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Ice toros. What is this phenomenon?

Many varieties of frozen H 2 O have their specific names. And if you turn to the explanatory dictionaries with the question: "What is Toros?" - then Ozhegov, for example, you can read - it's ice blocks that arise when compressing ice on lakes or seas, sometimes on rivers. And Ushakov's - these are frozen forms that formed in the polar seas from compression.

Toros: what is it?

Undoubtedly, this is one of the forms of ice relief, arising for certain reasons. When does the torus form? What is the phenomenon can cause? The ice cover is often subject to constant compression, because for physical reasons liquid water, freezing, increases in its volume. And now imagine this huge mass, squeezed into a certain space of the coast. Naturally, the covers will shrink, piling on each other in the form of debris. And these heaps sometimes reach a height of 10 or even 20 meters!

Two varieties

Scientists distinguish 2 ways of formations hummocks.

  1. Breaking. This is a kind of hummocking, where large cracks can form in the ice. As a result - toros. What is the cluttering of powerful debris takes a different, up to vertical, position - it is fully explainable by physical causes and force of gravity.
  2. Disintegration. It exists as a result of the destruction of the ice cover into its component parts, accompanied by the formation of hummocks from fragmented ice flakes.

Pack ice

The ice cover, cluttered up by hummocks, is considered to be hummocky (estimated by a 5-point gradation). Hummocks also form in the seas and oceans when pack ice moves. These are the covers of frozen water, existing over 2 years, more than 3 meters thick (mainly in the Arctic). The more correct name for such formations is the hummocky perennial ice.

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