HealthWomen Health

Why did the men come early? Answer from specialists

As a rule, for all absolutely women of the so-called childbearing age, the monthly menstrual cycle is characterized by an established character. That's why any deviations from the norm are instantly noticed by the ladies. Why did the men come early? Does this indicate that there are any problems in the body? It is to these questions that we will try to give the maximally detailed answers in this article.

Why did the men come early? Main reasons

The menstrual cycle of a woman, according to experts, is maintained at completely different levels. This area of the cerebral cortex, and all known hypothalamus, and no less important pituitary, and the uterus, as well as the ovaries. So, a disruption in the work of any of the above systems can lead to the fact that menstruation began earlier than usual.

  • Neuropsychiatric loads and regular stresses are one of the most common reasons why menstruation came early. The thing is that the CNS constantly regulates the occurrence of spasms, as well as the expansion of absolutely all blood vessels and even the motor activity of the muscles of the uterus itself. Often, all the above factors cause premature rejection of the so-called mucous membrane of the uterus (otherwise - the endometrium), of course, with subsequent bleeding.
  • Observance of extreme diets is another reason why menstruation came early. The thing is that the lack of necessary nutrients directly affects the state of the whole organism, including the condition of the blood coagulation system.
  • For sure, everyone will agree that frequent colds are often the answer to the question of why the men came early. In this case, as a rule, the usual blood circulation is broken in the uterus itself, which causes the subsequent appearance of premature menstruation. Most often, these months are very painful because of the inflammatory process in the body. If there is an increase in body temperature, it is recommended to seek help without delay and to undergo a complete examination.
  • Not less often, if the menstruation came earlier and meager, the cause can be covered in various kinds of hormonal disorders. Despite the fact that they are common in adolescence and more mature age (for example, with the onset of menopause), today in medicine are known cases of disorders, including in childbearing age. As a rule, they arise against a background of various diseases, for example, endometriosis.

What to do?

First of all, experts strongly recommend not to panic, but calmly try to find out the cause of this kind of malfunction. If it's all about diets or regular stressful situations, you should change your daily lifestyle a little, take care of your health, go for the right diet. However, if such violations do not stop, that is, the situation is repeated for the next month, it is necessary to seek the advice of a qualified specialist. The doctor in addition to visual inspection should take a series of tests, after which you can already judge the diagnosis. Note that it is better to seek help early in the development of this problem, since the subsequent complications are much harder to cure.

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