
Tablets karsil - description and reception

Liver diseases are very common nowadays. The drug Karsil belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors. Pharmacological action of the drug:

-hepatoprotective action;

- influence on metabolism and other cellular processes;

- antioxidant effect, while improving microcirculation.

It is also worth noting that the use of the drug is associated with a decrease in the number of complaints caused by gastrointestinal diseases. In patients with low digestion due to liver disease, appetite appears, weight gain. The complexion becomes better, as is the general appearance.

Pharmacokinetics. Distribution and absorption of the drug. After the drug Karsil is absorbed in the digestive tract, then its components pass through the intestinal-hepatic circulation. In the human body does not cumulate. Metabolism occurs in the liver by conjugation. Karsil tablets are excreted from the human body: 80 percent with bile and 5 percent with urine.

Dosage of the drug: for children and adults over 12 years in the treatment of severe liver disease, the drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 420 mg - four pills three times a day; In the treatment of lighter cases, as well as with maintenance therapy, one or two pills are prescribed three times a day; In the prevention of two to three tablets a day, the general course of treatment - 3 months. Tablets Karsil should be taken with water. When overdosing, you should induce vomiting, then spend a full washing of the stomach, using activated charcoal inside.

Interaction with drugs. With the simultaneous use of silymarin with contraceptives, as well as other drugs used in hormone replacement therapy , it is possible to reduce the effects of these drugs. The use of the drug in lactation and pregnancy is not recommended. Side effects caused by the drug: allergic reactions. For example, in rare cases, a rash or itchy skin; In the digestive system may occur: variance, nausea, diarrhea; Sometimes it happens in some cases, alopecia, exacerbation of vestibular disorders. Carlsil tablets are transferred normally. Side effects occur rarely and have a short-lived transient nature, disappearing mainly after discontinuation of this drug.

Conditions for storing the drug : Karsil should be stored in a dry place, the place should not be accessible to children, an acceptable temperature should not exceed 25 ° C. Karsil tablets have a shelf life of 2 years.

Indications for use:

- Restorative condition after hepatitis has been transferred;

-cirrhosis of the liver-liver damage due to toxins;

- chronic hepatitis;

- steatosis of the liver (alcoholic and non-alcoholic);

-if long-term use of alcohol, and with chronic intoxications (for prophylactic purposes)


-increased sensitivity to a certain component included in the composition of the drug;

Children under the age of twelve.

Special instructions:

When this drug is used, estrogen-like action of silymarin can be manifested. Because of this, patients who have hormonal disorders (uterine myoma, ovarian cyst, endometriosis) the drug is administered with great care. The drug Karsil in the form of an additional or auxiliary means uses wheat starch. This component can be dangerous for patients with gluten enteropathy (celiac disease). Another auxiliary component is glycerol, which can cause a headache or irritate the mucous membrane in the stomach. Conditions for dispensing the drug in pharmacies: Karsil tablets are fully permitted as an over-the-counter medication for dispensing in pharmacies.

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