HealthWomen Health

Female organism: its features

Specific features inherent in the female body are predetermined by nature. They are manifested in the structure of the body, physical development, the level of development of coordination, endurance, speed, efficiency, in the features of the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and other systems.


Female body is very different from the male in terms of functionality and structure. For the fair sex representatives are characterized by smaller sizes, they have more rounded forms of the body. Determining the type and degree of intensity of physical exertion, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the female body. Especially it concerns the period of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. During the PMS, many ladies observe an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. Also at this time women are characterized by irritability and pain in the lumbar region, often there is a general malaise. Climax, as a rule, comes in 40-50 years. Usually it is accompanied by increased nervousness and depression of nervous activity. Classes in the gym or fitness, as a rule, help to transfer the climatic period more easily. And in general, playing sports have an exceptionally positive effect on the female body, its physical condition and capabilities. If you want to always stay healthy and beautiful, do not forget about it.

What is harmful?

Also, the female body differs from the male organism in response to external stimuli and according to needs. What is especially harmful to him?

Doctors recommend the representatives of the weaker sex to sleep at least 7 hours a day. With any lack of sleep, the body requires compensation, often in the form of overeating and a surplus of sweets in the diet.

Fat, high-calorie food, or simply fast food, provokes spasms of blood vessels. In women, they last at least 4 hours. As a result, blood flow is slowed, blood pressure rises , and less oxygen enters the body. If you constantly eat fast food, your arteries are in a compressed state for a long time, and this threatens heart disease.

We all want to be slim. But the female body is arranged in such a way that, under strict diets, the brain signals that the body is not receiving enough food. Slowed metabolism and metabolism, the "frightened" body stores fats, and to get energy, burns muscles. As a result, the fatty layer increases. To avoid this, there should be three full meals during the day, and the total number of calories eaten should not be less than 1200. Of course, one glass of red wine has a positive effect on the heart. But not more. According to doctors, the negative impact of alcoholic drinks on the liver of a woman is 3 times stronger than that of a man's liver. A good reason to think about, is not it?

Harm to smoking

The female organism is very vulnerable to smoking. In some countries, up to 40% of smokers are women. What is the negative effect of smoking on the female body? Gradually, a lover of cigarettes loses appeal. The complexion acquires a gray or earthy hue, the skin becomes dry and dull, it loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear. The voice becomes coarser.

On the hand, which the woman holds a cigarette, fingers and nails turn yellow. The teeth of the smokers acquire a yellow tinge, the enamel is damaged. The whole organism grows old too soon. Smoking women often suffer from headaches, feel dizzy and weak, quickly become tired.

In heavy smokers, the risk of heart attack is 3 times more likely than in men who smoke as much. If you believe the statistics, in 30% of smokers there is hypertrophy of the thyroid gland

Cigarettes and other tobacco products adversely affect the ability to conceive, the course of pregnancy and the health of future offspring.

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