Food and drinkDessert

Ice cream with fruit - an easy summer mood

More and more often we care not only about saturation of the stomach and satisfaction of taste buds, but also about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Prepare ice cream with fruit at home is not difficult, but how many positive emotions can you deliver to your relatives or friends, turning your birthday, hot summer party into a carnival of sweet fun!

Below are a few recipes, how to prepare ice cream with fruit in your own kitchen, using only natural gifts of nature.

Ready-made ice cream with fruit

Let's start with the recipe for lazy people - it uses a purchased plombir. Although, in order to prepare this fruit salad with ice cream, you can pre-charge the kitchen assistant - ice cream maker - with whole milk, and get "naturproduct" at the outlet.

So, for one serving, we need:

  • Vanilla ice cream - 150-200 g;
  • Orange, banana, kiwi - each of 50 g;
  • whipped cream;
  • Chocolate toping ;
  • Sesame seeds - 1 tsp;
  • Shavings of white and dark chocolate - 5-10 g.

Put the peeled and chopped fruits in a pre-washed and chilled vase. Culinary experts advise to put citrus on the bottom, then - kiwi, and up - a banana, according to the degree of fruit acid. Top with a round spoon we form 3 balls of ice cream, we put whipped cream on top of the sweet mountain , sprinkle with sesame, shavings and topping. You can decorate the ice cream with fruit with a mint leaf or a cocktail cherry!

Fruit ice

This dessert is a light combination of juice and ice - a kind of "frosty" caramel on a stick. To prepare you need:

  • Concentrated fruit juice or puree - 250 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • Gelatin - 6 g or starch - 20 g;
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • Water 450 ml.

In a saucepan with water, it is necessary to dilute the sugar and boil it, mixing the chosen stabilizer. Before this gelatin should be soaked for half an hour, or starch diluted in cold water.

Finished syrup boil until the stabilizer is completely dissolved, then add the juice / mashed potatoes and pass through a colander or gauze. In a cooled mixture add citric acid (if lemon juice or from sour berries - it is better not to add), pour into molds and send to the freezer for 2 hours. It is better to use such ice immediately, otherwise it will harden strongly. The original looks like a two- or three-layered fruit dessert, when another layer is poured onto the frozen layer in the mold.

Dessert of fruit and ice cream in homemade ice cream

It is best to use in the preparation of this delicacy with fruit berries - strawberries, raspberries, currants. Then the taste is creamy-summer, like a "frutella". Ingredients for 12 servings:

  • Condensed milk - 400 g;
  • Milk - 1 l;
  • Cream 20-25% - 400 g;
  • Vanillin - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - half of a sheet;
  • Berry (strawberry in this case) - 3 cups.

The selected and washed berries can be passed through a sieve or ground in a different way. Place all the indicated ingredients in the ice cream maker and put it on the required regimen. Serve this delicious dessert of fruits and ice cream in clear vases, adorning the walls with topping, and topping with whipped cream.

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