case, in the first days of excretion can be quite abundant.

Bath and steam room

Currently, almost every village has all kinds of saunas, baths and steam rooms. Also, some people themselves build similar places of use for themselves.

Bath is a room in which the ambient temperature reaches 90-100 degrees. During her visit, skin cleansing and pores are performed. When carrying out special manipulations, the procedure can acquire an anti-cellulite and fat burning character. This is especially true among the fairer sex.

Can I go to the bath with menstruation?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Doctors insist that it is better to refuse such procedures during the bleeding period. However, there are specialists who report the benefits of the steam room for women.

Opinion of the fairer sex also diverge. Many women say that you can go to the bath during the menstruation. These ladies do not react in any way to changing temperatures. Other people are negative about this combination. Many of them have experienced all the consequences of such a holiday.

Effects on the body: double load

Is it possible to go to the bath in a month? As you already know, during the period of menstruation, the body clears from the accumulated mucous layer. Also during the stay in the steam room, the pores on the body open and expel slags and toxins. When a woman sweats under the influence of high temperatures, her body is cleaned. However, this is not so locally as during menstruation. It would seem that the cleansing of the organism in either case. Probably, they can be combined.

But everything is not so simple. When these two factors are combined, there is a strong burden on the body. First of all, the body loses a large amount of fluid. Doctors say that there is a possibility of dehydration after such manipulations.

Opinion of gynecologists

Is it possible to bathe with monthly? What do women doctors think about this? Gynecologists strongly advise women to visit the sauna and sauna during the period of menstruation. Such procedures can cause the development of severe bleeding. It will already have to be treated with medication. In particularly difficult situations, surgical intervention may be necessary. For sure, any representative of the weaker sex does not want to be on the operating table after the steam room.

This complication can arise for a simple reason. During the visit to the steam room, the entire body is heated. Under the influence of high temperatures, the vessels and the smallest capillaries expand. As a result, the circulation of blood increases, the liquid liquefies. In the presence of open wounds, they can bleed more. All this leads to the fact that ordinary menstruation grows into a bleeding, which is fraught with anemia and other health problems.

Beware of infection

Is it possible to go to the bath in a month? Doctors do not advise to visit saunas and steam rooms during menstruation for the reason that there is a high probability of infection. During the period of menstruation, the uterus is somewhat modified inside. It becomes like a gaping wound that is not protected by a normal microflora (as it happens in the absence of menstruation). If a woman visits a public place, in particular a bath, then an infection can develop. Most saunas have a swimming pool. It is there that many bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms multiply, which are just waiting for the right occasion to settle in the human body.

Modern means of personal hygiene are quite unique. Women can use tampons. These devices are created from sterile cotton wool, they protect against leakage and create a barrier for the entry of infection into the uterus. However, doctors remind that finding a tampon for more than 3-4 hours in the body of a woman in itself becomes a threat. After all, then the bacteria begin to form already inside. Doctors say that a tampon is not a way out of the situation. This remedy is not capable of protecting you from infection by 100 percent.

Benefits of the procedure

In some cases, it can benefit the bath during the period. "Can I bathe?" - you ask. Doctors say that it is not recommended to show strong activity. However, the fairer sex, who suffer from an irregular cycle, will benefit the heating procedure.

If you belong to the group of people who often complain about scanty and short-term menstruation, and also have problems with the endometrium, then safely go to the therma. However, the temperature in such a room should not exceed 80 degrees. Preferably, the body is gradually heated. First, stand by the door, then sit on the floor. Only after this can be placed on the upper shelves. In this case, the total residence time should not exceed 15 minutes. The reverse temperature change should also be gradual. Do not submerge in a snow or cold pool.

Menarche: the first menstruation in girls

Is it possible to go to the bath in a month? If it is a girl who first encountered bleeding, then the answer will be strictly negative. It is at this point that the female body begins its hormonal reorganization. It is still unknown how the girl's menses will be (short, painful, plentiful, and so on). Do not interfere with the work of the body with thermal loads.

Aesthetic side and sensations of a woman

Is it possible to steam women in a bath with menstruation? Of course, such conditions are not fatal. However, a woman's well-being from such manipulations can suffer greatly. There is also the aesthetic aspect of this issue. How will a woman feel in a bath during menstruation? To begin with, such manipulations are simply inconvenient. After the representative of the weaker sex will have to regularly visit a secluded place to change the means of hygiene. In addition, the hands are not always sterile.

Also in the period of menstruation, some women experience severe pain. If you have malaise, then exclude even thoughts about the bath. Stay home, and postpone such manipulations for several days. It is worth noting that the use of pain medication while visiting a bath can greatly aggravate your well-being.

Health problems: contraindications for bathing women

The bath strongly affects the heart and blood vessels. In the presence of varicose veins, heart failure, violation of blood pressure, hemorrhoids should abandon the bath during menstruation. All these diseases can become aggravated by increased stress on the body.

Also it is strictly forbidden to bathe with women with oncology. Especially if the tumor is found in the area of the reproductive organs (on the uterus, ovaries, cervical canal and so on). In this case, doctors prohibit such patients bath not only in the period of bleeding. Experts advise to completely abandon any thermal loads, including sunbathing under the sun.

Summing up: final recommendations

Can I go to the sauna before going to bed? Can! If you do not have contraindications to such heat loads. When the bleeding has already begun, it is worth abandoning the bath. Thus you can save yourself from many troubles.

If you still decided to go to the steam room, then carefully monitor your well-being. Drink more fluids, eliminate alcohol. Avoid strong temperature changes and with the slightest indisposition, consult a specialist. Strong to you health and pleasant rest!

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