
Immortelle. A flower that benefits

Yellow or orange-red immortelle is a flower that brings us much good and joy. Scientists called it the golden sun, just for its magnificent coloring. One of its unique properties is that even after drying, this flower does not lose its shape and color and perfectly dispenses with water in the form of a beautiful decoration of our lady. It is because he has not changed for so long that the people call him immortal.

The flower belongs to the group of Compositae. He is very unpretentious and feels great even in the most arid time. This plant reproduces with the help of seeds, requires almost no care and pleases its bright colors from July to August. Then they can be broken and simply put in a vase without adding water. It is a very beautiful and durable piece of decor.

If this healing and very beautiful plant wants to grow on its site, it is necessary to observe a number of simple requirements. It is necessary to know that its seeds give practically one hundred percent germination for the next year after harvesting. But if they are kept for a long time and only after two or three years of planting an immortelle, the flower may not grow, as the germination of seeds is reduced to thirty percent. Almost half of the plants bloom already in the first year. They please us with their flowering for five to seven years and give a lot of useful properties. Under the sowing the soil is prepared since the fall, it is necessarily loosened and fertilized with mineral fertilizers and manure.

In the flowering period, when the baskets are not yet fully opened, the flowers of the immortelle are cut off and immediately dried. Its healing properties can be significantly reduced if for some time it is kept in a bag not dried. If you want to dry medicinal flowers, be sure to do this in a cool room, placing them on tissue or paper. During the day, stir the inflorescence and make sure that they do not dry out. It is important to know that in order to preserve all useful properties, the temperature in the room should not exceed forty degrees. The total period of their storage is not more than four years from the date of collection.

Immortelle sand flowers are particularly appreciated for the large number of nutrients found in them. These are essential oils, vitamins K and C, carotene, iron, sugars, manganese, sodium, fatty acids, potassium salts, tannins, saponins and flavonoids. Few people know about all their useful properties. And meanwhile, the flowers of the immortelle of the sand are the first remedy for moths, bites of a rabid dog, coughing and other colds. Traditional medicine widely uses them for diseases of the stomach and liver, as well as a good wound-healing agent. From the flowers are prepared decoctions, infusions and extracts. Used to treat various inflammations in the bladder and kidneys, stones in the gallbladder.

It is with the disease of the liver, intestines and stomach that the flowers of the immortelle of the sand are used as the best and proven means for years. Decoction of them quickly eliminates all emetic symptoms, removes nausea and pain in the liver. Healers have long found out that they have a wonderful choleretic effect, and also contribute to an increase in the tone of the gallbladder, stomach and pancreas.

If chronic gastritis with a low acidity is observed, immortelle will be the best remedy. The flower has a mass of therapeutic effects necessary for this disease. Quickly removes inflammation and all the symptoms of dyspepsia, raises appetite, strengthens digestion and normalizes the internal microflora of the stomach and intestines. Accordingly, people with high acidity are contraindicated. If applied too long, it can lead to stagnation in the liver. Therefore, it is better to accurately observe the necessary dosage and not to spend therapy longer than three months.

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